Last night’s concert in Perth, Australia marks the end of the Believe Tour. Since beginning the tour in Glendale Arizona on September 29, 2012 Justin has performed a total of 156 shows. Above is the Believe Tour wrapped up in 4 minutes.

Time passes by so fast. In less than a month Justin turns 18. He’ll be considered an adult. Remember those kidruahl days? When he danced and sang just for us in our living rooms? I missed those days.

Wow. So sexy! Biebergasmsmsms! This video is brilliant! <333
UPDATE: The music is gone on this video due to copyright.

Earlier today I reposted a Jelena support video “Don’t Be Meana To Selena” in Facebook. Here is another Jelena support video which I think you’ll all enjoy. (Thanks Tania!) Come like our page on Facebook.
It’s no secret that I’m not exactly a Jelena supporter. And yes I still stand by my belief that Selena didn’t enter the relationship for the right reasons but I know feelings can change and I know some of you reading this are Selena fans. So I thought I’d post this video for you Jelena supporters because it is a really well made video. Makes you kinda think about things.
I may not be 100% behind Selena but one thing I never am is mean towards her. There is no need to be mean and nasty people!