According to @bieberhope, Justin commented on YouTube video ‘Baby’ back to a hater. ‘@JBISFAGGOT u really made a YouTube channel just to hate on me? who is the dumbass now? how does it feel living in your mothers basement the rest of your life? HI HATERZ. :)’
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hey justin /facebook friend i love u soooo much ignore all thehaters babe
Justin Bieber is still a talentless little lesbian who sucks at everything she does. SHE’S AWFUL. She should have never gotten famous in the first place.
And for response number 1:
She doesn’t even know that person. That person could just be using that account for fun since Justin Bieber is really easy to make fun of, especially when your bored.
Response number 2:
Again, that person probably does have a life.
And even if she does write her own songs she still has no talent because ALL OF HE SONGS ARE HORRIBLE.
And she doesn’t have talent even with auto-tune. In conclusion – she sucks.
I don’t get bieber haters if you hate someone u want nothing to do with them especially go on there fan site. It would be a waist of my time. So do u know you just took ur time out of ur day and went to this website and comment. Stupidest thing in the world u don’t have a life. That’s like being a loner living with cats saying. Let me go on this because I have nothing better to do and I’m a loser
ur lame.
u think justin bieber is lame look at yourself now thats wat i call lame u fuckin hater!!!!
omg reading this made me cry
i kow right its sad!
all justin bieber haters can suck it ur bchs u have no life ur a loser a freak an asshole a hoe a bitch a donkey piss, cuse of hating justin bieber justin is cool so all u haters out there just go kiss the shrub mother fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!
i wonder if he will still sing baby when hes 70 year old?