Oh my.

Looks like Justin hit up more than just NOx nightclub Friday night (Oct 18, 2013) when he was in Texas. After going to NOx he headed to a strip club. Some place called vLive in Houston.
Apparently he got friendly with one of the strippers. In “friendly” I mean he grabbed her ass! And she’s loving it….

She must also be loving the attention because she (diamondsR4ever) can’t stop tweeting about it:
@justinbieber Went The Fuk In Tonight !!
He Touched My Ass I Almost Fainted
I’ve Danced For A lot Of Celebrities And They Normally Don’t Phase Me But Justin just Had Me In Shock!
That’s because Justin’s special 😉 And if Justin ever grabbed my ass I would be in shock too! lololol
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What the hay what was he thinking