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justin bieber whitney elementary schoolTeen pop sensation Justin Bieber is performing a private concert for an east Las Vegas elementary school that’s gained publicity for services it provides for low-income families.

Bieber’s concert is set for Friday morning at Whitney Elementary School and comes after the singer pledged to donate $100,000 to the school.

The 17-year-old pop star announced the gift in October during a taping of “The Ellen Degeneres Show.” The episode aired Nov 1.

School officials told the Las Vegas Sun some of the students burst into tears of joy when they heard Bieber would stage a show for them.

Whitney Elementary was first featured on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” in September. The episode highlighted how the school provides a food pantry, clothes closet, free haircuts and literacy training for students’ families.


selena gomez mariah yeater ellen degeneres


Selena Gomez was on Ellen DeGeneres today talking about the Mariah Yeater scandal, how she can’t make Justin pull up his pants, and why she doesn’t seem as romantic as Justin. :p

justin beiber ellen degeneres


“It seems like you and Selena mind mistletoes everywhere you go.” lol ikr?


That’s so awesome he matched Target’s $100,000 donation and to perform for the kids in December. Read more about it here: Justin Bieber donates $100,000 & concert to Whitney Elementary School



He’s so busy singing he doesn’t even know she’s behind him. lol

Ellen is hilarious. Love her.

justin bieber whitney elementary school

Students at one Las Vegas elementary school will be running a fever this winter… a Bieber fever that is.

Teenage heartthrob Justin Bieber surprised hundreds of Whitney Elementary School students on Monday by pledging to match a $100,000 check from Target earlier this year and announcing a special holiday performance for the students in December.

Bieber made the surprise announcement during a taping of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” which showcased the poor, East Las Vegas elementary school for the show’s ninth season premiere in September. During that episode, DeGeneres presented a $100,000 check from Target to Principal Sherrie Gahn to help her schoolchildren, many of them homeless and the majority from poor families.

Click here to read more and watch the videos

justin bieber tonight show oct 31 2011

Justin will be making many TV appearances this week. First off he’ll be on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno tomorrow night, Monday October 31, 2011. That’s Halloween. It’s on NBC at 11:30pm.

As part of his promo tour for “Under The Mistletoe” he’ll also be on Ellen on Tuesday and The Today Show on Friday morning. That’s just some of the appearances he’ll be making this week. There are others and I’ll update you on those when I get it.

UPDATE: Justin Bieber on The Tonight Show October 31, 2011 [Full Interview]



Don’t anyone complain that Justin wasn’t in this video! He was there the whole time. 😉

Thanks to our reader Mika for pointing out this video. Love it that you guys are starting to notice things I’ve been noticing for months.