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Justin Bieber is featured in GQ Magazine and below are highlights from his interview…

On not being able to trust people in the entertainment industry:
“I mean, I keep my guard up a lot, because you know, you can’t trust anyone in this business. That’s what’s sad. You can’t trust anybody. I learned the hard way.”

On not being a big drinker:
“For me, it’s just like, I like to be in control of myself. I mean, I’ve had a beer, like, before … but I never get out of control.”

On his style sense:
“I’m 18 years old and I’m a swaggy adult.”

On Kim Kardashian:
“People say she doesn’t do anything; she actually does do stuff…. She works hard.”

I got some hate from a couple of die-hard Beliebers who didn’t believe me when I said that Justin drinks alcohol with The Wanted saying how I twist stories that are not true. see? JB admitted it himself! 😛 He’s 18, of course he drinks.

These are not all the pictures of the GQ photoshoot. Expect more hot pics to come out soon. You can read the full interview at GQ.

sexiest hottest justin bieber picture 2012 video


OMB! Sooooooo sexay!! This video got me all hot and bothered. He’s obviously been working out hard and his body is looking so damn HOT! chiseled. Can’t wait for the pics from his photoshoot to come out.

So what do you think of the NEW BIEBER BODY?

justinbieber usher billboard cover magazine 2012

Read it at Billboard.

justin bieber reading seventeen magazine photoshoot 2012

Justin Bieber Seventeen Magazine Cover Photoshoot May 2012

Justin Bieber Seventeen Magazine Photoshoot Pictures May 2012

Dang! Look at dem muscles!! O_O

justin bieber complex photoshoot cover 2012

Justin Bieber Complex Magazine Photoshoot Cover

Now this is what I call a photoshoot. As popular as Justin’s V Magazine Photoshoot is, I honestly thought it was boring and didn’t make sense but this Complex Magazine photoshoot is so much better. Artistic and fun! And even beaten up with blood JB still looks hot. lol. Justin did the cover for the magazine’s 10th year anniversary. You can read the really long article here.

justin bieber’s brother jaxon bieber

Justin Bieber’s Family Photoshoot Pictures March 2012