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Justin Bieber backstage after 2011 Billboard Award wins

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  • Allena

    Lol “Was your favorite award kissing Selena?”

  • Tooja

    congrats justin im so proud almost cried :’D idk why u r amazing n i hope u always stay humble and normal love u u deserve it <3 ' the best award tonight is seeing my moms eyes seeing how proud she was everything the whole nigh was crazy '- justin awww so sweet

  • unknown

    i love how in the background you can hear the paparazzi shouting beyonce and justin’s eyes just go from 1 side of the room to the ohter 🙂

    • emma

      haha, ikr 😛

  • jazmin

    u R so hot…I loVe U Soooooooo Much…<3<3<3<3<3<3