Justin Bieber was spotted today heading to a recording studio in London and there was no hiding the fact that something was upsetting him big time. What could it be? Maybe he’s on the phone with Pattie after she just found out what The Wanted said. Kidding! Maybe it could be the Reggie Yates thing. But yah I’m really curious why he’s so upset.
Justin Bieber mad & angry in London, UK April 25, 2012
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Hope he okay :((((((((
@jbel15 fellow tweeting beliebers
He looks like he is about to break down and cry.
Okay, he looks so hot when he is mad.
I fucking swear if it was anything to do with Selena I’ll rip her hair out and throw her off a rocket ship…
Actually, based off of some posts on Selena’s tumblr (she has proven herself many times, so yes it is actually her tumblr), it appears as if Justin is cheating on her or trying to move onto a different girl. I’m not saying he IS cheating on her. I’m not saying that at all. But there seems to be tension in the relationship regardless. That can be seen from Selena’s attitude on the set of his video the other day. So this could have to do with Selena. But remember Justin isn’t perfect so it’s possible for him to make mistakes in the relationship too. Don’t get angry at Selena if they break up or have tension automatically. Only be angry if she is the one who did something wrong.
I’ll gladly join you!…
I don’t think justin would be very happy if you did that:P .
But ,,, eh, what the heck, I’ll join you any way 😀
Awww maybe just tired
when he smiles i smile when hes angry or sad im angry or sad…………….. smile justin i feel bad i hope it does not have to do with selena i hope she did not brake ur heart………… its ok ur fans r here for u where ever and when ever. luv u cutie pie <3 🙂
he looks like he goin to break down and cry….. now im cryin omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv him hope he happy now
Aww…. Justin diz m0od d0snt suit u at ol… Yeah peple if its c0z of Selena m g0na go 4 a hungr strike until dy break up… And i BELIEVE Justin wudnt want his BELIEBERS 2 du dat… JustinBaby juz kn0w dat ur fans are here 2 get ur back. L0VE U Xtreme…
Its the london weather would make anyone depressed have you seen the rain
yeah i’ve been like that all week and my mum wont let me go c him…
london weather is awful -_-
why is he so mad?
hope he’ll get back 2 his original mood
Awh, poor Justin <3 We have never seen him this mad.. When he cries, we cry </3 Hope Justin is okay :'(
Just hope him and Selena are okay too!
My poor baby:'( breaks my heart to see him like that </3
i think jb is in tantion 🙁 but he look like cool:P
Maybe it has to do with Believe maybe there are some Problems and the release date has to change.
I think then he would be angry too.
He lookkssss so hot. but my heart starts to thump slower and little tears drop down my eyes when i see him in such a state.
Mag Belieber 4eva! 🙁
why is he so sad it might be the british weater because i remember him saying some where that he hated the british weater
hope you torn that frown upside down
🙁 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙁 🙂 🙂
“Bieber looks like a retard.” Did you know I reached this site by executing an image search for “Justin Bieber looking like a retard”?
The search engine found me this site in response to my search query…
why comment and go on our site then????
How am I going to “retard ur self”???
And the reason I commented is quite self evident. Try again, if you didn’t understand why I reached this site and commented!
Hint.. The explanation is in my comment.
Why would you waste your time searching “Justin Bieber looking like a retard” if your not a belieber? Makes absolutely no sense to me. Just sayin …
Everyone has a bad day!!hahaahaha…no worries!!Chill!!
why is he mad???????????
He looks kind of confused to me… IDK he looks angry to but more confused than angry … in my opinion
He’s sweet……….<3
justin bieber dont be sad get glad im am your favorite fan in the
whole intire world luv ya:)
Wanna bet?
Ich liebe dich justin bieber
und ich bin ein Fan von dir;-);-);-);-);-)
I WONDER WHY HE IS MAD BUT HE IS REALLLLLLLLLLLLY HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!