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Top 10 Little Known Facts About Justin Bieber [Letterman Show]

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  • Carla.Bieber. xoxox

    Aww his smile is one only heaven can make ♥♥♥

    • brynah

      i think so too

      • TRUE \
        nut there is a group/band really really hot
        JB has an earing i dont like that on guys it just makes them a wanabe i still love JB BUT i love I love ONE DIRECTION MORE

        • justinbieber

          are you stupid one direction are ugly

        • erigajporihgajrhiao

          stfu, justin is beautiful. so gtfo if you can’t be respectful about justin.

    • Anonymous

      Justin bieber i famous really famous

    • I love justin bieber. He is so hot and his eyes are <3.<3

    • emma beiber

      I AM GOING TO BE THE NEXT BEIBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      LOL HAHAHA <3

  • Mary

    gosh he is so cute when he’s confused :’) ♡

    • brynah


    • Anonymous

      i no

  • Francia

    Hahahaha…this is hilarious:) Love you Justin!

    • brynah

      i know 50 people that like justin beiber

    • Anonymous

      you are my favorite

      • Lehga

        I love jb

  • how can anybody be hot AND adorable at the same time!?!
    ohh wait. he’s Justin Bieber!duh!…

    • brynah



    ”ITZ A HAIR PIECEZ” so not kwel unless a rlly HOT DUDE ROCKZ IT it dosent have to be jb but hey he lookz darn good in it LOLZ
    love:much P.S DEUCEZ

    • savana

      it’s not a hair piece, dumb butt, he was just kidding, if it was he would have taken it off, and don’t you think it would have fallen off sometimes, and they would have pictures of him with a bald spot. most of the stuff on here were lies. To just be funny and to maybe trick people, possibly fans.

      • Anonymous

        Your right I think it would have fallen off or smtg but he is hot no matter what

  • hayla

    i know im a sound stupid but does it really make a good salad dressing

    • #1beblier

      Haha lol you just made my day:-) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • brynah

        u r stupid stupid

        • no you are

        • Justin Bieber

          you guys are acting stupid pls stop saying wierd things

      • justin bieber

        y thats not nice 🙁

  • i love his smile <3 it is so cute 🙂

    • brynah

      i do too

    • Anonymous

      when you smile i smile but im always smiling

      • Justin Bieber

        You guys are obssesd,its discusting cum on people it im just a famous singer like me but dont smother me with comments about liking me cos youll never get me so stop trying i am a rude person i mean still maakes out with his old gf..My music yes

        • emma beiber

          is this really jb?if it is I LOVE YOU AND COME TO GREENVILLE NORTH CAROLINA.<3

  • Juliet

    7 is the best FER SHURRE!!<3 haha this is soooo cute i love the one about larry king:P hahahaa

  • brynah

    i love justin beiber

    • Myranda


  • cdcij

    number 7 is so true

  • ommmmgggggg i love justin bieber he is so hot and is my #1 idol and i am his #1 fan i know everything there is to know about this gorgeous man. He is the hottest man to ever live if i ever met justin bieber i would cry and hug him and never let gooooooo I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABY KEEP ON GOING YOU ROCK BRING IT ON HATERZ YOU GOTTA GET THROUGH TH POWERFUL CRAZED FANS FIRST SO DONT EVEN TRY!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 love you to the moon!!!!!!

  • sierra

    you guys r 2 ubbssed with him i know if i where him i would find it creepy what some girls but i am just saying
    p.s i do like justin bieber but i think nvm te he sorry if i upset anyone sorry but i just had to get that outt ahhhh guses what pepole at my new school keep asking if my eyes r real just cuz they r 2 diffrent coulrs .if anyone cared te he sorry

    • Katey

      i agree youll never get him so stop trying you can like him but dont be obssesd with him

  • Taylor

    are # 10 #9 true???
    i know # 1 is fake but what about # 10 and # 9. im not real sure about number 9

  • bethanylovesjustinB

    i love justin bieber so mcuchxoxoxoxoxo

  • i love justin bieber. because like he is so nice i like his french to i always have something with him i have a bag with him and i always go with it somewhere.

  • He is so cute i would die for him any time any where. I AM the next bieber cuz guess what we are married……take that selena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉

  • bieberlover1

    i love him way more

    • Anonymous

      I love him sooooo much I know him and met him at his concert

  • vanessa

    OMG he’s mine bitches i fuck him last night!!! take that bitches

    • Anonymous

      Wow your a whore!!



    • Anonymous

      NO! I AM!

  • tara

    I ♥ Justin Bieber i have 10 t-shits a tracksuit and 10 jumpers of him and i went to every single concert that was on of Justin Bieber.

    • Brooke

      You know some of us don’t have enough money to do that and just because you have enough money to do and have those things doesn’t make you the biggest belieber out there. I am a really big belieber yet I haven’t even been to one of his concerts and i don’t have any clothes of him but I made a few posters and that’s good enough even if I don’t have all of that stuff. You can be a belieber without it. Please stop bragging.

  • tara

    Justin Bieber is mine take that and Justin Bieber brought me up on stage before and gave me flowers and a kiss

    • Tiffany Bieber

      You fugly lier hes my husband. Justin.Drew.Bieber.4eva<3

  • tara

    I herd in the newspaper that Justin Bieber pretended to marrie a very sick 6 year old hes sooooo sweet 🙂

  • Justin bieber is so sexy and i really love him his eyes are very very nice. I love them.

    • emma beiber


  • paxton d.

    i LOVE j.b. he is sooooooooooooooooooooo cute. xoxoxo

  • Anonymous

    bieber so handsome

    • Anonymous

      we know

    • Anonymous

      Hell yah!!

  • Anonymous

    justin beiber………………………………………………
    is the best

  • emma beiber

    i love justin<3.

    • Tiffany

      He my husband<3

  • Tiffany Bieber

    Comment if you like Justin Bieber<3
    -mrs. Bieber(:

  • Justin Bieber

    I love all you guys. You guys are so sweet! I love all my fans(:

  • Anonymous

    Hiii(: I’m a big job fan(:

    • Anonymous

      I meant jb fan lol!!!

  • Arfahna Bieber

    I love Justin bieber because he is so cute a good singer and a handsome guy