Talk about pressure! Justin and Selena caught the Lakers game tonight at the Staples Center and they kissed for the Kiss Cam. It seemed really cute cause they felt pressured to kiss because they showed them on the monitor with hearts around them with “KISS ME!” (top pic). What else can they do? lol
If you’re wondering how they could get from the studios of DWTS and The Voice that quickly to catch the game, I bet it’s because their appearances on the shows today were pre-recorded.
A lot more pictures here. Looking at the pictures it seems like Justin was everywhere. Sitting courtside, sitting in the stands, sitting with the announcers.
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they’re so cute together. hope they never break up.
i agree i love justin bieber and selena gomez together there so cute together they r really cute justin has a great voice and selena does too justin bieber is so hot cute sexy and handsome
cute, but why didnt he take his dad or mom with him, lately e only takes selena everywhere i guess hes blinded by love, but he needs to open his eyes
u dont know wut ur saying
u really dont know wat ur saying
you don sorry
WORD SHE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you please find a video of them kissing on the game? It’s so cute!! <3
i wanna kiss justin bieber hes hot i wanna be married to him
Go girl an make yo wish come true and im going to make mine come true witch means if you tuch my man im gonna beat your ass
Just jokes jokes we gon be BFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
justin bieber and selena gomez kiss
sochin oh oh
Hey jb if u read this I can’t tell it I love u somuch than anything eals in this world I will do what ever it takes 4 u ilv so much long live jb
WAIT? she doesn’t even like the lakers
u dont know that and who cares like dont make a big deal outta nothing
maybe she wants to like what her boyfriend likes duh
Awwwhhhh.! I love you both so so so so muchh.! <3 (:
they r cute
do you thank that i wodt kiss justin bieber i have 45 millon dollars
Awe i loved this present as well! Wow Justin gave me the release date of Believe and a kiss to Selena! ♥ Justin is giving me birthday presents and he doesn’t even know i exist 🙂 Thank u Justin! I ♥ you!
haha why was she so shy? she let him grab her ass boobs in public haha why be shy now
Hi! I just have to know if you know anything about this. I am from Sweden and have heard for a while that justin has met and is still talking with a Swedish girl. They met i think in germeny when Justin was on tour and Amanda was on wekation(dont no how to spell that) why I’m so curious is because my sister knew this girl for very long time ago and she also heard it from her friends. I know nothing about the girl more than she has instagram where her name is magnusson08 and she is very cute i think!
I have also had a bieberblogg and then somebody wrote something about this but I did not take it seriously at first, but now that my sister told me and I heard more about it, it seems supposed to be something. And for a long time ago i Amanda tweet to Justin that she miss him and he answer back missu2. I support Justin if he’s coming out with that he’s like phone dating (like My sister says) this girl cuz she seams sweet, but i dont think its ok to selena cuz i love selena!! i think this is a big secret but i really wanna know, cuz if it is this way maby he’s coming to Sweden !! 🙂
If you know anything you maby will blog about it or answer in the comments! Take care / Marielle (sorry if My english is bad:))
They are so cute together!!! I found it funny that the little girl next to Selena was staring at them the whole time they were kissing
help me ! I lost justin DREW bieber 🙁
awww that is so cute but i would hate to be them because every one is looking at you when you are trying to kiss you boyfriend
i don’t think i would have done it because i would be scared stiff
but i love love love justin
and it is so cute seeing him looking so happy and i love
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
i think selena gomez and justin bieber make a great couple whe they kiss and hug they r so cute even though i LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER ALOTTT. hes just hot sexy and cute and handsome ive never been to a justin bieber concert sometimes i want to cry because other people get to go see him and i dont i have a calenedure of jb a pillow case 3 magazines 7 cds of his and its like i wish i could kiss justin bieber hes so cute his eyes r cute his hair everything about him is cute at lease to me lol lmfao
selena gomez is so cute i think she should visit me in wales
I like your soings bieber
justin and selena r awesome together they kiss and hug and giggle they r so cute i love justin bieber and selena is pretty so i think they make a great couple and i dont beileve that hes gay hes cute and hot and i dont beileve stuff that comes off of inernet i beileve in him and i love to sing i sing just like him hes awesme at singing i wish i could sing with harminy like him.
fffffffrrrrrrruuuuuuummmmmmoooooooooosssss!!!!:-) 🙂
i think the pic of justin and selena kissing is horrible.
I like it’s justin and selena kissing!!!!!!……………
hey 🙂
hey =/
hey what no one studdin you
i love justin bieber and selena gomez =)
Hello mi name ´ s Math
ooo so sweet
My what don’t be a shame share your business girl
l love justin and would kiss my
l love justin and wich kiss me love love and l lovellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYOU COME TOO ALGIS IS MISS
j’ame justin bieber mes pas selena gomez je veut pas que les deux sortent ensemble et sa m enerve de les voirs s embrasser
en plus selena fait son interressante
mais j adore justin bieber
justin bieber j’adore tous tes chansons
je veut une photo de toi justin bieber
j’aimerai te rencontre et aussi je suis tres tres tres tres tres tres tres fans de toi gros bisous bisous bisous justin bieber que j’aime et que je suis tres tres de toi bisous justin
you are cool
love Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
fack you
you are crazy bitch
ohh wie süß
We’ll um since I am back with justin we getting married and yea I got children .
No we ain’t together you got that all wrong hoe