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OLLG goes in to kiss Justin Bieber

lol. He’s probably ready for that each time he’s doing the OLLG thing on stage.

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  • Terri

    Awwww! Poor guy! Good of him to ditch her before she locked her lips on him!

  • lely

    what the hell is she doing? yaakh

  • Anonymous

    Thats embarrasing!!!:/

  • Anonymous

    Omg I feel so had for that girl that was her one chance with him and she blew it omg I Would be dying of embarrassAment

  • OMG I don’t belive it.JB is maybe what am i saying he is a Bich!!!!!!!!!!

  • Leanna

    If yr gonna say bitch on the internet,spell it right.

  • YhuE biEbeR

    I want to be One Less Lonely Girl

  • Kaleigh

    Awhhhhhhhhhhhh I wishh I wuz Herr:)

  • Awrillian

    Oh God. One Chance of being an OLLG and she blew it. And in an embarrassing way too. the hell she doin?


    WHich country is dis?

  • Jasmine Marie VarMont

    he laughed when he seen she was going 2 kiss him

  • justine bieber we gonna see u in manila ur so cute and handsome….. we love u so much….<3

  • Awww to bad.. She so yeah!. She thinks that there gonna be like.. Together or something….

  • Anonymous

    she crazy