Ok this has nothing to do with a creepy dorm roommate. But what it does have to do with is…ahh…errrrr….wait I can’t say. It’s kinda well… well… I can’t say. lol. But yah its EPIC! ahahahaha too funny!
#SWAGGIE! ummmm I mean #SAGGIE! ahahahahaha. So cute!
(Thanks John!)

Remember these pictures from 2010? Is it just me or does it look like Justin had to go again this morning? lol. These pics where taken in Los Angeles earlier today. Must have been pretty early cuz he looks like he just woke up.

Ahahahaha Justin was on Access Hollywood Live today and had a shooting competition with Billy Bush. It’s so funny for them to make the woman the goalie as they take shots on her.
[Dec 20,2010 1:31pm] Ahahahahah! Thumbs way up to this girl. If you ever get a chance to meet JB in person don’t waste the opportunity of a lifetime. When he goes in for the hug just kiss him. lol Like she did. Why not right?