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Justin Bieber – Baby [Electro Pop Ramoosh House Remix]

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  • Annie Champs

    justin isnt a disney star ..
    so why did they put that as the backround ?
    everyone should know that !

  • Annie Champs

    justin isnt a disney star ..
    so why did they put that as the backround ?
    everyone should know that !

  • Annie Champs

    justin isnt a disney star ..
    so why did they put that as the backround ?
    everyone should know that !

  • Annie Champs

    justin isnt a disney star ..
    so why did they put that as the backround ?
    everyone should know that !

  • Annie Champs

    justin isnt a disney star ..
    so why did they put that as the backround ?
    everyone should know that !