We had a chance to catch up with Jesse McCartney yesterday and he spilled some MAJOR Justin Bieber news — he’s working with J-Biebs on his new CD! Jesse tells M:
“Justin’s a really nice guy. I’m actually writing a few songs for his next CD.”
When we asked Jesse if he had any advice for J-Biebs (afterall, Jesse knows all about being an idol to millions of teen girls from his Dream Street and Summerland days), he told us this:
“You know, to really appreciate it, to live in the moment and work hard, and you can have a career for years to come.”
Sound like great advice to us! And in case you didn’t know, Jesse’s got a new song himself, “Shake,” that hits iTunes on 9/21, so make sure to check it out!
Now let’s dish: What do you think Jesse’s songs for Justin will sound like? Who else do you hope Justin works with on his new CD? Comment back!
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I hope he will be working with Vita Chambers ;D<3
whos that chick?
i guess its pretty awesome but i also think JB should write his own songs =S
you got that right hes really lazy to sound of it?!
Want Jesse McCartney to come party at your house??? OMG! Yes you do!!! Check it out: http://www.q102.com/iplaylist/artist/474504
Omg! Jesse is going to be streaming LIVE tomorrow singing and answering questions! AHHH! Watch it at 1pm at http://www.q102.com
i really think justin and jesse should do a song together they would be a perfect pair to do a song. and i think more people would listen to justins music because jesse would make his songs sound less girly. i think there song would be awseome!!!!!
hey guys thanks jesse those are going to be memoires never to forget….Luv u selena luv u soooooo sooooooooooooo much!!!!
And I know u may not like it that I’m with selena but ur just going to have to get over it and say “Who Says”