Justin Bieber has proven he has the golden touch. But does JB have what it takes to conquer Hollywood?
It’s coming down to the wire and the race can’t be any closer.
Going into this weekend Hollywood insiders predicted that Justin’s “Never Say Never 3D” would take second place while “Just Go For It” starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston would become the #1 movie this Valentine’s Day weekend. Well Justin might be able to put a stop to their celebration.
First a little background. When you make a movie, what you want is for that movie to be #1 in it’s opening weekend. To determine who is the box office winner they only count ticket sales for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. They add those up and which ever movie makes the most in the USA for those 3 days total will be crowned “#1 movie at the box office.”
This weekend there are 4 big movies opening including Never Say Never. With huge movie stars like Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler, and Nicole Kidman “Just Go For It” was predicted to definitely top the box office this Valentine’s Day weekend. When the ticket sales totals for Friday came in it looked like Justin was going to do the impossible. With “Never Say Never” taking in $12.35 million vs $9.7 million for “Just Go For It” for Friday alone, it looked like the impossible started looking more probable than not.
Well the latest numbers so far will shock you. If ticket sales go at the pace they are going at right now, “Just Go For It” is expected to make $31,000,000. And “Never Say Never” you ask? It’s expected to make $30,260,000. It can’t be any closer.

But of course Sunday just started in North America so Sunday’s numbers won’t be official until Monday. This means that at this very moment Justin and Scooter must be anxious waiting to see if Justin will officially do the impossible and have the #1 movie at the box office beating out Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston, 2 hugely successful and popular movie stars. If Justin does it it would be an amazing accomplishment.
So to all you Americans reading our blog, we ask that if you are planning to watch this movie anyway then call your friends, get dressed up, and hit the movie theatres (No I didn’t spell it wrong. This is how Canadians and British spell theater.) before Sunday is over. Justin needs our help right now and I bet you he doesn’t even know exactly how close the race is. (Justin come to our site already geez!)
So please go watch the movie TODAY!!