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Justin Bieber on Obama and the White House

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  • Becca

    justin is so hot i love him

  • Becca

    justin is so hot i love him

  • Anonymous

    hey! so what about dat dress up game? justin has the coolest hats…dat boi was made 4 a tux and dat leather jacket of his. if jb reads dis, i hope he knows he is amazing and i love him wit all my heart. u rock, jb!!! keep dat in mind whenever u r down. speaking of minds… blonde has a idea! clear da room!!!

  • Anonymous

    hey! so what about dat dress up game? justin has the coolest hats…dat boi was made 4 a tux and dat leather jacket of his. if jb reads dis, i hope he knows he is amazing and i love him wit all my heart. u rock, jb!!! keep dat in mind whenever u r down. speaking of minds… blonde has a idea! clear da room!!!