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Justin Bieber's GrandparentsJustin Bieber’s grandparents were involved in a car crash in Canada today!!

Bruce and Diane Dale, the parents of Justin’s single mom Pattie, helped raise Justin when he was growing up in Stratford and have supported him since the beginning of his career.

Well they got into a car accident today and somehow their car ended up flipping into a ditch! The car was totaled. Bruce reportedly broke four of his ribs, but luckily him and Diane didn’t suffer any serious injuries.

#prayforjustinsgrandparents“, “Bruce and Diane” and “#justinthebeliebersarewithyou” are all currently trending on Twitter.

Nothing has been made official but Pattie herself did confirm the news on Twitter….

“My parents got into a car accident today. They flipped into a ditch & totaled the car but thank God they are alive! My dad has broken ribs. Plz pray 4 him 4 quick healing! Count your blessings & forgive ur parents always. U never know what tomorrow holds!!!”

Here are his grandparents at the “Never Say Never” movie premiere in Los Angeles earlier this year.

I hope they are okay. Our thoughts are with Justin and his family during this tough time.