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The Truth Behind The Real Justin Bieber

Omg, imagine?

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  • Anonymous

    okay is this a joke?

  • Anonymous

    a feel sick ! is this real ??

  • caitlin

    this isn't real everyone, Thank God i would be sooooooo heart broken and disguated and ewwed out and embarrassed if it was.

  • Anonymous

    idddkk! Daisy its fake rightt!! like in real life did alll this happen.and taht mask picturee?OF HIS MASK FALLING OFF.OH MY.PLEASE EXPLAINN

    • Anonymous

      Justin is fake… He’s face musk was pelling off y he was singing ok.. he’s a fake ass 51 year old pedophile guy ….

    • sarha

      thank you for telling me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous

    how do you know it's not real ??

  • Anonymous

    look at his eyes and the mad mans they look the same ? :S

  • Anonymous

    this is such BULLCRAP he would not do that

    • Anonymous

      You’re so stupid yes its probably not true but you don’t know him and if it was an old man yes we would do that but he would have to act like he wouldn’t you’re so stupid

  • Caitlin Bieber

    this was made by a fake news thing. it's not real plus haven't all you seen that pic where his face was peeling off all normal and no skin peeling off and plus this is filed under funny so you can see its fake plus wat 51 yr old has a voice like that and could pull off a hot 16 year old boy. Wouldn't all his beach photos be wrinkly.

  • Tyanna Bieber

    this is not real because if u guys remember justin bieber sang to usher and in the video that they gave us the 51 year old guy does not have the teeth and i meet justin bieber he is not 51 and remember the date he went on with those two girl, no it is not real that is just all the haters plying jokes on the bieber fans so plz dont think that is real if u love justin.

  • Frannii

    Okay That's just ceepy, obviously fake… But why would all these people who made it, go to the effort of making that. It's not even funny, it's sick tbh.x.

  • Frannii

    Oops Typo, I meant 'Creepy' not ceepy! XD hehe.

  • Anonymous

    This isn't real,it's the Onion aka fake news.Do you really think that JB would be disguised as a 51 year old pedo?

  • Anonymous

    lololol!!! xD
    What's the song the guy was lypsyncing?

  • Stephanie

    lol guys check out the logo of the program first before you believe anything that's not right xP

  • Anonymous

    i am not sure with the spelling sorry

  • Anonymous

    What jerk made this up! Its All fake. They all should be locked up!!

  • Dempsey

    Guys its on the onion so of course its fake come on! If this was true we would be hearing a whole bunch more about it!

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    ewwwww thats totally nasty and creepy!!!! and thank god thats not real! thats just…ewwww what a creeper!!!

  • Anonymous

    OH my god…i knew something was up when bieber told me to piss in a specific bathroom…i think there was a camera, i feel so used

    • Anonymous

      Haha that’s awesome

  • Anonymous

    i think its funny that you guys could even consider that being true…. hes just a normal teenager

  • Anonymous

    state on justin beiber he is a sick pedo !!!

  • Emmmmaaarr

    I love justin Bieber, He is really fit, and he's a good singer. I don't know why people would say that about him?? It's just stupid. People probab;y are just saying it to get people to not like him just cause there jelous..
    it's pathetic really.

  • mrz2cute14

    Omg people are so dum . they have nothing better to do but make up stories about a 16 year old kid. Wow are you guys reallt that immature? Like seriously we all know Onion Is A Fake and that guy was lipsyncing.. Ya really dont have lives!!!

  • Anonymous

    at first i thought it was real but then as i looked it up i saw no "real" news, just a bunch of references toward the video. im not a HUGE justin bieber fan (me be 18) but i guess its a good thing. 😛 that he really isn't 51. but the video was pretty legit looking

  • Anonymous

    really? i mean if it was the pictures at the bahamas, his body would be wrinkly and the mask would be SOOO obvious.!

  • Anonymous

    well ppls i guess ppl hate JB but some this is just something 2 crush lil kids & ther ppls harts & drems & omg the so calle peelng mask isnt even the same color as his skin & ifu wor a mask i mean hewould b wrinkled & u kno wat they should do check 2 c if he 51 man has the tatto like JB o yeh that willsolve everyhing & if no more songs from JB dont come out well that is a sign it MIGHT BE ture i anit saying it is thougt

  • i love justin

    • That is fake plus why would he be wit selena gomez totally fake

  • hey justin take on the ride with gomez your up goo man dry swagger

  • Louisa Bieber


  • Natalie

    That’s bull shit!
    No such thing as onion TV, Justin has had pictures with his top of etc.. A 51 year old guy couldn’t fake a body of a child. The ‘mask’ coming off was obviously photo shopped and that guy was lip singing to one of Justin’s songs. It annoys me how gulable people are.

  • Shanii'x

    Okay so I get that this is fake and I hope nobody takes this offensive because this is my opinion. Well, personally I don’t like Justin Bieber but I don’t think someone should have tried doing something like that to crush his career. His career is bad enough now he’s broke the law in so many countries, he’s ruining his career himself. His choice.

  • anonymous

    Idk what to believe… the video is obusoiulsy fake but there are videos were JBs eyes change on live tv… so idk anymore

  • anonymous

    Its just not worth it

  • anonymous

    Lol the shyt freaked me the fuck out….

  • Bieber's heroine addicted mother

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Omfg the little girl in the video “and then he made me pee on him”.

  • shunquala pipes

    I think its fake anyways cause if u look at the face were its peeling the mask looked fake period and thats a 51 yr old man look at how justin bieber move he does things in his video that this man looks like he cant even do real talk i think its fake and they were being funny butihey life goes on

  • Chianna

    Justin bieber is not 51 because if he was 51 years old Selena Gomez would have found out

    • Anonymous

      Y don’t u ask Selena Gomez if he is or not

  • Chianna

    Justin bieber is just a regular 16year old who is trying to live a normal life not they r starting on his mom that is just pathetic people r so stupid y don’t they ask Selena Gomez of he is old or not she probably knows

  • have to love stupid girls

    Hollywood could polish a turd, not to mention Disney orld where a knon pedophile still works today. Even if its fake then is just like Justin Beaver… Girls a fools

  • someone who cares

    Ppl are really dumb if this was so called true why wasn’t it on different news channels world wide. I think JB should sue their dumb asses for defamationof ccharacter and that Lil girl should get her Lil ass whipped. Ppl should stop trying to mess someone else life up and work on theirs miserable ass ppl

  • who cares

    All you young people out there heads up. Justin sucks. And for that video to be posted that means that’s folks are thinking that way. Yes for you folks that said you know him. Yea ok. Not! But anyway nobody KNOWS him. Fake or not yes it is sick. But welcome to the real world…

  • annonimous

    Ok realy am nt a fun of justin bieber bt I dnt knw if tht is true. Though it myt b real evry one hz got a skeleton in thr closet.. #dntknow

  • Chrispine Oberty Siaz

    it isn’t true, cause if it was: it would have been noticed a long time ago. hmm why now???