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Justin Bieber Lip Syncs During His Concerts

I was pretty sure when I watched the first fews videos that came out the opening night in Hartford but now I’m definite that JB lip syncs at least some of his songs during his My World tour. The question is couldn’t they have just performed the song at a lower pitch? Because to me when you know someone is lip syncing a song at a concert it kinda ruins the experience.

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  • Anonymous

    he was only lip syncing during UP love me and bigger i think

  • Anonymous

    he was only lip syncing during UP love me and bigger i think

  • Anonymous

    I think he just has the backing track on with it… and is singing over it that's what he does in most concerts

  • Anonymous

    I think he just has the backing track on with it… and is singing over it that's what he does in most concerts

  • Anonymous

    Please read this because this is what i feel is happening.

    I think he is singing because if you listen closely you can hear an echo. I think the backing track is playing too loud and his microphone isnt turned up enough. This was happening in the bahamas too with love me i noticed. Up isnt a high song, and its his favourite too so i think, personally, that he is singing butyou just cant hear him .

    love you jb x

    • Hats

      Yeah I think that 2! Same with Selena, I LOVE SELENA SOOO MUCH, I like jb, except, I don’t really like the song baby, sorry

  • Anonymous

    Please read this because this is what i feel is happening.

    I think he is singing because if you listen closely you can hear an echo. I think the backing track is playing too loud and his microphone isnt turned up enough. This was happening in the bahamas too with love me i noticed. Up isnt a high song, and its his favourite too so i think, personally, that he is singing butyou just cant hear him .

    love you jb x

  • Anonymous

    People are getting the wrong ideas with lip syncing. The whole point is for singers (mostly inexperienced singers, as well as many choreographed dancing groups such as Justin Bieber and his background dancers as well as the trashy boy bands such as the Backstreet Boys and Big Time Rush) to be able to do their choreographed dance moves without it affecting their songs. This is no excuse to do this, the choice is quite simple in the mind of someone who is mentally sane… Either cut down on the choreography so that you can sing and dance at the same time, or sit down on a stool or just stand and sing so that you can sing live, which is what the people who go to concerts want to hear. They didn’t come to see a dance show. They want to hear singing, they can buy that recording on iTunes.

  • Bentley

    Oh when he lip syncs it’s perfectly fine. But when britney spears lip syncs and dances her fucking ass off for 2 hours it’s wrong. When she sings live and doesnt do her amazingly crazy hard dance moves, people complain that she’s not dancing. But when this little kid does it it’s perfectly fine. Wow.

  • Anonymous

    They have a video of him throwing up while lip syncing. The song keeps on going.

  • There Is No Spoon

    Caught puking and lip syncing. Double Fail. Too bad even worse garbage like Maroon 5 doesn’t get caught doing the same tripe.

  • jazzy101 girl

    y justin y now i have a resone to call u biever boy!!!! im so disapointed in u….!!!!
    im gana cry!!! 😛 i hate u :()

  • jazzy101 girl

    here is all the smily faces i no

    🙂 🙁 😛 XD O-:)