I’m still slowly getting into being back in world of Belieberland. So much has happened this last 2 weeks. While I was away Justin released his second fragrance “Girlfriend”. If you’re in the New York area go to Macy’s Herald Square now to buy the perfume. First 500 people get VIP free tickets for a secret show Justin will be putting on tonight at the Apollo Theatre in New York City. More info here.

Buy Justin Bieber perfume GIRLFRIEND & get free VIP Tickets!
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Finally a update thanx daisy tour site is amazing <3
justin i love you so much pick me i love every song that you make u r so cute and funnt i have everything
omg i am JUSTIN BIEBER`S BIGGEST fan ever and i love him more than anyone can think!
Please pick me I am Justin big fan I want to meet Justin I traveled all around the world just for Justin. Please pick me I well do anything to see Justin Bieber please.
I love u justin bieber
all love his music and all love him that is justin bieber
the musuc is coming from his lovely heart
A new trend is coming for all who love
your in
I love Justin been waiting for a long time to get tickets but I never did
i love you justin you are so hott hot love your biggest fan destinee
please pick me i am your biggest fan i love you
im his biggest fan
i am the biggest justin bieber fan every birmingham show hes had i went too. but the tickets are sold out and i really want to go. i will do anything for the tickets.
yaw ! amazeeeeeeeeeeeee (y)
Armani loves him more bitches =D <3
is that selena?
Hi are you my fan
NO you are not beautiful enough for justin he deserve something better than you
it was my friend.
i know xx
OMG stop hating on Selena gomez! if it werent for her Justin would not be happy! get lost and get a life! Im talking to you NO
hiiiiiiiiiii justin!
AHAHAHAHA no! Of ourse not!
good justin bieber
Hey Justin,
do you know how awesome I would feel if someone suprized me with tickets I have been telling my mom how much I love you.
don’t get mad at this:
So in thrid grade I loved you so much and in a little bit and then I started not to like you (sorry) but then I herd this new album came out and before I say your knew song boyfriend and I loved it so much that when I went to best buy I was the last prison to get the deluxe album and I also herd about that awesome golden ticket and I went on the computer and entered but sadley I did not win but I want to win a gutar signed buy you and I also been so sad that my friend had just moved and I said to my mom some concert tickets would be the best to cheer me up and also when I was watching the view today I say that you said some people didn’t like you and you changed mines well you changed mine.
Love you Justin and Thank You,
This isn’t justin bieber….
of course it’s Justin because Justin is a boy who is confident happy beautiful and he has perfect hair and the most beautiful eyes EVER!!! and look at that picture!….. the boy has everything a girl wishes!!!…… so it can’t be somebody other then Justin 😉
I am from Denmark, so I’m probably not so good at English as most of you so if there are spelling errors ….. so please do not edit me… because you know, why there maybe are misspellings now 🙂
Llove u justin bieber
I love uuuuuu so much justin bieber and my sister love u soooooo much i and my sister like to sing your song i really want to go to ur concert
reallyy want this! i love you justin, cant wait unti believe tour tickets come out in the uk
Im from mexico i an i get the perfume someday now they doesnt want to buy me the girlfriend because i syil dont finish it
I’m getting this perfume because i have Someday.
amazing!!!!! love you justin bieber loadssss<3
JB ur the best…..I would so love to see you in concert in Charlotte nc in Jan 2013! My mom says she just cnt afford tickets right now……so scared by the time she can it will be sold out…because everyone loves some bieber fever…….you re such a cutie….I know all your songs and I am only 9 yrs old. Well I hope to see u in Jan 2013…..bye xoxoxo Zoe
Hi zoe this is Kizzie you know from school anyway why are you writing on here ??????????
anyway Justin I love you so much you enspired me to write my own song and now I just want to say thanks your are such a good singer and you will go far I might be just 10 but I am your ultimate super fan I would faint if I had tickets to your concert but my family just dont have the money. But I am definatelly getting girlfriend xxxxxxxxxxxxx see ya
I am going to get it
hi ,
omg ! i love shawty maine aka justin bieber ! i cant believe he has a new fragrance ,going out 2 buy it as soon as possible !!!!!!!! good luck on his new album !!!!!
omg your perfume is wonderful Justin and you too. I love you Justin and I will do it to death!! ❤
sory i do not like it.
Justin Bieber i love you so much.I am your bigger fan in turkey
and i want come your concer but i cant because you are so distant.i want meet with justin.justinnnn i love youuuuu.i wish i see you.
alo a jeni mir qa po bani
Sup dude.
It’s crazy im a guy who gets made fun of all the time because i like your music but i have never been to one of your concerts before, in fact i have never been to a concert in my life. but ya my nickname is JB at school now which is just great. (sort of) but ya man your pretty much living my dream which is 101% modivating but ya im kind of scared of singing in front of people. accept for my friends. Anyways tickets would be tight and i would love to get to meet you some day and actually have a legit talk about how you got threw it all and to see you perform like a pro. Alright man well hopefully someone gets a hold of this message. Stay modivating man.
p.s. i think your song pray is one of your best i really enjoy it.
when is it realsed in england cos i cant find it
are u really jb???
it’s a shame that they don’t sell his perfumes ‘someday’ and ‘girlfriend’ in belgium !!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3
please pick me as i am the biggest beliber. I love him to pieces he is my world it revolves around him. So what i am trying to say is please pick me i am begging you please.
I love u Justin Bieber so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much
i absoultly love justin bieber more than anyone could even imagen, all i atcully want in my life is to see him,my life would be complete straight away, he means everything to me, love him so much
hes my dream come true x x x x x x x x
love you justin bieber
love you justin bieber yasmin io.
i love you justin bieber yasmin one time. perfume. fas. io. tatiaia. a. you ok . bayb. amiga.
omg Justin I am your biggest fan! Please can I win I would die for you (but only if i dieeee in you arrms!) lolz please!!
to you who ask is it Selena?? no it isn’t Selena it’s just a girl who kiss him….. it’s a advertising for the perfume….. look at the name of the perfume GIRLFRIEND 🙂 Ps. it isn’t hes girlfriend :-*
I am from Denmark, so I’m probably not so good at English as most of you so if there are spelling errors ….. so please do not edit me… because you know, why there maybe are misspellings now 🙂 <3 <3
Hi I’m Ceren.Im from Turkey. I am not rich like you, but I love him very much. I could not attain him, never. I do not like, but never say never. My mother and father to Canada do not have enough money to go, but I feel it. I can smell.
justin bieber . io. yasmin. bejinho. love you. amiga. amos. 18. brilho. osa.csl. bandido. selena gonez. just. perfune. one time. boyfiend. a.
Hi Justin I am a big fan I really like u alot I always have I got all of ur song on my wall cause I love u alot I would love for u to come see me some day I would be the most happyist person ever I love u a lot. Plaeace come and see me. And I will beleave a lot more then I have been doing I will cry idle I see u please come 🙁
i love you very much i wish i could go to one of your conserts back stage so after ur consert i could see you and give u a big hug threw the hole intier world i love u more then any thing i have ur whole intier bed set and perfume hair spray and lotion and 2 shirts with ur face on it i also wake up to a big boliton boerd of u and i kiss it every morning i go to sleep thinking of u and dreaming of u every night
OMG I love you Justin Bieber. I am 13 year old girl and i dont really get to express myself that much. I would love to win this! It is my dream!
i won i less lonley girl
hi justin i love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much iam giving you money today because i’am getting your perfume today can’t wait i am going to your conncert october 3 at the staples center 7:00
justin bieber text me back pleace
justin bieber you are really cute and hot hot hot hot you are really nice to avalanna she is so cute i’am praying for her i hope she gets better say hi for me pleace when you see here
hi my name is nadia I’m mega fan of justin bieber I will do everything that he came to my school in Denmark I am a very foal as a girl could just wish he was my baby but he’s not I’m his biggest fan in the world I just love him as much as you can why I just can not get his number is s many things in life but he comes first he just know that I love him more than anything on earth even though he does not know love you forever bieber
Hi justin
I am one of your huge fan I always listen to your music, my dream would always be to meet u until it comes true. Justin plz come and visit me I live in london. If I see you I will berst into tears until u kiss me. I am going to be a Beliber until I die!!!!!!
I am one of your superfans. If I see u I will berst into tears. I would love to meet you. I always listen to your music especially boyfriend. My dream is to meet you utility comes true. I always see dreams about you.
İ love justin.My love 1:jb Baby <333
Hi jb
VIP birthday ^^