Craziness! This is the scene outside the hotel yesterday where Justin was staying at in London. People were screaming and crying because they didn’t want Justin to leave. They surrounded his car and one die-hard Belieber even had the guts to climb on top of it! Security guards had to be called in to get the girl off the car so Justin could make it to the airport in order to catch his flight to New York City where he had to attend the Tribeca Film Festival today.

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See that’s what I HATE about someone of his fans, over react. Like I am a huge fan but I can’t stand all of the screaming and surrounding him lime that, give the guy some room to frigging breath and walk! And trying to prevent him from leaving and sitting on the car get a grip. He has to leave and making him late or miss his flight would make him mad. And if he ends up being late for a interview or something thar can start to Lisa people off and start to give him a bad rep with people and they might not want go book him and we don’t want that.
u r absolutly ryt….some of them frustate him
what would you do if you were that close to a celebrity you adore. i wouldnt just stand there and be all calm and i know you wouldnt to.
i hope every one jumps on his car that what he need no he need to get punch in the face i don’t like him becaues he’s to into himsel
justin pull your head out of you ass ok
i bet fans really want to hug him and i love justin drew bieber too
yea but thts an example of going overboard
no i don’t want him to go we all love him so much
WHY WHY btw i am crying right now
love you jb 🙁 🙁
I Love Justin Bieber He Is My Baby
btw not crying joke but still love him
Thats me at 1.16!!! hahah
i love you
i love you to justin biber we love you you are so hot oh my god justin biber
Was justin in london 1.May? 🙂
wow 🙁
justin if youread this it would be more then that in london i think and come to gothembusrg in sweden it is many belibers here in gothemburg please we cant eford with tickets 🙁
Hey Justin how are u
I love you every thing will be all right I’d lest you got out I love you