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Jonas Brothers Loses To Justin Bieber Again!

Jonas Brothers had their time in the spotlight but now Justin is taking over!!!

Daily Fill held a poll to see who is more popular, Justin or the Jonas Brothers and after 1,270 votes, the results are in.

With over 60% of the vote, Justin Bieber is the favorite among teens while the Jonas Brothers only took in 37%.

This is the second JB vs JB poll and Justin has won both competitions.

Sorry Jonas Brothers but Bieber fever is just too catchy.

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  • Kristine

    Yeaahh !! Haha like it :))
    Sorry Jonas Brothers but Bieber Fever is Just too Catchy !! Love that line !!! JUSTiN! JUSTiN! 😀 :))

  • Kristine

    Yeaahh !! Haha like it :))
    Sorry Jonas Brothers but Bieber Fever is Just too Catchy !! Love that line !!! JUSTiN! JUSTiN! 😀 :))

  • Kristine

    Yeaahh !! Haha like it :))
    Sorry Jonas Brothers but Bieber Fever is Just too Catchy !! Love that line !!! JUSTiN! JUSTiN! 😀 :))

  • beatrice

    justin owns the jonas brothers ^^ he is the real JB. the jonas brothers are just JJ, NJ and KJ :S xD

  • beatrice

    justin owns the jonas brothers ^^ he is the real JB. the jonas brothers are just JJ, NJ and KJ :S xD

  • beatrice

    justin owns the jonas brothers ^^ he is the real JB. the jonas brothers are just JJ, NJ and KJ :S xD