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Justin Bieber the Sexiest Man of 2013

…well ok not yet but we can make it happen!

Glamour Magazine has opened up the online voting for their Sexiest Man of 2013 issue and Justin totally deserves the title. And it shouldn’t be hard since so many Beliebers are on the internet. We can do this!

To vote for Justin as Sexiest Man of 2013 go here and enter his name, your name, and an email address. (Any email address works ;)). Please get everyone to vote!

Last year’s winner was Robert Pattinson.

UDPATE: Justin Bieber is Glamour Magazine’s 10th Sexiest Man of 2013

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  • Tonya Howell (@LADYT120173)

    I just voted and I will share it on my page with everyone I’m connected to thank you for the site

  • Tonya Howell (@LADYT120173)

    I just shared on my page & on Justin’s page so all Beliebers will know

  • Justin Bieber

    sexiest man of 2013