This is the clip from yesterday’s interview on Power106 where Justin mentions he’s going to retire from music.
I don’t think we need to take it seriously. We don’t see the full interview and if we did we would probably see that he was just joking. If Justin made a retirement announcement he would have tweeted something about it after the interview. No worries people.
UPDATE: See? He’s just joking.
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If Justin retire i will also stop listening to any music in this world, so pls Justin don’t retire even if am verry far away ur music keeps me alive and believing in my dreams
I think he was joking because he is talking about golfing and quitting everything….plus his manager says he’s not he is probably going to take a break see family and relax for a couple months
justin i hope u don’t retire ur music has helped me and many others it would break my heart if u stopped what ur doing. 1 year is fine but i don’t think i could handle u stopping music for the rest of ur life.
he better be joking he sounds like he is serious but i think he would miss making music