From Lexi L: I went to Justin Bieber’s concert last night at the Hollywood Palladium. We camped out since the early morning. It was general admission, which means standing room only with my friend Val. We were all the way in the front, pushed up against the barricade hard. We were seeing Justin as close as we could, so we didn’t care about getting hurt. Then as he was performing his third song of the night ‘Never Let You Go’, punches to the face started being thrown. It got CRAZY.
Soon, fans were getting pulled out by security because so many were passing out due to no breathing room at all. I got pulled out because I couldn’t handle it anymore, then Val got pulled out about 5 minutes later. I started to get dizzy and couldn’t stop shaking, so Val & I went into the Medics room of the Hollywood Palladium. By the time his show ended, there were about 40 girls in there hurt. Two had seizures. One was using an oxygen tank.
Me & Val weren’t anywhere as close to that bad, but I couldn’t stop shaking & we both were hurt. So, in the end we went home fine. Luckily, before we got pulled, we got to see him perforn 3 songs up close and he saw our sign. We wish we could have seen the concert though. That would’ve been WAY more fun than being in the medics all night. But it was a very intense and crazy concert expierience. I couldn’t believe what I saw. It’s amazing how us Bieber Fans will go through ANYTHING, just to see Justin.
From Liz: ‘I went to Justin Bieber’s concert at the Palladium last night and a it was packed! 32 girls wen to the hospital and many more passed out! Other than that the concert was amaing, it as like Justin’s voice got better, there was also a preview of some songs from MY WORLD PART 2.0 (:’ BABY under!
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Lol when was this? I think it’s bs, he hasn’t has a concert in a long time and this would have made the news…
Daisy said she was gonna be posting old new and this is one of the old posts
Daisy said she was gonna be reposting old new and this is one of the old posts
say what