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YouTube just hacked by Justin Bieber haters (eBaums or 4Chan?)

On Independence Day Justin Bieber haters strikes again. But who is responsible this time? eBaums or 4Chan?

As I am typing this up YouTube has not found out yet but they have been hacked by either eBaums or 4Chan, the same guys behind the attack on JBShrine and Last.fm.

When I got wind of this news I quickly checked the BABY music video featuring Ludacris on YouTube. When the page loaded a pop-up message came up stating:

BREAKING NEWS: Justin Bieber died in a horrific car accident earlier this morning. Please visit the CNN home page for more info.

After checking to make sure CNN.com wasn’t affected, I reloaded the BABY video page and this time the hack was changed from just a simple pop-up message to pretty much wiping out the whole page leaving just the music video and a background picture with the words “OMG FAGGOT” written all over it.

(As I get down to writing this part) YouTube has caught on and has changed the page back to normal except they have disabled their comment section. But luckily I was able to get a screen capture of what I saw:

I think it’s now become a competition between the two hater groups to see who is the better hacker and the collateral damage here is JB and his fans.
The following is from the Murray Report:


The world’s largest video sharing website, YouTube, appears to have been hacked this evening – as viewers who frequent the videos of teen singer Justin Bieber find themselves bombarded with hate messages and redirected to the infamous, pornographic and cult-followed video known as ‘One Man; One Jar’.

Popular videos, such as Bieber’s song ‘Baby’, have been obscured by pop-up windows that profess hate messages to all who wish to view.

Perhaps even funnier, the video for ‘One Time’ included a redirection to the webpage containing the video ‘One Man; One Jar’.

Some of the errors and hacks appear to have been fixed by the website’s administrators – for whom the time is 6:30 in the morning.

Furthermore, when visiting the page for ‘Baby’, viewers are presented with a pop-up window that reads:

BREAKING NEWS: Justin bieber died in a horrific car accident earlier thismorning, please visit the CNN homepage for more info


I just did some investigating and I can now confirm that 4Chan.org is behind the attack.

A message from their /b/ section:

Anonymous 07/04/10(Sun)10:41:01 No.247822XXX
Youtube leak. Comments sections are/where vulnerable too code injection. Hence people can run a Javascript on a page load.

One hour of total anarchy on youtube, youtube admins fixed it by shutting off the comments. But it looks like it’s still vulnerable.

The instructions look pretty simple. Seems like you just copy and paste the codes below into the comment section of the video.



The likely result of all this? Justin’s “Baby” will overtake Lady GaGa’s “Bad Romance” as the MOST VIEWED VIDEO of ALL TIME on YouTube in no time. :p

By the way, seems like someone on the inside left this comment:

Shaun said…

I wish to notify you that it wasn’t hacked for the purpose of defacing Justin Bieber, nor was it hacked.

The /v/ section of 4chan stumbled onto a comment exploit (this is not hacking) and it started off with scrolling marquees on the popular videos, with various comments consisting of profanity and escalated from there to popups, cookie thefts and redirections.

This was NOT done for the purpose of defacing Bieber’s accounts (kidrhaul and Vevo). Now, obviously when you have a community that large filled there will be Bieber haters. But this exploit was not discovered and used for the purpose of bad naming Bieber or upsetting his fans.

July 4, 2010 7:02 AM

So in other words this was more an attack on YouTube itself and JB fans should not take this personally as it was done to other artists’ videos too. It just so happens that JB fans were most affected because we are a large portion of the people who use YouTube.

Follow @JBShrine for the latest Justin Bieber news.

Also read:

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  • Shaun

    I wish to notify you that it wasn't hacked for the purpose of defacing Justin Bieber, nor was it hacked.

    The /v/ section of 4chan stumbled onto a comment exploit (this is not hacking) and it started off with scrolling marquees on the popular videos, with various comments consisting of profanity and escalated from there to popups, cookie thefts and redirections.

    This was NOT done for the purpose of defacing Bieber's accounts (kidrhaul and Vevo). Now, obviously when you have a community that large filled there will be Bieber haters. But this exploit was not discovered and used for the purpose of bad naming Bieber or upsetting his fans.

  • Anonymous

    wtf :'(

  • Shaun

    I wish to notify you that it wasn't hacked for the purpose of defacing Justin Bieber, nor was it hacked.

    The /v/ section of 4chan stumbled onto a comment exploit (this is not hacking) and it started off with scrolling marquees on the popular videos, with various comments consisting of profanity and escalated from there to popups, cookie thefts and redirections.

    This was NOT done for the purpose of defacing Bieber's accounts (kidrhaul and Vevo). Now, obviously when you have a community that large filled there will be Bieber haters. But this exploit was not discovered and used for the purpose of bad naming Bieber or upsetting his fans.

  • Anonymous

    wtf :'(

    • Anonymous

      wtf is not awhore

  • Anonymous

    OMG i just clicked on something and this thing came up there it stood that justin was in a car accident and that i should visit cnn's channel for more then everything turned white………. :S

  • Anonymous

    OMG i just clicked on something and this thing came up there it stood that justin was in a car accident and that i should visit cnn's channel for more then everything turned white………. :S

  • Anonymous

    Shaun, you are a gigantic faggot.

  • Anonymous

    Shaun, you are a gigantic faggot.

  • Shaun

    Anonymous – Haters gonna hate.

  • Shaun

    Anonymous – Haters gonna hate.

  • Anonymous

    fucking embans wordl

  • Anonymous

    fucking embans wordl

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous



  • Anonymous



  • Anonymous

    I'm 12 and what is this ?

  • Anonymous

    I'm 12 and what is this ?

  • Anonymous

    Ebaumsworld wins!

  • Anonymous

    Ebaumsworld wins!

  • Anonymous

    WHY do they spend their time doing this shit?!!!

  • Anonymous

    WHY do they spend their time doing this shit?!!!

  • Anonymous

    We are a legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget.

    4th July 2010, never forget.

  • Anonymous

    We are a legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget.

    4th July 2010, never forget.

  • Audrey

    hello justin con vatu justin bieber your house lover blonde baby is cynthia brochu xxxxxx

  • Audrey

    hello justin con vatu justin bieber your house lover blonde baby is cynthia brochu xxxxxx

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    ebaums world has no life thats why they are in their basements on july 4. i hate you ebaums

  • Anonymous

    ebaums world has no life thats why they are in their basements on july 4. i hate you ebaums

  • Anonymous

    expect us

  • Anonymous

    expect us

  • Anonymous

    it´s not like it was only for justin bieber. other singers and groups too.

  • Anonymous

    it´s not like it was only for justin bieber. other singers and groups too.

  • Anonymous

    I can not believe we let ebaums get away with things like this! not only did they deface nearly all of the most popular videos, they also spammed ebaums all over the website.

  • Anonymous

    I can not believe we let ebaums get away with things like this! not only did they deface nearly all of the most popular videos, they also spammed ebaums all over the website.

  • Anonymous

    Ebaums – 1
    Bieber – 0

  • Anonymous

    Ebaums – 1
    Bieber – 0

  • Anonymous

    Yeeaaa Giga-lol!

    Time to give a break with this idiots kids! Go to school instead of sing stupid kids! The internet is not for you! We don't want you, you won't appear on the internet!


  • Anonymous

    Yeeaaa Giga-lol!

    Time to give a break with this idiots kids! Go to school instead of sing stupid kids! The internet is not for you! We don't want you, you won't appear on the internet!


  • Paracetamol

    It was Anonymous… meaning, not exactly ebaums, not exactly 4chan… a mix of both

    Trust me… And not all of anonymous supported this

  • Paracetamol

    It was Anonymous… meaning, not exactly ebaums, not exactly 4chan… a mix of both

    Trust me… And not all of anonymous supported this

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    haters hate what they want to be! Justin bieber is the best now and forever

  • Anonymous

    haters hate what they want to be! Justin bieber is the best now and forever

  • Bieber

    Fuck you Ebaums.
    Bieber 4 lyf.

  • Bieber

    Fuck you Ebaums.
    Bieber 4 lyf.

  • Anonymous

    Why is ebaums so full of hate? cant they learn to love and respect our talented young artists?

  • Anonymous

    Why is ebaums so full of hate? cant they learn to love and respect our talented young artists?

  • Anonymous

    I'm from ebaums…. I cannot believe 4chan took the fall for this one XD

    I went to 4chan and posted what they are showing. I got it from Ebaums!

  • Anonymous

    I'm from ebaums…. I cannot believe 4chan took the fall for this one XD

    I went to 4chan and posted what they are showing. I got it from Ebaums!

  • Anonymous

    1st of October

    never forget

  • Anonymous

    GO 4CHAN!
    We are anonymous,We do not forget,we do not forgive
    United as one
    Divided by zero
    Expect us

  • lucy

    the hackers a dildo…. nuff said.