For those of you who still do not believe that Justin’s tattoo is real well here is undeniable proof that it truly is The Bieber Family Tattoo.

For those of you who still do not believe that Justin’s tattoo is real well here is undeniable proof that it truly is The Bieber Family Tattoo.
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I was soo shocked when i 1st heard he had a tattoo..i thought it was just some stupid rumour..but then when i saw it i was like "He more hotter, even tho that wasnt possible!" Haha!
I was soo shocked when i 1st heard he had a tattoo..i thought it was just some stupid rumour..but then when i saw it i was like "He more hotter, even tho that wasnt possible!" Haha!
I was soo shocked when i 1st heard he had a tattoo..i thought it was just some stupid rumour..but then when i saw it i was like "He more hotter, even tho that wasnt possible!" Haha!
I was soo shocked when i 1st heard he had a tattoo..i thought it was just some stupid rumour..but then when i saw it i was like "He more hotter, even tho that wasnt possible!" Haha!
Wow how were u surprised he hottest guy ever of corse he has a tattoo
i hate justin one direction is the cutest bobys in th world:)-
I think he is so hot and he looks hotter with that tattoo.
he is the most BUNNEST ever to come on tv get the hell over urself gurl he IS UGLY!
u might not be hot ur self
I think Justin looks a lot hotter!! If you read this Justin I love u!!! 🙂 <3
oh dang, MOSt tattos are just hot in general,, so justin biber w/ one,, i had no idea he could get any hotter!!!!!!!!!!
oh dang, MOSt tattos are just hot in general,, so justin biber w/ one,, i had no idea he could get any hotter!!!!!!!!!!
i think some people make a big deal out of a tatoo, if Justin wants one he can have one and i think its cute for him to go along with his family and not make a big deal about it 🙂 Justin is sooo amazing 🙂
i think some people make a big deal out of a tatoo, if Justin wants one he can have one and i think its cute for him to go along with his family and not make a big deal about it 🙂 Justin is sooo amazing 🙂
response to the person who wrote from myspace be strong your in my prayers i promise jesus will save he loves all of us if you want email me anytime and ill come visit you in the hospital 🙂
my number is 914-471-6881 call me anytime hun and ill fly out and visit you in the hospital ill pray that jesus saves you from cancer have a nice day God bless
I want to met Justin bieber. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Bad if u can connect with him and tell him about me I would do anything I love him
i love justin biber soooooo mush ♥♥♥love kisss for me to you
Wow lets all freak out over a tattoo! (girls man)
Wow it does make him look hotter!!!
You got that right
Justin bieber I sweetheart hug kiss want to meet take deaf say english like Alejandra Magana call (509)430-6261