Is it because Justin Bieber is Canadian? We all love us some Bieber so why dont we have him singing or performing at the Super Bowl?
Forget the commercials, Next year, he needs to be included! 
Am I right or am I right?
Perform at the Super Bowl of 2012 JB, Before we all die and miss our chance to see you do it! lol “JK”
Bieber fever has taken over NYC! Last night at the Never Say Never 3D premiere in New York, Justin Bieber joined the crowd of screaming fans to enjoy the film with his friends.
Although he tried to get his followers to stay on the topic of his new movie, one brave girl did ask about rumored girlfriend Selena Gomez.
He told the audience, “I think anybody would be lucky to date her. She’s an amazing person.”
Another lucky fan asked about performing with Miley Cyrus. Justin said he loved performing with her and Boys II Men, who are also featured in the film.
I dont know about you, but Im sick of hearing about Justin and Selena, and Then he has to bring Miley Into this…
What are your thoughts?