This is major news! Justin Bieber will become the youngest musical artist to ever perform on the show.
It has just been announced that JB will be performing on Saturday Night Live on Saturday April 10th. I can’t believe this. In less than a year his fame has skyrocketed to this level. You don’t understand how huge this will be for Justin in terms of his career. It’s seriously going to catapult his fame. Trust me, in the entertainment news next week you’ll hear Justin’s name mentioned everywhere for landing a such a big gig on such a well respected and high regarded show as SNL. And this is at the age of 15 especially given that SNL is an adult oriented late night show.
Omg. First he sings for Obama. Then he does the first line of WE ARE THE WORLD and now Saturday Night Live. Justin is on his way to super stardom!!
I wonder if he can handle all this level of fame at such a young age. Look what it did to Michael Jackson and Britney Spears.
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hey justin bieber my name nicole watford and i love your music plus i want to meet you in real life here at my house in real life.I really love you
hey justin bieber i love you and i really want to date you and get your cell number so please give me your cell number im really asking you to please
hey justin i love u you u da best ur concert i was there i cryed wene u step on the stage cuase u da best i love u and ur the best person living right now
Daisy I am banking on Justin pulling this off without a meltdown. He has strong faith in God and his mom, Scooter, Usher and his Beliebers to get him over the rough times. He is so well adjusted I think he will be ok.
april 10th is a tuesday…