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Justin Bieber kissing . . . . Justin Bieber? WTF?!

Justinbieber kissing Justin Bieber


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  • hy jb
    i like you..
    i love you

  • Sarah

    i like the bieber in black better;)
    wouldnt it be cool if jb had a twin!

  • emmy

    you are so silly,a silly pig????????????????i know

  • emmy

    you are nutty if you don’t see me

  • Thats kid of weird ok who put that any way thats just sad and not so cute of hot that turns on people that are so sick and gross! Justin ur better than that.

    • Hannah101


  • MrsBieber

    this is amazing!

  • jussybug


    • Lerosha Lee

      jussybug are you justin bieber am lerosha lee

  • Actually i kinda like this:)) it’s cool ,…by the way great job!

  • kaushal

    Wow , cool i like do that 🙂

  • Alex

    Someone please tell me how this is happening?xx is it photoshopped?x

    • Hailey

      There is a picture of him kissing the duck behind him and they put that other picture in there

  • Aniestin

    of course this is photoshopped!!!
    haha its funny..looking

  • lol……thats funny….but weird @ the same time.

  • how co’d ( can )it be ??
    there is no 2 of JB
    thats really funny and weird

  • Kirst

    lool imagine 2 justin biebers, were already overwhelmed with 1

  • jbs1stgirl


  • Taylor

    He looks like an adorable ducky hehe

  • #Dr.BieberLover

    Hey Justin…
    Hey Babe…
    I love you…
    I love you too…

  • SwagSoMean

    guys calm down. obviously it’s photoshopped.

  • Maame

    that kinda turns me on rofl

  • Candice

    Okay, I’m going to clear this up for everybody: On Facebook, there are “Justin Bieber Twinny’s”. These are pretty much people who are posing as Justin. They also date each other. So one of them made this picture to show that the JB Twinny’s are kissing. Get it? Really dumb, I know. But you gotta love the Believberss(:

  • Anonymous

    I’d watch them two go at eachother…. Just saying thatd be hot!

  • JUstinov bieber I sweetheart hug kiss more marry together sweetheart hug kiss want to mant tell deaf say yes like Alejandra Magana 🙂 🙂 am call (509)430-6261 so Plesea numbrer call were you handsome !!❤❤❤❤

  • Autumn

    Justin i been your fan since you first sang a song and posted it on youtube and i said to myself, he has a amazing voice. Thank you for everything Justin and for caring so much about your fans. I love you so much Justin <3

  • cece

    WTF 😛

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