Just is sick and has cancelled his Buenos Aires concert tonight. Earlier today he posted on Instagram that he’s down with food poisoning.
“Food poisening is #allbad #musicmondays”
Feeling sick early on, he chose to cancel the meet and greet and returned everyone their money. But he didn’t want to disappoint the fans so he wanted to go on with the concert. Not knowing how ill he was, he hit the stage, sang a couple of songs and had to call the concert off right in the middle. Hearing the news, some in the crowd actually booed.
How can you boo if he is sick? He could have easily called it off before the concert but he still wanted to give it a try.
Here’s a picture taken from tonight’s short performance:

Hope he gets better soon. Santiago, Chile is in 2 days and they’ve been camping outside the stadium waiting for him for days. They really deserve a concert.
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hope he will get beter soon. lovew you justin X
True Beliebers know that Justin always gives us his all if it were possible for him to continue he would have done so. What we as Beliebers need to do is show him that good or bad #AllThatMatters is him we care more about him as a whole & not just what he gives us. He is always been here for us through good & bad why cant we do the same. If you cant still love & support him you need to get off this page keep your comment to yourslf and not call yourself a Belieber.
Justin had a lot of alcohol and drugs the prior night, thousands of fans travelled though all the country to see him, bought really expensive tickets because yes, tickets are awfull expensive here, and he even said ” I LOVE YOU PANAMA”
Come on Justin, you should finish school first and know where you are standing. You are a big dissapointment.
ok what is wroung with u i hate that i hate on him i have had food posioning
food poisoning it´s normal, but that wasn´t what he had that night, i mean a intravenous for food poisoning? don´t make any sense, he was filmed leaving a disco at 8 A.M., and everybody knows that he was doing drugs during those days
Argentinian people hate justin’ drug addict’ bieber! He is a shame! He came to argentina and stole a lot of money to his fans!!