Yesterday Selena Gomez posted a behind-the-scenes video of her “Dream Out Loud” fashion line photoshoot (which is to hit K-Mart stores starting August 1). In the video there is a shot of her holding up her phone and guess who she has a big sticker of stuck on the back of it? Yes JB.

We know they’re good friends and it’s a pretty sweet thing that Selena would have a picture of Justin on the back of her phone but watching the video closer I noticed something VERY STRANGE. At exactly 1:31 into the video when the phone is shown, the video does a very weird thing. I thought there was something wrong with my eyes until I watched it over again and realized it wasn’t my eyes playing a trick on me but rather Selena Gomez playing a trick on me. YES!
Some might think it’s a computer mistake when they made the video but that flash of JB’s picture at 1:31 is no mistake. I’m sure Selena wanted to flash the picture of JB on the back of her phone in the video on purpose. Why? Because she knows the hottest thing among teens right now is Justin Bieber and I think this is a cheap way for her to try to win over some JB fans.
Watch the video to see what I mean:
Strange right? Nowhere else in the video is there another “flash” but only at 1:31 when JB’s picture is shown.
I’m not hating on Selena but I just wanted to point something out.
Do you see my point?
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I think they did the flash thing on purpose but I don't think it's for her to win JB's fans
I think they did the flash thing on purpose but I don't think it's for her to win JB's fans
Biased poll is biased.
Biased poll is biased.
Their relationship isnt fake. They love another very much as you can see.if you are jealous its just because you wanna marry Bieber.
Oh stfu stop using that jealously bullshit as an excuse y’all selantors are blind and stupid as hell. That has nothing to do witht he post. Ur the just in denial and avoiding the truth.