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Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez 2011 MTV VMA seating plans

This Sunday is the MTV Video Music Awards and Justin is nominated for “Best Male Video” for U Smile. He’s only nominated in one category so lets make sure he wins this one. It’s up to us to vote and there’s still time so vote for Justin here.

Can’t wait. This is going to be a very big award show this year. Beyonce, Katey Perry, and Lady Gaga are all performing and there’s going to be a tribute in honor of Britney. So make sure you vote and watch the VMAs this Sunday at 9pm on MTV. And vote please!

UPDATE: Read: Justin Bieber snake charmer at 2011 MTV VMA Red Carpet


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  • G

    koool yahhhh

  • Not Again…..:( they do it to get attention don’t they.

    • Gabby

      Or they want to sit next to eachother because there boyfriend and girlfriend….

      • Beliebin_Selena

        Hahah you took the words from my mouth Gabby.. <3 i think its cute

    • Natalie (Future Mrs.Bieber)

      or because they are dating….!! how can they sit seperatly when they r dating its just awkward that way and it will create more rumors if it happens.

  • ashley

    only lady gaga is preforming katy perry and beyonce are going 2 give out awards also bruno mars adele pitbull are preforming

  • lilly

    niiiice, and we care why? either way there would be pda anyway even if they weren’t sitting together we all know that, seriously this isn’t a jelena fansit if you wanna talk about jelena go put it on a jelena fan site

    • realchick


  • mouaa

    why am i suppose to care about jelena i only care about JUSTIN

  • Lilly

    ok no offense but.. when i came to this site i was expecting to see posts about JUSTIN. i didnt come here to see Jelena. If i wanted Jelena i would’ve gone on a Jelena website.. -.-“

  • Natalie (Future Mrs.Bieber)

    if you dont wanan see about jelena dont come here. since justin is dating her then of course your gonna see some stuff about jelena. whether you like it or not….it sucks but oh well cant really do anything about it?

    • lilly

      no we come here because it says justin bieber shrine not jelena shrine, someone should make a jelena shrine if they wanna talk about jelena

  • LoVinYou

    The website is called justin bieber shrine not jelena shrine this is not a selena and justin fansite its just a justin fansite and last time i checked a fansite should only include articles about that person not they relationship just saying

  • Hi I am going to make a fact about jelena if you are a fan of
    justin bieber and selena gomez then be happy for them
    go on youtube and type in

    justin bieber and selena gomez-jelena support video
    if you type it in and there is a lot of choices choose
    the one when there is a heart between -jelena and support video

  • cookieface

    not a jelena hater but some people think jelena is fake so i looked it up myself on ellen selena says “oh brother he’s little oh no he’s like my little brother i don’t that’s wierd” on another interview” he’s l6 i’m 18 that’s illegal now” on one interview go to youtube interview justin talks selena gomez justin additts that he does’nt like selena gomez “i think selena is pretty but i
    don’t like her i think she’s a cutie but umh
    selena says that she and justin met when his manager calls her mom whitch is problie her manager witch means that their meeting was a setup by their manager

  • cookieface

    ya’ll i’m not a jelena hater so don’t get mad chill out and i think their relashionship is real and fake it looks real sounds real but you can piece out how they met whitch is by thier managers and thats problie when they started hang’n out and dating and stuff remember not a jelena hater so don’t get your undie’s in a twist

  • Natalie

    Im not a huge fan of Jelena but I dont hate them, Im supporting them! 🙂

  • evelyn

    I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER I LOVE!!!!!!!!!! =)

  • christina

    i love justin +selena

  • Julia

    Justin and selena are so cute together
    I love you jelena!