The Economics of Bieber Fever
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Previous: Watch Justin Bieber on David Letterman ‘Late Show’ June 21, 2012
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Yes, almost $300
$300 for 1 ticket? wowsers
Dang….but I think it is soooooo worth it I mean that’s a once in a lifetime chance:)
I paid $69.99 for a balcony seat at fedex forum in Memphis!!!!!!
I’m sooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!! :);):):):)
i did, me and my friend!! we’re going to see him in miami and both tickets together were about 1,000 dollars
– dead –
gabb you must be rich! were they floor tickets?
(and btw thanks for reading my blog gabb <3 )
WAY too much money for ticket
how much are they gunna cost for england?!? im sure the were not that much for his my world tour!
I paid $285 for a floor seat in row 28
i paid 331 for floor 3 seat row 16…. in nashville tn
Well, last year i paid a little bit more than 100 euros to his concert in Belgium!!! Dunno how much it will be Believe tour, don’t even know when he comes back in europe with the tour!! =D But this time i would pay even 400 if that include a meet & greet !
I have tickets for 3the concerts. Michigan, Chicago (1st show) and NYC-Madison Sq. Garden. All are floor seats. My tickets were from $99.50-$120.
I live in Quebec city, so I tried to buy some ticket for Montreal but I didn’t get any. So I bought some for the Boston concert 🙂 they were a little less than 200$ per ticket.
The whole tour sold out in one hour? That is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Guess I won’t get to see him.
mine were around $100 each and are in the lower level but i got them during the presale so i probably wouldn’t have gotten tickets otherwise..
last year at the My World Tour, I didn’t have to pay for the tickets…. 🙂
I paid $100 for a ticket because I got presage tickets..I’m actually really close to the stage too. I’m so excited!!
like $150 … ( Believe tour in Canada, Montreal)..
Hey daisy… How long dd it take 4 de madison square garden tickets to be sold owt this tym?
30 seconds!
$450 dollars for the meet & greet ticket for his Toronto show in Canada !
GEEEEZ! My friend and I got a suite in St. Louis and I’m only paying $130 for my ticket.
$220 for midway through the floor in Atlanta!
Anybody knows if he will come in Romania ? 🙁
i got a ticket for myself and my sister, 470 for both. its my 18th birthday present 🙂
my cousin got lucky enough to get two tickets from ticket master that were 90 bucks and the seats aren’t bad
Well, my friend’s aunt got us 4 tickets right at the enc of the catwalk (look at the stage layout were the 4 seats right infront) And her aunt paid $1600 fir all 4, we would have had to pay about $400 each, but only have to pay $250 ^.^
My Concert Tickets (3) costed me $950 we were on the floor and it was amazing! just went on Monday and i almost died. It Get so hot in there, I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!