Justin Bieber Official Websites:
- Believe Movie
- Bieber Fever
- Justin Bieber Music
- MySpace
- Never Say Never 3D
- Plixi
- Shots of Me
- Tweet Photo
- Twit Pic
- Twit Vid
- Viddy
- YouTube
Justin’s other websites:

Justin Bieber Official Websites:
Justin’s other websites:
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justin bieber is sooooooooo fit i love him soooooooo much!!!
he doesnt want yhu:)
how would u know wat justin bieber wants or who he wants @lala hi justin bieber my name cathy and im a huge fan for ur teying to come to see concert but cant love u 🙂
I love him toooooooooooooo! Sutch a cute guy.
yes totaly i soooooooo agree
i lov him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LUV U 4ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sutch???define sutch.
i know right hes not cute hes somking hot
sooo hooot !
i lov him so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree aswell
Don’t be liken my man
you people are fucken rediculous!!!!!!! what do you see in him!!!!! if he was still in canada and wasnt famous you people would be perving over him you all need to get a life and grow up!!!!! you will never get him and never talk to him so face the facts and get over it!!!!!!!
hmmmm let me c he is cute GREAT SINGER he belives in everything and he also loves his fans doesnt hate them but he also conects with his friend so stop get off this wesite is u hate him y did u search it up?
gurl u need to shut up cuzz he dont like u cuzz if u ever seen him u would be all over him he sexy and i et who evver wrote tht is ugly af!!!!!!!!
I disagree if u don’t like him then don’t bother talking on here. 😛
OMG JB will never date a fan coz he is with selena so just stop bitching and keep the peace betwween us beiebers !!!!!!
If you hate him so much, why are you on his website?BOOM.
Umm if you hate him so much, then why are you on his website?
B*tch please…shut the f*ck up and get off his website then…… and thanks for the advise but i already have a life…. but i know a great store where you could buy a life but it might be too expensive for you…. sorry babes…. LOVE YOU JUSTIN <3 <3 <3
Justin is a really great person and everyone has hatets and ur one of his. So if u hate him so much get off this page mrs.anonamys
ok u have problems y u searching up Justin if you don’t even like him so just shut up
i love justin bieber too i am going to see him o n saturday cant wait
ur a hottie
I love you ” JUSTIN BIEBER “. I would like to meet you live. But i`m from portugal.
wish that one day you will take me with you sesao film ,that you enter ses-. bye cute.
I love you!!!lol
he wants meeee .
U don’t know who he wont’s
he can want anybody
Oh my god, I love you Justin!<3 I wish I could go to a concert</3 I would be the happiest girl on Earth. If he retweeted me on Twitter I honestly would probably cry…
(Your biggest fannn!<3)
dear justin i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love u so much but not as much as my friend cheyanne she is in love with you we would love it if you came to michigan for a concert you should do as long as you love me when she saw that video she cried even though she knew that it was fake and do boyfriend it makes her so happy she has your face all over her room well she did but her grandma made her take them down her dad lives in kansas and she cant see her mom for reasons she would almost faint if she got to see you but instead of that she would scream untill she loses her voice she is your number 1 fan she watches videos of you and if she has to go out side she plays your songs non stop we lololololololololololove u love u
justin miss u baby
I know me too I am the same as your BFF I am crazy about him
Jbapollofancam@ gmail.com
Happy birthday justin bieber. I love u and really wanna meet u.#belieber
justin i love you and everything about you i’ll do anything & everything just to see you….. :)))))))….xoxoxoxox
by evelyn love you heaps take care x
p.s iloveyouforever
I agree same I love you jb Zendaya and one diretion ♥♥♥
hey jb its kyle from bozer im a big fan trying to get tickets its failing a but im diturmind lol
I love you so much
Me to I llllllloooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeee you soooo much i luv you jb beiber swagger diretioner
you are bullsheet you never meet him i amlucky becauce i am justin bieber girlfriend
Why is he not playing in Scotland?????????
Jusin bieber will want who he wants I love you justin bieber I know every thing abut I have both of ur perfumes I would love if u came to my school it northeast and u should go to sandy hook elementary school well I love you so muchy boo boo
Jusin bieber will want who he wants I love you justin bieber I know every thing abut I have both of ur perfumes I would love if u came to my school it northeast and u should go to sandy hook elementary school well I love you so muchy boo boo
Justin Bieber.
Hayley Fabritz.
Loue. Yes. 8562424
Shannen- I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH. your the best i admire you and i listen to you everyday
Nicole- ummm yeah hi i only like one song of yours have anice day 🙂 im just fing with you i like you not like that
He is a cute guy and I am happy for them but my friend is going crazy about. So is my little sister and this coming from 9 soon to be 10 on monday july 11 2011
bitch yu ugly
Don’t u say that to Justin Bieber..that’s mean….if you dont’t have something gooood to say don’t say it at all:)
You are correct anonymous. If you have nothing nice to say do not say anything. Ps justin bieber i loveeeeeeeee you
your pathetic why you waste your time getting on his website just to say that get a life .
Uhhh that’s kind of mean.
that is kinda mean. U know that celebs like bieber do have feelings.
your a smoken hottie
your momma
did i miss something cause the JB i know is a scrawny white guy from canada
obviously u did cuz hes hot
i love justin bieber so much and hes on my locker and the inside
you know,,, no offend but i know all girls or SOME like JB ‘cuz he’s cute i know and I like him his just only cute but i and we don’t know if he has a good manners or ….. I know i did’nt know him bu t his popular and we’re not do you seem he will meet or like one of us a NONPOPULAR GIRL? soooorrrryy justsaying…=)
me to but you can have him
Y love justin bieber
I love Justin bieber give me your number baby Justin bieber
I have his number it’s on google for real it’s REAL:)!!!!
give me give me
Can you give me please 🙂
i love justin bieber more then anyone 🙂 number 1 fan LOVE YOU JUSTIN DREW BIEBER <3
Okay I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t give any one his number
love justin:)
I love Justin Bieber so so much.More than candy.Evan my favorit so come to me baby.
cuz he has a great personality.. hot.. nice voice and beliebers inspiration..:)
because hes hot 😉 oxox
maybe you should stop obsessing over him and geta life
hi guys i love him sooooooooooooooooooooo much u cant emagine how much hes my real love.
dont we all huh he is the most amazing and talented singer. ever i am in total love with him
me too :/
i know right!!!!!
I love you jb
agreed… jb rocks i love him sooo much….tho i love one direction a wee tiny bit more BUT JB IS SOO FIT AND EMMM GORGEOUS….i cant even explain how fit HE is!!!! ILOVEU justin xoxoxoooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i love justin so much he is my idol and he is so amazing <3xxx
He is my idol. i love him so much, i cry when i see him on tv or when his music comes on. he just makes me happy and i know he wont see this but i hope to meet him one day so bad. That would make my life. I know you girls are rolling your eyes reading this but it is really true. I just love him and can’t even explain. At least i’m going to his concert in 2013 but i would take the chance to meet him in a heartbeat. He is the best singer i’ve ever heard and he has come so far. I don’t just like him because of his looks or popularity but he is so down to earth and actually cares about his beliebers. Just makes me so happy to know that he can call us his beliebers.
I totally agree with u. 😉
Justin bieber the story fo avaianna
Routh feat
Justin bieber
Justin bieber believe moive full
Im right there with you!!!!
He’s not ‘fit’ he’s gorgeous and flawless. There’s a difference
I once enjoyed watching him perform. But the last few times I watch him act like a punk. Grabbing his crouch like Michael Jackson did, is NOT COOL… If young fans enjoy that, that’s fine. But us older fans would like to see and hear a real classy show. So Justin, it’s your trip, but hey, “COME ON MAN!!” Be a showman that has class, both in public and on stage.
dick head!
JUSTIN BIEBER IS LIFE ! im really angered by the hate i hate seen in the 5 minutes i have encountered this page . like why are these non liking justin bieber peasants here anyway ? if you dont like him why are you wasting your time on here ? are you a secret belieber ? you know haters are just confused admirers . I LOVE YOU JUSTIN !!!! if you ever get the chance to read this please follow me on twitter & instagram “@baby_slimshady” :*
Justin tell me all your websites .lol I’m a believer fan
im try to get justin bieber to follow me on twitter but he won’t follow me !!!!!!
i love uuuu soooooooooo muchh
i m also trying but
Justin tell me all your websites I’m a believer to I love youuuuuuuuuuuuu!
me too but i forgot how to do that
inow its unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey bieber is not soooo stupid to leave his email or fone number to millions of fan plp make these things up ifur seeing dis justin please reply me @ pradeep-07@live.com im a huge fan
i love jb
Me too I love you soo much jb love
Cutest photo of Justin on the right.
i knw he is so cute
i love justin bieber so much he is so HOT!!!!!!!
i now right i wish i can have him the new mrs.bieber and only eleven i hope one day i wish i meet him and kiss him <3 =D
hey its me austin borns sister! he told me yall talked but i wasnt fo sure you know but if you like to talk to me you should i have a twitter its sexy coxx i have a fake pic so yeah. its a girl that had long black hair i dont know i cant remeber but i have to go im at school. BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! XD:
okay i neva eva eva seen him wear sweat pants right on man
i love u .~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! justin m going crazy about u……….
me also ………hey this is nazish frm canada i m crazzy about u want to meet u but how i love uuuu so so so so so so so much
i love you so much justin bieber and i love your freind cody simpson you guys are soooooooo HOT love soooooo much emma smith
i love justin bieber very very very very much he is the best i love u
Hay guys how is it going? I am good. Back problems though anyway i just wanted to say hay and to add me on twitter, myspace, and facebook thanks. Love you guys.
i love justin bieber 4 ever too
Justin Beaver: Am Eye reall,? why sure and who name you Justin Beaver? my mother gave me my name and my mother went through a, lot ove birth pain tow birth me in tow this unconfused wolrd ove humanity and in the Muskogee Oklahoma small comunity down in the center ove the tow is this store business, “SQUARE DEAL MUSIC SOUND” um all ways in their, my talents in life is playing a, “GTAR” and Piano opra music
i will add you as a friend in my myspace
heey! im justin biebers wife, 😉 go on FAcebook!!!!!!!!!!!!
justin ! is dat really u ? whoa :O i cant believe it .. 😀
i love u so much
i love you jb
me to
you is best friend for jaden? cousin me
do you best friend for jaden? i cousin
are you coming back to cleveland ohio any time soon i have 2 children that r in love with everything u do they also love wizard of waverly place so ur lady selena has nothing to worry about 🙂 i just want to see if u were coming back any time soon thank u for taking the time to read this
two big fans mom
u r so sexy and hot i love u so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ilove you justindrewbiebermallette
i honestly dont get why all of you are obsessing over this ugly scrawny white dude!! HeeHee =D
Hey Justin I am a great fan of u . I wanna meet u
please get on skype if u know how to. i love u so so so so so so so so so so so so soo so so so so so so in the whole ywide wold love baylee hutt er
justiiiiiin !!!!!!!!!!! i love yow … u know what jb that im ur biggest fan ill follow u until u love me .. 🙂 hehe im 101% bieberific yah
lol or until the next JB comes along i seem to remember
“Hannah we love you”,
“We love the Jonas Brothers!!”
and “Friday is the best song ever!”
Come on he’s a passing fab
Hi Justin. How are u I here u are not do will it great to see u sing on stage love y
by the way i m 5
and love u i want u to come to maine for a show
he doesnt love you
he dòsen”t like u pluse he already has a girlfriend
you have a weird name
you actully dont have a wierd name sorry about before your real name is probebly a pretty name sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy:(:(:(:((::(:(::(:(:9;9;((:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:::::::((((((((((((((:((:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:((:(:(
I dotn o waht you see in selena
justin i love u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much i am 10
Me to
itna pyr agr maa baap ko krtena toe vo bechare khush hoja te 🙂
justin bieber is soooo hot
I know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haha really i wanna here you hahaha
I sing your songs for my coffee shop gigs.
thats cool 🙂
I live for the bieber and got the fever
I use too not pay any attention to you but after
After watching your movie (: you seem like a good kid , Great singer , mad personality , hectic hair , beautiful eyes!!$$ wish I could meet you ! (: – <3 ily
Ilove justin biber 4 efe love jou x
hi Justin I know what you are going through. Just your fans don’t understand. I think they don’t understand how hard is to be famous. And everybody wants something from you. I had go through with my art. that why I know what you are going through you life
thanks Take Care kristine
omgg my daughter is a huge fan of urs all she talks about is justin here and justin there 🙂
justin why r u so hottttt and sexyyyyy…… i love u so much no matter wat i will always love u…. <3 dont listen to haters there just jelouse cuz ur hotter lolz peace p.s i love u
how would u know wat justin bieber wants or who he wants @lala hi justin bieber my name cathy and im a huge fan for im trying to c come to see concert but cant love u 🙂
Omg……you are lik the sweetest boy I know,but you have change u cuze ate the paparatzice to defend selena just becuz they whant to ask her questions(:(:(:(:
I love you justin bieber
I love you justin bieber!!!
Please answer my question
Are you coming to Vienna next year???
hey justin i love u sooooooooooo much plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz come in nepal for concert
u r da world’s most hottest and sexiest and cutest guy .
Hey stupids he dosent get to pick where to have his concerts
shut up freak
hahahah ^^ [ julia ]<3
This IS justin
i m ur biggest faan plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz come 2 nepal
to bad your a freak
I M SOOOOOOOOOOOOO big fan of urs.i m frm nepal.piz come in nepal i swear u wont regret this request.
i luv u sooooooooooooo much JB.u r soooooooooooo cute & sweet that i have ever seen.ur new iook is so dashing & sexy.if u come NEPAL then u can see that how much we luv & care about u.
AT last
I Love Yhuuuuuuu like craaaaaaaaaziiiiiieeeeeee!!!!! Pleeeeeeaaaase follow me on twitter @LilMissFunky96
Justin i love u i m tina
Hey follow on twitter @moveslikebiebsx
I Love Justin Bieber With All My Heart And I’ve Been A Fan Since I First Seen Him On Youtube Singing In ’08.
i hve tew
me too been with him from the start coz hee is my beauty and my beat
oh my god i LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEXY!!!!!
You are very cute and i am a big fan of your music! Id love to meet you someday!
me too xxxx
I though Americans hated Canadians LOL. Ahhhh I love stalker sights O__O
hi i’m ur nomber 1 fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like to siger is justin bieber.
my birth day -1997 05 24
my school – Bandaranayaka maha vidyalaya
hey justin omg i luv yhu s muc if i culdiwuld give yhu mi cell # o u cn khal m so u cn hear me sing plz wite me bac email meor sumthng
ang cute m tlga xna mkbalik k uit d2 xa manila lht ng knta m favorite q eh i wish i can see u in personal gud luck and take care i wish u all the best bye
Love You SoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooMuch
Sadiya To Jastin B
heyy justin i like ur music its soo maddd one day ill come to one of ur shows if u have one lol 🙂
I went to one before . the one where he went to New York ; ]
hes so fly<3 and hot <3
love you more than selena gomez even though we love selena gomez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well i love them equally coz selena is my role model and justin is my guide of life xxxx
he people, justin doen’t come on this site, it’s just people that pretend to be justin.
omg I love justin bieber I wanna date him so bad
text me 717-818-7432
You Are a big bitch
Kk gurls enuf wit all d crazies.tym 2 face d truth selena gomez is hot mayb u’re more beautiful dan she is or maybe nt.fact is he luvs ha nt u so go find a guy who’s goin 2 luv u 4 who u’re.no guy will eva wnt2 go out wiv a girl who’s in love wit bieber.u’re jst goin 2 make him insecure
i love you justin tenes msn se tiver puedes me passar plis sou sua fã numero 1 tenho tudo de vc posters foto com a selena adoro ela ela é muito linda vc tambem…sabe eu fui ao seu show vc é mas lindo de perto te adoro linduuuuu…! adoraria ter o seu msn juro nao causar nem um problema pra vc pois adoro vc nao teria coragen de coração te amo muito lindo.meu nome é karolina tenho 11 anos vou fazer 12 em novembro dia 26…seria um otimo presente de aniverssario ter o seu msn!!!
Hayley. Fabritz. Justin Bieber. Loue. Yes’. 85624242
song:sexy and i know it
this is my fav. part
girl look at that body
ah girl look at that body
ah girl look at that body
i work out
I love that song too , but that isnt a jbieb song sowwy [ remember I love that song too <3 ]
What does it have to deal with justin bieber!?
can i agree win ova people?? this is not a LMFAO fansite it is a JUSTIN BIEBER fansite xxx !
well i like justin bieber i dont love him becaouse he is selnas and i like selena as well i am a fan of both of them so woooooooowwwwwwwhhhhhhh!!!
Justin Drew Bieber,
Your the sexiest man alive ; ]
I love jbiebsz<3 hes my hubby ; ] and selena is pretty I dont think they should ever brake up there so good with each other <3<3<3<3<3 [ heart ] ;]
BITCH chill the fuck out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shut the fuck up little girl!
You chill the fuck out stupid little whore!
yesss i love him so much more than anthing i want meet him he is cutest boy ever my gosh thanks everyone mery christmas
I know♥
your songs are nice but selena called you a dork on tv did you see the video on youtude selena gomez calls justin bieber a dork say what happen are you guy going to break up or stay together yes or no.
me encanta justin te haria de todo churrazoo!! ayyy ziiiii!! te como bombon te amo, te recontra amo, es una amor indescriptible!!! volve a la argentina plissssssss!!!!
justin i am ur biggesT fan. i no everything there is 2 no bout you . i no every lyric to each of ur songs u inspire me PLEASE PLEASE come to trinidad I NEED TO C U IN PERSON AND HERE U SING!!!
chill bitch u aint even his “biggest fan ” dumb bitch !!!!!!!!!!!!
i am his biggest fan and ur the dumb bitch!!!!!!!
stormie garza is justin bieber’s biggest stocker!
well if u no every lyric name them all!
chill guys we all his beliebers so cut it out! justin wouldnt like the bitching 🙂
love ya”
fuck you justin
fuck you bitch !!!!!!!!!!
fuck you u stupid little bitch
You are so mean i have never swore in my life♥
je mappel saida j’ait 24 ans. j’aim la longue englaise.et vous comment vous’appele….
Be quiet
y u on thtis site if u dont like JB??????????????????????????????
Justin you shoul come here to Honduras (Centroamerica) I think it will be awsome plizzzzzz that all I want
—-Beliver Forever <3
roll tide
justin. wow, what a guy.
i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
yes u are ur my most fave. singer i love you sooo much ur rreally hot 🙂
Dear Justin,
ive commented and left tweets I hope you get them I want you to see what I have to say I hope I can livmy life like you and sing with you one day yours truly MAKAYLA
Hey Justin I love u so much I am like ur biggest fan I so wish I could meet u even once for a few moments would be fine to.
To: Justin D. Bieber
Hey Justin so im like ur biggest fan and i love u like so much. but the bad thing is my parents refuse to take me to one of ur concers because “i dont need to” or beacause “justin biebers stupid” so please if you read this get me tickets to one of ur concerts and maybe backstage tickets? <3 but justing i love u soooo much plz plz plz send me tickets 🙂
Justin I am just a 14 yr old girl from north Philadelphia and I Know one day I will get to me you but I Just wanna say congratz because you are someone unlike me I’m still livivg in the ghetto trying to get out and be known….but I cant sing like you my talent is basketball..
hey stop the hate i know most of you love him and the ouly reason you do love him because of his fame either then that to you guys he just a plane oh boy from canda and we all know that but it not ok to make hate words to others hes the same as us so acept him if your true fans and that all thx jb for all you done you made go after my dream thx alot
Hi jastin.i want your help.i’m not kidding i’m seriuos.help me help me help me help me help me i am screaming.i’m universty student.but my dream is to be famous film drector.but economically i can’t.please help me
Justin Bieber is such a smart, talented, unique handsome young man. He is soo cuute!! I would love to meet justin bieber, as well as my twin lil sisters!. we are from Sarnia,Ont, Close to where justin bieber is from. Justin if you read these, my lil sisters would die to meet you!! their only 7 and loove you and your music! It would be awesome to be able to go to one of your concerts, and maybe take it backstage! hehe, I wish you well with your career, I know you will make it far in life and not only through your music career. Hope all is well, and Wish to meet you someday! Take care, and good luck! 🙂 byee!! alyssa <3
Love u justin
super pjeva hustin bieber i super je pjevac 😀
hey justin bieber i am a great fan of u i just want your autograph
i love u sooooo muuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccchhh
He’s so cute
i love u justin bieber so much i will die but i cant i wish i could u see u every day i think about u i love u so much if we were dating i dont know what i do i love u every each day of my life ur so sexier !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur the olny guy that i want i would not fight untill ur heart stops beating i hope u dont married sleana gomez
i allways be ur biggest fan never forget that im changing my name to mrsbieberforeverinurlife !!!!!!!!!
I love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiuuuuu!
i love u justin bieber for ever!!!!love u baby!!!!
You so hott!! wishing u the best always add me on fb
I looooooooooove JUSTIN BIEBER more than anyone o this planet
He is the best singer in the world and I can’t wait for his new single
Believe coming out on the 26th I hope I can get it a lot of people especially
Kids don’t have money And sometimes there parents don’t want them to do
Anything but I have never been to a concert I wish I could go to one it’s my dream to go to a Justin Bieber concert I loooooooove you JB and I want to meet you I am your #1 FAN
hi jb
oh bieber …..
everyone love you
cause your a maizine
Where do i go to to submit a poem for Justin
poem for you Justin were can I go to submit it to enter you contest
justin this is mimzees sis and i am the biggest fan of urs and i am ready to do anything for u cuz i looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove u
Hey Justin I am a really huge fan of yours and I don’t love you because you’re cute I love you because you seem like a really funny guy and you do so much for other people and I would really like to meet you in real life and do a duet with you because you’re an amazing vocalist
Liane aged 10
i fukin love you so much:) thanks for everything kidrauhl:) please dont change:D
hi justin just wanted to say i never liked you till i saw your movie now i watch it twice everyday i even watched it before i wrote this message and i am madly in love with you see ya in 2012 if u are cuming
justin bieber i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuui want to see u, personal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur awesome ,so awesome.
im ur no.1 fan promise, forever
justin bieber.. is awesome i love his new song boyfriend its my ringtone 🙂
heyy nigggga!
heyy serxy mamam mhmh i love me some some justin hes so finee
Hi Justin I’m Kayla Henderson I really want to talk or even meet u I can promise u I’m the girl of ur dreams
I would send a pic but I can’t
I was watching ur videos and I like u for u even if u with Selena I just really want to meet u
Im aged 12
I like u for u not just that ur cute just that u r a really nice guy
your new song is really awesome…went from one time to boyfriend.. watching justin bibeer griow up is fun.:)
I agree
I hate you
You haters are all losers with no lives
You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What up Dickson
you be ashamed.I love him.
Just I love you… I hope to see you soon 🙂
Justin I love you so much.You are awsome!
yes he is
hi justin i am daniella constandinou from cyprus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i love u so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO:JUSTIN
hes my boyfriend daniella
We only live once…so follow your dreams and never say never!………LOVE U BRO.
yea baby we only live once
Justin <3 Deanna 😉
no Justin <3 may hes my boyfriend deanna
hey 🙂 justin i love your songs and i got your CD i love it were the chianch;)
I have every thing jb in my bedroom
i don’t know what is there in JB that all like him.
if JB will read this, then he will be very happy.
I do hes sexy and he knows it
So justin please send me mail pretty please
me too girl me
What do you mean wow
hi gud mrng
Justen Beaver: Saying hi is not it, beate it is it, say somthign tow um rite here !!!Keeble Walker PO Box 2752 Muskogee Oklahoma 74402!!! what you saay tow me is your business, my last word’s tow Michale Jackson, was saide “I’ email Michale Jackson maney time, say somthing send me a, stamep letter doing that doe snot mean that we are Quare! um stright and so are you,a nd dont be scared, EXPOSE point ove know retrun fullreaction!
I wish he would send me some mail too, I will call him Selma
Hi back
Boooo justin bieber haters
yea boooooooooooo jb haters
I just posted something mean on her site who is next
not me im his girlfriend
I love you Justin Beiber! your the best i also like your hair up then down you look more cute, and I could see your gorgeous eyes! I hope you can do some performences in seattle. I really hope you do that because ive never been to any of your conserts i hope you do it around december or december 12 cuz thats my bday!:) ps. you and Selena make a cute couple you gise are both tiney.)
rosamaria hes my boyfriend, and he does have gorgeous eyes I look into them every day and night. btw hes a real good kisser
love you jb can you pretty please with a cherry on top respond back
PS. you should come up to Seattle for any of your consorts I really wnt to see you LOOOVE you!!!!!
rosamaria im hes girlfriend and I will talk to about it ok
respond back to me asap so I can tell u what he said ok
boyfriend I meant boyfriend
Justin i love you sooooo much!
that’s a girl if u want him to come to ur house i’ll talk to him bout it cuz hes my boyfriend k but u gotta respond back to me ok
asap so I can tell u what he said ok
please send me mail love kati
ill talk to him kati
I am truly in love with you. I think your awsome and adorable. You are my role model and I can’t wait to come to your concert and see you do what you do best. Love youu bieber & I just really hope one day in my life I will meet you <3 mwaaa babyboy
Ashley hes married to me we got married last night
but ill tell him bout u ok
love him..love da performance of the song boyfriend on the voice..god bless him in his life long journey
thank u kallyann hes my husband ill talk to him bout comingto visit u alls u gotta do is give ur address k
hi justin well you are younger then mebu bro dont mind if i call u bro but huge fan of yours well beleive me first i didny knowabou u but after ur song and movie and specially after the respect u gave to ur mentor ushr u gained respect in my eyes . ur song never say never usagreat inspiration for me. well hope u will ersonally look to this comment and repy me.
hes my husband I will kick his butt if don’t reply u k
i love u so much justin bieber please come to seattle washington im dieing for u
hes my husband ill talk to him k
hahahahahaha, it’s TOTALLY FUNNY reading all your tweets =) you know I really SMILE maybe you’ll find like him to love you……… ARE THESE TRUE thar YOU’LL LOVE HIM 4EVER?, and YOU’RE GOING CRAZY !!!!!????????? you know I’m the one who was going to be crazy hahaha,,,,
Does JB fan mail reply to fans letters? My lil niece who turns 9 next wk is a HUGH fan and wrote Justin a ltr, maybe 2 months ago, sent a self add envelope hoping to get a response. As of yet she hasnt :(…how long does this take? and will she get a response? I was hoping it would come for her birthday on the 17th of this month…..a concerned aunt..PS..she wrote to him at record co in NY
i love jb. he’s my life life’s reason so i want to ask you: how can you show so much love in a person who is so far away from you? i want to tell him: if you come on greece i will do something for you. ok. this is my dream!!! i keep all of my money for your concert in greece. i hava read tha you love travelling. your future travel here will be inderscribability.
He isabig fat player abiogenesis fat one
Hi i love u im in bloemfontein so far from u are u ever comming to bloem
I have a very special request. My daughter, whom I haven’t seen for 8 years because she was abducted at her early age of 5 by her father, is a huge fan of Justin. As all these years we kept in touch only by phone or mail and I have been missing her so much :(. She asked me if I could buy her ticket for JB concert somewhere in Europe and I noticed that there’s a concert in London on 9th of June, but I really have no money and this is something I would love to do for her. Is there any way I could apply for some free/giveaway ticket to make her happy? On 6th of June is her birthday and it would be a wonderful present from her Mum (with aching and bleeding heart) to her beautiful missing daughter. Thank you for your answer.
I need a site to get the code for pre ordering of tickerts …like ssap
i love you.your so cute
justin send me mail and pics of you
Hey Waz up JB
i ove u sooooooooo much my cutyy pie justin
justin bieber,everyday i go to seep i think about you and how one day you will understand how CRAZY your fans care about you.i love you im so proud of the ver sweet things you have done.you have been the most inportant thing in my life.I LOVE YOU! some fans understand how it is hard to be famous.
i will always be at your concerts.i remeber that day when i was in a concert of yours and you took my hand and sang stuck in the moment. BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE! LOVE YOU JUSTIN STAY STRONG AND TAKE CARE . <3
I love you so so so so so so much i the wrold
i love u justin bieber. He is my inspiration…. And idc wat anyone says!!!!!!!!!!! <3
He is sooooooooo HOT!!!!!!!!
omg!!! I cant wait until believe comes out! LOVE U JB.
Gees…..I love you BUT….quite grabbing your junk! It’s repulsive!!!
hai justinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……………………………………
justin bieber I believe if you do not speak ill of Indonesia I believe you I like you so I’ll miss my artist forever
my song pizza woman
everytime i open the door
ur eyes i can’t ignore
Now my heart beats when i sleep
so i am now used to counting sheep
Because i know you are a pizza woman
People say I can’t have a girl cause I’m like a Crowman
Just because i am good
Doesn’t mean u can throw food
i love so much better then anything
in the world but we just can’t be together
so i think its time to say goodbye
say goodbye say goodbye say goodbye
i hope u like it justin sing it some time
I have a student, here in South Korea who is studying english. She entered your competition to win a ticket to your concert. She sent an email but there was no reply. She would be delighted if you respond. She is a middle school student and her english name is Julie. +82(0)54-9770537
O.M.B!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! ╋╋┏┳┓╋┏┳━━━┳━━━━┳━━┳━┓╋┏┓
JUSTIN I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I AM 12 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 U SO SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Love JB♥
I am fan of you and selena gomez also. This is my dream of you rancontrer all the two. But I come see you in concert November 26 I would be glad to see you sing before me. I would like to see selena with you in concert at the Canada one day perhaps. I love you all the two you are manifique you are the most beautiful couple of stars. Because you are the stars and the couple the most beautiful in the world and you would still be the beautiful couple for me. You seriait always in my heart. I hope that you soiez always together and always together because wants to really I hope toujours.selon me the most beautiful Selena for you and the most beautiful girls of his age.I am sure that Selena is that you are the most beautiful boy that she has rancontrer. I voi all day your additional days .and nights I edge never to seek your information because I love you tellment you are my. Favorites
I am fan of you and selena gomez also. This is my dream of you rancontrer all the two. But I come see you in concert November 26 I would be glad to see you sing before me. I would like to see selena with you in concert at the Canada one day perhaps. I love you all the two you are manifique you are the most beautiful couple of stars. Because you are the stars and the couple the most beautiful in the world and you would still be the beautiful couple for me. You seriait always in my heart. I hope that you soiez always together and always together because wants to really I hope toujours.selon me the most beautiful Selena for you and the most beautiful girls of his age.I am sure that Selena is that you are the most beautiful boy that she has rancontrer. I see all the days your additional days .and nights I edge never to seek your information because I love you tellment you are my. favorite.I hope that one day you soiez marry and have children.I hope that you would be always inseparable. So this is me Dorya wrote you this message I have 14 years I have a handicapped person I do not walk I am born of my nessance but am not able sad speak move capable of all to finally not all do but little things .oui and maleuhreuseumant as God you you my dream please my God and you. I hope that Avalana is good gerir for you and avalana. congratulations for your family you degree especially your mother Pattie
hi if u really r i love u so much u cant emagine how much i love u very much.
I Hat Its Your Albums Believe Or Hits Golden Ticket In Mind Own Albums OF Justin Bieber So Amazon WonderFul His Codie F4cFj7y3 Best Wins Is Holly Butcher Ands Best Hndreds OF Thouands Albums Ands Not His Ands His Ways Hit Give My Own For You Make Papers For You Brings Mine Own Bunerfly With Me Backpart Being One Three With Me From Holly Btcher
cute,talented,mysterious, down-to-earth, and awesome guy
he is my bieber guy
Hi Justin, We saw you today on a chat website ! Hope we see you again on it ……………… Leah and Paris
… i love you!!!!♥♥ u’r still the one in our heart!!!!♥
… i love you!!! ur still the one!!!♥♥♥
How can i Love justin … its so unlucky for me coz im a boy n Not like selena goomz…0oopSsss But i like justin .im fan of him…?
hay justin how can i love u? coz im a boy and not like selena Goomz . But i like u..?love ur songs n fan of u…? so plz meet me at Dinner . so u efford too coz im so poor ?i cant reach in u.s.a I love U.S.A?
i love justin bieberrr
i love justin bieber
justin iss veryy cutee
Hello Kids <3
I am Sammie Raeann :O
Hey Justin, My daughter is a huge fan and all she ever talks about is seeing u in concert and having the chance to hold your hand. She has a heart of gold and a kind spirit but always had to face bullying at school in the past. It would mean the world to her if she could see you at your next concert. I love my daughter with all my heart and would do anything to get tickets for her.
I would love if Justin would educate himself about natives in Canada especially before making stupid comments such as natives get free gas. they get the tax off the gas…there already is so much discord between natives and non natives in canada and people thinking natives get everything free. Those kind of uneducated careless statements just perpetuate that discord. Also the Innuit dont even get the tax off their gas because they were not included in the indian act…Justin these remarks have gone viral…please do educate yourself and apologize for your uneducated careless remarks..Do the right thing here…and hire yourself another publisist who keeps you from making such huge mistakes
justin i am from iraq and i love u so much
and all my friend love u
with my love mosub
EnjoyinG my BIEBER FEVER….<3 luv u JBiebs!!!!
Justin I. Love Your Music ! I’m 16 And I Still Listen To Your Sonqs . I Like You Sonq ; Boyfriend ! Bestt Sonq Ever !
Omb heyya justin I can’t believe it its u, its incredible how iv watched
You grown up from your first video one time to boyfriend wow
You are amazing I’ll always believe in you justin and I sooooo
Can’t wait till wednesday 16th january 2013 at 7.00pm I’m coming
To see u in concert ahhhhhhhhhh beware the biggest british belieber
Is about to show her dedication to you ( that’s gonna be me) lol
Justin you’ve helped me believe in myself and I neve say never
I’ll always be here as a belieber for you and that will never change
And all the haters I will knock them out iv got your back justin
I know I sound crazy because I’m 12 years old but your my hero
justin I love GOD so much because it was him who created amazing
People on earth such as you I love u sooo much justin xxx
Omb justin I’m a good girl I love school and working hard
People call me a nerd but its good to be a nerd because u have
The brains to be a belieber and in not always a good 12 year old girl
I accidentally has a fight over you with two boys at my secondary school
Because they were being haters I got very upset and started crying because
Of the things they said but I got them on the floor as pay back ahaha
I love u justin and I will always have your back I’ll believe in you forever
And ever that will NOT change I promise and when I promise I don’t
Break it I love u and selena I wish u two the best in future and of course
I’ll #believe forever but as long as you love as a belieber ahaha I’ll be
Seeing you in concert soon luv u so much with all my heart and also
I LOVE god for making you who you are please don’t change but
Justin for your next song please have ur old bieber hair style in it
Omb biebergasm ahahaha shhhhhhh love u justin mwwwaa and please
Follow me on twitter @shevbieber12 thank u beebs xxxxxxxx
awgh Thats beatifull saying 🙂
Justin pleaseee pritty please read my comments and pleassee
Leave me mail it would mean sooooo soooo much omb it would mean
This world and my life just I love u so much just please leave me
An imbox I will still love you forever even if u don’t but I would love
Love totally love it if u did xxxxxx
Good morning beautiful and amazing beliebers + of course the one
And only justin bieber love u so much justin please
Read my comments iv left and imbox me back please
And I’ll leave a comment on this wall later on luv u
And #believe album 2012 is awesome I haven’t got a favorite
Because there all incredible I’m your number 1 britsh belieber
Fan in the world maybe all around the world or summet lol
And I love selena too she’s outstandingly stunning you have
Taste justin ahahaha luv u and imbox me back jb xxxxx
Heyya justin wow I just had my bieber hour that’s when I
Watch never say never and listen to your albums and stick
More of my bieber pictures up and wow sure did my bieber fever
Kick in then I’m such a belieber I can’t wait to see u
Wednesday 16th january 2013 at 7.00pm at birmingham ahhhhhh
Best seats so justin if u see a girl with the name shevina on her sign
That’s me so please touch my hand I love u so much and could
U sing one less lonely girl in this one I know its the tracks from
You believe album but pleaasse and pick a girl who u think has swag
If u pick me it would just be a blessing hehehehe I love you sooo
Sooo much justin please imbox me back on these comments thanks you hunn xxx. Love shevina campbell xxxx
Heyya justin love you loads hun xx and selena xx
Omb I’m watching NEVER SAY NEVER justin do u know when
You do you believe tour can u please do one less lonely girl
Please and mail me hun I love u so much justin I love
Having bieber fever wooooohhhhhhh. And remember its
I luv him he is so cute sweet and every thing that a girl like i think he have done a great jobe and may god bless him love you justin 😉
I am in love with justins song* turn to you* its so beatifull
*And as long as you love me*
*die in your arms*
You got beatifull song there very sweet
I love you forever and may god stay on youre side and bless you
Love amiena:D
And i am happy for you and selena and may god bless you both and givr you guys a great futuer and i will like it to here more from you
Love you xx amiena xx
I wil believe in you and myself
i love justin bieber
so Justin Bieber call me late okay i love you boyfriend
selena is a blind s__t if she left u for harry
she is nothing but a player
u need a girl who will like u for u and wont leave u
shes nothing but a player and when someone else becomes famous
she will break harrys heart and move on the the next one
I love justin sooooooo much going to a concert on 1st of march in nottingham! 🙂 WHAT THE HELL ARE HATERS DOING ON THIS WEBSITE THEY NEED TO STOP BULLYING US AND WHAT ARE THEY SEARCHING HIM FOR WHEN THEY DONT EVEN LIKE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????
i love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Justin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i love you jb
sup jb (>>
sup jbbb i loveyou
hi justin i love u sooo much u are the best singer in the world so please contact to me
hi justin i just want to talk to u it’s emmergency…..!!!!!!!!!!
justin my friend left me cuz of u cuz i said u send me messages all the time please send me one juust one
NO TICKETS , NO CONCERT 🙁 ! I’m not giving up on this concert ! Could I get some help ?
just meet him
you’re dolls justin.
you are very good.loves to be with and i love and nhs.
justin bieber is the best no one can say otherwise forget the haterz true beliber all day !
Hi. Justin. Brtrber
Me. Ray. Ray
Txt. Me
My. Cll. Phome
714. 795. 14. 71
Cool. CD
justin bieber u r peng x
hi im kimberlys friend and i love u so much more than ger like soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more xxxxx
your not a true bieber fan if you spell his last name wrong just sayinn. 🙁
i agree u go girl xxxxxxx
Justin I love You xxxxxxxx
justin bieber is an outstanding singer and he is goregoyus i love him to bits xxxx
justin bieber is the worlds most sexyist person ever. i dont care what anyone says. <<<<< im the biggest bieber fan.
plz jb do it xxx
hey justin 🙂 i’m trying to figure out a way to talk to u . i’m a 16 year old male, and i wanna be just like you, i messaged u on fb, but there waz no reply, please contact me 🙂 i’m not rich , i can’t even afford supra footwear, but i know that i won’t give up, u inspired me bro 🙂
Wow I’m doing the same thing and I’m not giving up. 🙂
justin bieber gonna have concert here in pHIlippines?
pleez come to INDIA and give a concert cuz u dont know how many FANN’s u have here so PLEEEEEEEEEEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its a beutiful place ull love it!!!!!!!
il be ur guid!!!!!!!!!!
come with SEL
i love you juntin
It’s justin not juntin
we are Ganesh and Vinayak from india we love your son and we do like to become like u
i love u…………………………………………………………………………..
i love you so much jb would love 2 see you live
thank you for coming to tacoma washington. /you can contact us at all day live with will p. wilson or call 4 investigation or psks 1814 summit ave seattle wa. 98122 thank you james.
:(;): TUCHI
wa u mean ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Justin u r such a lucky guy to have all these girls saying what u r and saying what ur not but to me u r a vvveeerrry good talented person and I luv u <3
Danielle your #1 fan
he is hot
i now write
My daughter loves Justin Beiber. I know this is just a shot in the dark but wouldn’t it be really awesome if you could make a surprise visit to her school when you are here in Ottawa! We have tickets to your concert and are very excited about seeing you. As a mom I have to say I really like you too. I think that you are a great role model and have inspired many people. If your looking for something to do while you are here, give us a shout, I am sure the kids at my daughters school would love to see you too.
ONG wish i had a mum like u xxx me mam thinks JB is a little teen thing im havin but i know that from the start i will be here for life xxxxx
I <3 JB plz come back to newscastle in the UK plz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
heyyaa guys lettin justin no ur news tell me now xx
My daughter is a huge fan. She tore her acl last year… Had surgery and now almost to the day has tore her other acl in her knee. We are from Burlington ont Canada but now living in OC CA. How can I go about getting an autograph picture of Justin to brighten her day. Her second surgery is nov 1
hi i love u
Hi, my name is Morgan Hontz and I am 21 years old! I have just a question and if you could help me out that would be great!! I have a friend of the family that is 14 and I am taking her to the concert in Kansas city on the 26th of October. Her name is Isabella! I was baby sitting her when she first found Justin on the Internet and we both just fell in love! She knows everything about about him and every song he sings. I always promised her I would take her to all of his concerts when he was here. We went to the last one at the sprint center and had an amazing time! Of course she cried about the whole concert because she was so happy but yet so jealous when he pulled a girl up on stage 🙂 after the concert we even waited for about 3 hours in the hopes of possibly meeting him, but that never happened:( Justin is such a great role model and such a bog person in her eyes!! We have both watched him grow into this amazing person but still has stayed the same Justin he was from day One! this girl is like my sister and she has seen me go through a lot in my life when I was just her age. I was in a terrible car accident when I was in the 7th grade and lost a best friend but came out of it with 15 surgeries. I broke my pelvis, both ankles lost skin on my right foot and have pins in it now I lost skin and a muscle on my left and the had to rebuild it with back muscle and skin from my upper leg. I can no longer move my left foot but I still fight everyday to be just like you an everyone else I had head trauma so I don’t remember the accident but I do remember Isabella being there a lot to see how I was doing and she was just in the 2 or 3 grade! Her father was there everyday along with my family to! Isabella is an amazing young lady she is a straight A student as a Freshman at Riverside high school in wathena Kansas, she is involved in all sports and is on the High School dance team as well as taking classes on the side. She attendants Church at the Catholic Church in wathena. I would love to give Isabella the surprise of her life because I would love to just see her reaction and the happiness the come over her. Is there anyway to get meet and great passes or even move where we are sitting we are in section 228 at the sprint center and they are not the best seats. I always promised her I’d take her and I would love to give her a night she will never forget. Thank you so much for reading this and I am excited to hopefully hear back from you once again my name is Morgan Hontz!
Thank you! God Bless!
hey beliebers we are family 🙂 follow me on twitter @bellbelloo mention for followback thanks 😉
a 5 year old girl wanted for her 6th birthday was to go to Justin Bieber conference on Nov 1st. 2012. She loves you and knows all your songs.
It would be so good if you could mention her name and wish her a Happy Birthday during your concert on Nov 1st.
This would be the icing on her cake and a birthday that she would never forget. You would make this little girls day.
contact me for details.
what?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! he has ur number…?!?!?!?!??! :O
hey Justin,
I’ve been searching high and low for a way to come to your concert when you perform at The Palace of Auburn Hill on November 21, 2012 but tickets are sky rocketed, which I can understand why. I’d LOVE to see a concert. You probably hear this a lot but my friend is honestly, such a HUGE fan, Well, best of luck & many wishes at your upcoming concerts! 🙂
Hi Jermaine Catilne Jermaines las tusesday
Birthday stepmber 11/19/85
Going outwestfield
15 Canton st E14
Love you babe
No Facebook
Your mum say don’t say There
Thank you 02075158977
Jermaine Catilne
Let know. That. Your mum. No Facebook
Never again tell. Your. Dad say No
How she Miss bieber
Justin bieber everygood
Do. Chris brown. You. Mr bieber.
We going westfield. Justin Jermaine
My friend Told. Me that and. Say need be rude to me.
So what Move van. Get Me way. Call police and Red bus.
Out side. Standing way.
. Behnd me stubbed 18 murder
Then I was kill me death
justin bieber I love you !!!!!!!!!!! I’m going to your second concert in belgium , I can’t wait !!! I wont to meet you ! <3
Hey my sister really looks like you, well she dresses like a boy. Plus she is a fan of yours maybe you guys are related some how since you say your native American. She never ment to look like you. You guys just look alike, in case u ever need a stunt devil. Haha she would sure like to meet you maybe even I can post a pic somehow. Ttyl
Heeellooo justin i love u so munch!!!
you are evrything in my live!!
i love u!!!!!
you are amazin!!!!
🙂 love you <3 xx
omg justin i fainted when i saw your videos if i met you i would like faint omg you are my favorite person ever i am your biggest fan
heyy justin bieber i just wanted to tell u that i am a HUGE fan of urs!…and i really want to go to one of ur concerts but i cant because i dont have enough money i really want to meet u </3 🙂 well i am with my best friend nicole right now and we love u so much u r sooo…everything! haha well chat me back because i just really want to see you and meet u im going to write on everything i see with u!!!:)
Dear Justin Bieber,
I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 I went to your concert that was in Chicago, Illionis! YOU WERE HOT!!! AND AWESOME!!! For "One Less Lonely Girl" a girl in my row got chosen and I really wanted my sister or me to be one less lonely girl. I REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYY want to meet you!!! Your AMAZING! Whenever I think of you I just…CRY!!!! :'( <3 YOUR SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING!!! 😀
Hey Justin send me an mail pretty pretty please
Dear Justin Bieber,
I am going to take almost all my wall stuff and put up TONS of pictures of you!!!! I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!! <3 I JUST CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU!!! I THINK IM GONNA DIE IF I CAN'T SEE YOU!! HAHA LOL 😀 I was in Chicago, Illinois and went to your concert!!!!! IT WAS THE BEST CONCERT I HAVE EVER GONE TOO!!!!!! 😀 I heard that people met you at your hotel or something like that on October 24th, 2012. Or you were in your tour bus or something like that! lol. My family LOVES YOU!!! <3 I would REALLY LOVE IT if you could come to my door sometime and meet me!!!! Reply back! PLEASE!!!
I love him
i love justinnn sexy
justin is sexyy i loveeeee since mexico
Hey Justin Bieber if you are out there I really wish u would get this and reply me back bc I really want to meet u soooooo bad…..:) my family want to go to one of your concert but we cant because it is to far away and my moms van wont make it so u should have a concert in Iowa or Minnesota!. My mom lives in Iowa thats y u should and my dad lives in Minnesota!! 🙂 so u should have some close to there so i could go to one of ur concerts sometime soon b4 u stop doing you singing carrer. But I just wanted to tell you that you are soooo AMAZING and I LOVE U!!! UR HOT!!!!:)
heyy Justin Bieber…..I really hope u r getting all my other emails tht i am sending u!:) <3
Dear Justin Bieber,
Heyyyy! Me and my BESETEST friend EVER are just drooling over you right now! 🙂 I think of you 24/7! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! <3 Your my Role Model!! 🙂 Chasyti is the one i mentioned earlier and we would REALLYYYYYYYYYY LOVE IT if you would come and visit us! If you replay…IT WOULD MAKE ME THE HAPPIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD BECAUSE I WOULD ACTUALLY BE TALKING TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR THE BESTEST!!! <3
Love Nicole<3
I Lovee Youu!! I’m a Super Belieber!!
You are My heart and my life!!!!!!!!<3 <3
eu adoro vc justin vc e muito legal
eu adoro vc meu amigo
i love you! i’m your biggest fan!!!
i love you justin
add he is justin bieber new account 99%https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004400292528
add justin
I AM JUSTIN BIEBER #1 FAN <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
i love you Justin bieber
selena leave jb alone hes mine anyway heloves mejb ilove u baby u are my boyfrien.
boyfriend love yah
your hert my biggest fan??? you in mey from like for everyou are selena you!:D
yha baby
justin biebre ilooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
is my mine
heyyy:) I really do hope you are getting these email from me!!! </3 You really should come and see me or either my best friend Nicole like come to our houses sometimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wanna seeeeeee u
8943717671 this my no
am a big fan of u jb
hi, i hope one of this fine days you will vist Kenya my country. this is just to wish you all the best with your fiancee Selena Gomez. hope you will marry her one day. God bless you.
i love u justin beiber lots of poeople makefun of me becuse i love justin beibeer i dont care what theysaymy dream is to meet u
Justin I love you! you’re my idol, you’re very good at singing, you’re sweet to take pictures with your fans, you’re beautiful and Bieber forever <3
Dear Justin Bieber,
Please oh Please email me back! I love you soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM THE BIGGEST BELIEBER OUT THERE!!!!<3 😀 I just had a dream about you and it was AMAZING! I had a dream that you called my name..Nicole McNeil please come down to the stage…and then i came down to the stage and you gave me a kiss on the cheek and back stage passes!!! 😀 We took TONS of pictures!!! 😀 and i gave you my phone number and you gave me yours! 😀 We hung out allllll the time!! Justin please let that dream that i had come true!! 🙂 I promise i wont tell anyone your cell number! <3 thats how much i love you! I woke up from that dream and i almost cried because it was just a dream 🙁 I wish it was real life! 🙂 I cant go to anymore of your concerts cuz i already went to one. 🙁 🙂 I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Justin Bieber,
I respect, love and care for you!!! Please come visit me and my best friend Chasyti!! 😀 That would just make our day!! <3
that is the good way to talk to justin bieber””””””””” YOU SHOULD MEET JUSTIN BIEBER OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARETHE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0ppa gangman style 0_0
JB i looooooooooooove u you r my idol i’m a big belieber :*
I love you soooooo much!!!!!! I want to know how to contact you!!!!!
i love your songs justin and i want come to egypt and make a party in cairo and i will be the first girl bring this party with my friends
i want to speak to you justin and i feel i will never meet you
hi i am happy today
i lke justin bieber today
is it true that justin bieber and senla break up really !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JUSTINBIBERIS SO HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg people hating on him then WHY ARE YOU ON A BIEBER WEBSITE???? Were not sad we are dedicated beliebers and we wouldnt change our idol for the world ok.
People, no one is Justins biggest fan ok, we are all equall beliebers.
haters die.
hey justin i dont knw if u r gonna read this email bt i have to that i love ur music and ur smile OH i 4got i saw u on tv with Oprah Winfrey i liked wen u said that GOD gave the voice of singing and u thanked him now lets talk abt SELENA GOMEZ why did u break up i mean lyk everyday i wuld go to the internet and see the pictures of you and selena gomez in hawaii 2gether but now i guess i wont but plz make up i dont want 2 see you and selena get hurt lets skip 2 the relationship part and go to songs i luv all ur songs especially NOWHERE BUT UP i heard ur mom wrote a book abt this song i hope u lyk romantic movies HEY!!!!!!! i heard that there was a day u and selena went 4 dinner and u saw a romantic movie called the TITANIC and did i say i luv this movie OMG!!!! i think we have so much in common well by i hope u will reply my email.BYE
i love your music
i love u justin
hey I love Justin Bieber 🙂 <3
he's so good 🙂
Justin, I am a huge fan and I love you so much!!!
i love gods love justin …..
i love him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much i can’t even describe it in words its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo crazy i just have to meet him i can’t handle it i love him as much as a human being can love another one but i can’t put it into words i just need him to come visit meeee
Love u going to concert in JANUARY CAN’T WAIT
cant wait
When the concert, and where, and how much is the ticket
Me and my cuzin love u so much that every thing that u take out in the stores we have it and I think that me and her are you’re biggest fans in the world more than any Pearson in the world . We love u so much Justin <3
I love Justin Bieber so much that I can not live without him, I need his number Please let me his number to someone to hear his voice, ask your
Justin please send me mail,
I love Justin and I would like to know but I live in Serbia, please write me on my email, I expect your message, and I send you much love and kiss my number is 0621559989 please call me.
justin when you were performing in Serbia, the biggest wish is to meet you, I hope you will come on that day. I send you many kisses bye.
hiya, i am a big fan your a really good singing and cant wait to come and see you live xxxxxx<3
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll he is the cutest person i ever saw
he soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
justin bieber is myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy justin bieber i miss you
THANK YOU! For making Bella’s dream come true
Justin’s boyfriend song is vvvvvv nice …… Its awesome & mind blowing ,,, i love that song v much……….. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I want to marry you i was born on 1994 march the
Hey its Carolina and this is for all the girls who don’t know Justin I don’t know him my self but here y’all say he is your life and all but you don’t even know him I don’t say that’s stuff because I don’t know if he is a mean purson and most that say I love him more than anyone what about your family? I am not trying to be mean I am just saying the truth and I am not a hater. I like his songs. Oh and all the people that judge him with out knowing him he could be a nice pursing he is just like us a regular pursing ok… he only has more advantages Cuz he got to be famous thats all. And if you people hate. Me I don’t dealt care ok all I know is I am speaking my rights of opinion. Oh and Justin please dint hats me for putting this if you read it. And if you do what can I do? So take care of your family and fans ok
Sorry for typeos I am on a kindle kinds hard to write with
Justin is awsome and hot
I love you Justin and my parents can’t afford your concert this year, so you know of there will be a tour next year and when?<3
Dear Justin, I freaking love you! You do so many great and amazing things for us ! I am a HUGE FAN! Reading a lot about you knowing how much we have in commen is awesome, I love you’re music it helps me get threw a lot, My biggest dream is meeting you and I would just die if you could make that happen I look up to you even though I’m older than you by one year, but you have no idea how everything you do for us means to me, your songs are amazing I love every single one of them! I’ve never been to a concert yet and I’m hoping to soon you haven’t been around Washington lately last time you were I missed it and was sad. /: but that’s ok I just really wanna meet you. And Ellen too I love her show! I hope you can make my dreams come true Never Say Never! HAVE A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY:)
wish u a vryyy vryyy happy 19th birthday…
jb i luv u 4ever n cømplet life m always 4 urs.
Jb u r my dream bøy i luv u søøøøøø much…
Dang, he is growing up so fast! Just watching him grow up is an amazing journey I’ve been with him sense 2007 and I can’t believe how fast he has grown up! Justin you are amazing there is no other word that can explain you, what you do is really amazing, I hope to be come famous one day and I also can sing as well, I look up to you so much your my idol and I love watching the songs you put together and the videos and also I love that you put your fans first it really truly is wonderful, my dream is to meet you and to be able to hangout with you one day… I’m excited to keep watching you grow and see what other things you can do I will always look up to you; reading your books watching your movie was just so wonderful and touching I love you! So much. I hope you have a great 19th birthday! 🙂 it. Was funny cause my little sister is in love with you and she is only 12 she and I were arguing about how old you were she was like know he is 17 and I said no he is 18 I watched him on Ellen when he got his 18th birthday present hAha 🙂 I feel like I can talk to you about anything without you judging me its just wonderful. Well have a great day let me know when your going to be on Ellen again:)!
call me at 6230559
Dear,Justin i really hope you’re tour is going great! i wish i could go and see one of you’re concerts! i will have to soon i haven’t been to one yet. Also i am a really big fan i have been listening to your music ever sence you started recording you’re songs, i really do look up to you, you do really amazingly nice things for people and you put you’re fans first that is so amazing you’re songs have helped get out of some really bad relatonships in my past and i just want to thank you very much for that, it means alot to me! you are my idol and always will be. And reading some of the before comments from other people saying that he is a bad person well you know what i really don’t think that he deserves t be judged in any way because he is really a good person and has a good heart , he puts big times and thought into his songs and his work and people are saying al this bullshit about him…Like what the fuck is you’re problem that really pisses me off when you don’t even know him and you say terrible things about him, i think its JEALOUSY just because he was born with this TALENTthtyou weren’t i don’t care if you agree but it is JEALOUSY for a fact. Justin i really want to meet you one day i am just so pleased and really appreciate te thing you do for us it is really wonderful! i will always stick up for you love love you from your BIGGEST FAN!
-Kylee Nicole Byrd <3
hey girls i am justin bieber new girlfriend .and you know about me after some time but now main think is i am his girlfriend so i said to my boyfriend ilove you isaid him you are my first and last love ilove u
This is to all the crazy girls that think Justin is thier boyfriend I feel very bad and that’s a little crazy to think you think he is when you know he isn’t lmao…! I know a lot about him more than you guys and that’s not as lying to your fucking self saying he is your boyfriend lol funny shit!
Love you Justin ! Not in that way though I’m not a creep! Or obsessed!
So I just wanna say I and see how your day is going 🙂 please come meet me and make my dream come true! 🙂
justin i love you baby
It really bugs the shit out of me when people call him baby what is he fuckkng five years old? I hope you get better soon Justin:)
i have the bieber feverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Dear: Mr. Bieber,
My name is Haley. I am 19 years old and a senior at North Knox High School in Indiana. I am writing to ask for your help on an Anti-Bullying project. The reason we are doing this project is because our teacher asked us what affects teens most. My class said bullying would be the biggest problem teens deal with. This project is to help others get the message and stand up against bullying.
The reason I thought it would be a great topic because I have been bullied. Bullying is something I have experienced. I know how horrible a bully can make you feel. Standing up to bullies is hard, but I think it’s time to start doing it. We need to stop them and not in a way that we bully them. We need to make them aware of it.
The reason I chose to write to you is because you try to help people stand against cyber bullying and bullying. You try and teach them with examples of how it can hurt others. I recently viewed an interview you did with a girl who had been bullied. I was touched that a busy person like you took the time to help her get out her message. Justin Bieber you must have a great reason why you care so much.
I wrote you to see if you could take sometime to watch our video. If you would than like to upload your “Stand Up” moment, we would greatly appreciate it. You could also write back and let us know more about your experience with bullying or anti-bullying things. I would love to share them with our students here at North Knox High School. I am happy you took time out of your day to help prevent bullying. Thank you so much for my class to you.
Haley Brook Murphy
Je remercie justin parce que la performance excellent dans le nouveau et si je peux lui offrir des chansons
he is my idol , when i am bored i walk in cicles thinking about him and just to say he has the best face in the world. i have never been to his concerts but i want to go so bad, i havnt even been to a concert but anyway i love u
i want to show u my british accent but i still think urs is better than mine love and goodbye uh cherrio
p.s. ur so( secute )
i love you.. <3 so much!!(:
i love you so much…(:
come to texas!!(:
hey justin your my one and only guy,you know what i always pray to god that he make sure that youre always fine.keep it up.you make my day complete.your my life.i hope someday will meet.give your best always and dont forget to pray.iloveyou
Justin bieber is a normal Canadian boy with a big talent and amazes all the girls and boys in this world .his mine .xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx19
hi justin bieber i love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much my name is demi liegh crompton i wish u came to myn house just in case u do i live in 62 gorden avenue i love u by demi liegh cromptonxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I love you justin!!!
please come to guatemala !!
all guatemala love you !!
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girls stop killing yourself for justin he dosen’t even know you or seen you before he will never date one of you there are so many teens celebrity he could go out with not you guyz so please stop killing yourself for him which you call love am sure there are other guyz out there you can date not justin because it will never happen
Am a teenager but I don’t love celebrity because I know that they are not worthy of been a boyfriend I date real guyz so you should do one 2 girls
ya maybe i agree to this but then im sorry ya……i didnt know that your a girl even im a girl so chillllllll even if i love jb im dating a real guy well thats cool isnt it??????????
u know wht i think… miminaj or whatever it is hope yer readin it i hate you your left part of the brain doesnt work i suppose your too practicle dude if u r nt a belieber you should GET LOST FROM THIS SITE AS ITS MEANT ONLY FOR BELIEBERS OK THATS THE BEST THING FER YA HOPE YOU VISIT THIS shrine (true to its name)AND CHECK THIS OUT YOU FREAKO SO BORING .UFF I CANT BELIEVE SOME PEOPLE CAN BE SO FUCKED UP OR WORSE I DONT LIKE SUCKERS LIKE YOU so keep away and never i repeat N.E.V.E.R INSULT JB INFRONT OF HIM YOU suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kickasssssss
Hi justin am a big fan
Hi Justin my name is Mary I am 18 and i have a little sister who is nine and turning 10 April 10th I know its most likely not possible but she is a huge fan and last year her birthday was based all around you she has your perfume and everything but if you could maybe write on twitter saying happy early bday for Autumn Jackson please or anything she truly loves you and everyone says they r ur number one fan so u have heard it before but she is. Thank you 🙂
dear Justin Bieber,
I am one of ur biggest fans. my mom said that since im 17 that if u really wanted a girlfriend that would actually be there for u when u need her the most, when u need a shoulder to cry on i’ll be there for u, so lets put it this way when ever u need me i’ll be there for u. she and I have been trying to figure u out, cuz she is really tired of seeing me sitting round here just daydreaming bout u, so we was wondering if u could come and pay me a visit at my house the address is 204 Richardson’s place George miller road Hastings Florida 32145, we was also wondering if u have ever had sex, cuz if u did u would love I can do to u, but on the other hand if u haven’t u would still love what I can do to u. my mom said dat she don’t care how many I have sex with u cuz ur sex and u know it, she even said dat we could get married and have baby Justin Bieber’s and she don’t care how many Justin’s we have .
love ur future wife,
May Nolan is ready to mingle.
Justin told me as his wife to tell yall to give me ur addresses and he’ll come to visit yall at ur house k
ya rite dnt lie you will never get him
dear justin bieber
my sister reall y loves you so i tried to bye her tickets but they were all sold out and it was her birthday so if you hear this please try to help.
p.s. my name is siân and my sisters name is dominique Clayton and we live in Naimibia windhoek olf palmer number 23
oh and its for the cape town concert
i think he should come to Namibia
dear justin
my sister really loves you very much <3 we wouls be happy if you hear us
dominque my sister loves you mwah <3
🙂 my sister said love you
hey justin you prorbably dnt want to hear us but it wud be nice if you canpls i would really appreciate
justin you’re so hot ,sexy, amazing, cute, the prince of pop an my heart
ur so cute and talented with your music. You have a beautiful singing voice. Would love to meet you in person someday! I love u!
Justin Bieber you r very cute!
I am a bieber believer 100% i am a big fan of yours!
I love u Justin Bieber 🙂
i a a big fan i love the song as long as you love me
you are a great singer
i love justin bieber
i love you justin bieber you are my everything you have my HEARTTT !
Justin is amazing he chance my life he is my angel justin bro I love you very much and I hope I will ever meet you. I say everday believe and never say never
justin you aremy everthing please send me e email please I need you please justin I beg you love you bro
He isn’t going to email you
he is the best singer ever he may be cute but i love his music and yes i am a fan to but not that crazy like other people <3
i love justin bieber.Hes so hot and sexy and the most awesoe singer. And he is a player but i love him the craziest ass kicking angel is gonna come for him <3 <3
Good Evening Mr Justin
I salute you for your song called Pray. I was one of the medics at your show in South Africa it was beyond amazing. It is my biggest wish to be your personal medic one day but that wish will never become true. I just want to say we are a big group of people in the Emergency Service that take our hats off because of your one song.
Please stay so awosum.
P.S all the paramedics, police officers and firefighters salute You
I love you and if I ever saw you I would fate
I wish I could see him
dexter missouri map residents also caught glimpses of the lights.
Case # 44818 Location: Dexter Missouri Map, Texas, said he saw something while he was still full.
A viral video shows his reaction at hearing the voice of
his mother for the first time in your life. It was hot, we were sweaty, but the timing of the discussion.
Gabe and a few other U.
I love to read his tweets!!! Every night before sleep i tweet him “@justinbieber goodnight! <3" EVERY NIGHT!!!! <3 I love him so much!!! <3 BELIEBERS follow me please! @SwagyKidrauhl94
justin you are ok
What Doe it mean I bought tickets and it said VIP access included must be 21 or older and have picture also I have no clue what that ment
Hi justin bieber I your number on fan
Hi justin bieber you are my favorite singer
I just love Justin Bieber he is sooooooooo handsome I will love to be his girlfriend. Love you Justin………..
I love him sooooo much that I have posters of him everywhere in my room
justin you’re my entire life i love you so much i a true Beliber can you come to egypt ? please
you are amazing remember that
gwenaelle fan justin biebe jetarobe
hi Justin I love u soo much I have bieber fever and im crazy about u, I love everything about u ur soooo hot I like u coz ur chill and u have swag!!! belieber forever# and anyone pllzzz follow meon twitter : @ridhi_kaur
Fuck you bieber you gonna be expect us
WE are anonymous
we are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not foget
Justine you should’ve
I love u and call me at 3236678108
My honest opinion about Justin Bieber… Well when he grew up he changed, a lot and its disappointing to me. He’s not the same person he was before. I used to listen to his music all the time now I dont really listen to it at all. Sorry Justin but you really did change as you grew older. No hate here cause its not my business but you just are different.
Kylee Byrd.
Justin? I can not believe it’Wink you’re my everything!;’WinkWink♥ I’m Joanna i’m From Greece;’WinkWink♥ My dream is to be an ollg;/♥ We want you in Greece We love your songs,your personality♥ your dance everything!~♥ We know that you are different♥ love you very much and we will support you forever♥ Please help us..to make our dream come true..♥
Justin is this really you
justin is this really you
Justin is this really you
I am soooooooooo big fan of urs…. I like your songs and hairstyle ..
Justin I like your songs and hairstyle …!!
hi Justin i love your music so much and i am so glad that you and selena are back together!:)
Hi justin bieber I am a big fan of yours and I hope I get to meet you some day in my life and be my boyfriend
and 1=1
Justin is this really you
i love u so much and continue keeping your head up cuz there are haters that wanna see u do bad nbut us bieber fans( belive) in u so love u and remember we LOVE U( JB OVER EVERYTHING)
Great guy
Some bad advice and dealing with press. You are so above that, family and family values just bad advise and hanging with wrong people. Also some of your entourage needs to go you have to grow beyond that
I love you jb.
I think Justin bieber is talented when it comes to his dream
I think Justin bieber is talented when it come
s to his dream
Does anyone know when and what time Justin will be landing in Adelaide 2013. And is he staying at the Hilton again?
Love Justin Drew Bieber sooooooooo much <3 i have lots of Justin Bieber stuff in my room i am a Belieber and Justin will always be my Idol <3
i love you justin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
justin bieber is the best ever man to be alive i love you jb
is someone on
JUSTIN BIEBER IS LIFE ! im really angered by the hate i hate seen in the 5 minutes i have encountered this page . like why are these non liking justin bieber peasants here anyway ? if you dont like him why are you wasting your time on here ? are you a secret belieber ? you know haters are just confused admirers . I LOVE YOU JUSTIN !!!! if you ever get the chance to read this please follow me on twitter & instagram “@baby_slimshady” :*
dear justin
i am a big fan of yours.
There are millions of belibers in india for you,we all are waiting for your believe movie in india so we request you to release the movie in india also.We also want you to come to india once to visit your belibers.
Your are one hit wonder . Wake up you are going to lose everything .please someone help this young man. God bless you
Justen Beaver: Saying hi is not it, beate it is it, say somthign tow um rite here !!!Keeble Walker PO Box 2752 Muskogee Oklahoma 74402!!! what you saay tow me is your business, my last word’s tow Michale Jackson, was saide “I’ email Michale Jackson maney time, say somthing send me a, stamep letter doing that doe snot mean that we are Quare! um stright and so are you,a nd dont be scared, EXPOSE point ove know retrun fullreaction! Justin Beaver: My eye’s see you on the tv braing news all the time, releax! think positve, and never rush with aney given day!
Justen Beaver: Saying hi is not it, beate it is it, say somthign tow um rite here !!!Keeble Walker PO Box 2752 Muskogee Oklahoma 74402!!! what you saay tow me is your business, my last word’s tow Michale Jackson, was saide “I’ email Michale Jackson maney time, say somthing send me a, stamep letter doing that doe snot mean that we are Quare! um stright and so are you,a nd dont be scared, EXPOSE point ove know retrun fullreaction! Justin Beaver: My eye’s see you on the tv braing news all the time, releax! think positve, and never rush with aney given day!
hi JB it’s a 1d fan and I can’t believe you Miss Christmas I bet your sister Jazzy cried cues you won’t home for the holiday’s Next Time try not to get in Trouble again and don’t go to Jell ok JB IM a 1d fan and I really Miss you a lot I thought somebody killed you
hi JB it’s a 1d fan and IM still Following you on twitter JB nobody is Following you anymore But I AM now you can Tweet Me now IM a 1d fan and I think I only sent you like seven tweet’s on twitter Justin Drew BIEBER Hey I spelled your Full Name boyfriend
I am the biggest fan of yours and I love you please play in telford please and I love you soo much your amazing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi!!!! where have you been?
down wih u.s.a
West glenn Roswell Ga,
If I was Justin Bieber, I would go and build me the biggest mansion in Canada, I can build on oil rich land.
Like the Keystone Pipeline Oil property that is sure to bring you great wealth.If you are one of his fans can you tell him that. !!! With all of that Money, he should forget Atlanta Ga, has anyone told him that. Things that make go Hum!!!
hey I’m dariel
hi Justin it’s a 1d fan and I think you are Smoking Hot I Just want to Take you Home with Me Justin we can hang out together we can Talk about Funny Stories we can Talk about what’s going on with you and your ex Girlfriend Selena Gomez why are you guy’s keep braking up I want you to go on TOUR again but you keep ending up in Jail Justin well bye I’ll Miss you
Olá Justin. Eu sou a Maira e admiro o teu tabalho! Mas alguém que você conhece me pede pra dizer que.. Jesus te ama! Beijos
Hello Justin. I am the Maira and admire your tabalho! But someone you know asks me to say that .. Jesus loves you! Kisses
I love u JB 4evr
hi Justin it’s a 1d Fan I have a question do you have A New Girlfriend what’s Her Name Alias Allison Miranda Matilda or Miley Cyrus any of those Name’s Justin Drew BIEBER hey I Spelled your full Name Mr. Justin BIEBER well bye I love you I hope you go on Tour
Tan Hermoso…Lo Amo
Justin. Bieber.
I. Love. You. Justin. Bieber.
Boy. Friends. Best. Friends
Gils friends. Christina. Higuera
Best friends justin bieber. I. Love.
Party. Baby. Justin bieber. I. Love.
Justin bieber believe