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Carly Rae Jepsen Justin Bieber studio together

Carly Rae Jepsen & Justin Bieber in the studio

“K IS IT JUST ME or does Carly Rae Jepsen remind you of Rebecca Black omfg.”

Wow you would think that with such a catchy song as Carly’s everyone would all get along but it seems to not be true.

Here’s what Justin tweeted to his fans:

“and to my fans. I signed Carly and I am supporting her. I support all my friends and I support you. stop fighting and support EACHOTHER!!”

The hate must have been going around lots because he later tweeted:

“and if you dont know by now this is me then you dont know me at all. #NOMOREDRAMA – DAMN! ENOUGH ALREADY. We are a FAMILY!! #ILOVEMYFANS.”

I think they song is a great fun song. And please, she’s much much better than Rebecca Black.


Young Beliebers were exposed to pornography after hackers attacked a bunch of Justin Bieber’s YouTube pages yesterday. Fans were also directed to videos saying the 16-year-old pop star had died in a car accident.

Hackers changed the sound on one video to a voice-over falsely reporting that the teenager had died, while other YouTube pages featured pop-up windows of pornography websites and explicit videos.

A report in the Daily Telegraph said Internet forum 4Chan is believed to have been responsible for the attacks, but other mischief makers apparently joined in once the hacks were discovered.

YouTube said it was working to fix the problem as soon as possible.



justin bieber selena gomez new years eve 2011


This interview is very bad news for Beliebers in Australia and New Zealand hoping to see Justin before 2011 ends. Why?  Because this is an interview done by The Hot Hits. The Hot Hits is Australian and they flew Andrew Gunsberg in to Los Angeles to interview Justin. That probably means they already know Justin will not be coming to Australia (and therefore New Zealand too) as he travels to promote “Under The Mistletoe” the rest of this year.

Europe yes. Japan maybe. But Australia and New Zealand no.

justin bieber scared beliebers

There was an article titled “Justin Bieber’s Days Are Numbered” the other day written by Forbes Magazine writer Kiri Blakeley. Read it yourself and you will see why I didn’t want to post it. Well now the story becomes a little more interesting. You must have noticed that Justin tweeted yesterday:

“doubt us…i like it that way…makes us work harder…just makes us want to prove you wrong. every step we’ve been doubted. why change now”

Justin doesn’t tweet messages directed to haters unless there is something happening. Not only was this tweet directed to Kiri Blakeley but Justin ended up following both her personal and work Twitter accounts. And when Kiri Blakeley tweeted to a friend that Justin is now followering her on Twitter, Justin tweeted:

“Keep your enemies close.”

That would be a weird response but somehow I can’t seem to find that tweet. Was it deleted? Can anyone confirm?

No doubt hate started pouring in from all directions from Beliebers and now she is shaking in her knees. That’s why she just posted “An Open Apology to Justin Bieber“. LOL. Boo! lol Don’t mess with Beliebers.

To tell you the truth I didn’t even bother reading the whole article and I don’t intend to so I can’t say much about it other than something about how Justin Bieber doesn’t have any songs that’s memorable. Hello? If Justin Bieber doesn’t have any songs that are memorable then why do I remember all the words to all his songs? Duh!@$$#^


If you’re browsing the Twittersphere right now, you might notice that the trending topics list is saturated with pop music references. Many TTs are due to last night’s MTV Video Music Awards, but some are there thanks to the work of one iLCreation.

Music videos from the likes of Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and more are officially down on YouTube right now.

First, and most importantly to the tweens on Twitter, is the outage of the Justin Bieber VEVO channel. All of his videos have been removed based on a copyright claim from iLCreative (as you can see from the lead image).

Other casualties of iLCreative’s rampage? Rhianna. Her video for “What’s My Name?” currently bears the same takedown notice. Users on Twitter are also reporting missing videos from Bruno Mars, Beyonce, and Miley Cyrus.




About haters:

And about love:


Tough crowd in NY.