Selena Gomez isn’t making any promises about her relationship with Justin Bieber, quite the opposite in fact.
The 18-year-old songstress was photographed last week with her 16-year-old pop star “friend,” but without a very important accessory — her promise ring.
Two years ago, the Disney starlet got her father to buy her the purity bling which signified her vow to abstain from sex until marriage.
“He went to the church and got it blessed. He actually used me as an example for other kids,” Gomez told Extra at the time. “I’m going to keep my promise to myself, to my family, and to God.”
But last weekend Gomez was seen entering Bieber’s tour bus in Miami without the chastity symbol on her finger, according to TMZ.com.
Paparazzi snapped the rumored love birds on Saturday holding hands and laughing. Though the teen couple ran from the cameramen, the photographers later caught them embracing on Bieber’s tour bus following his show.
Earlier this month, the duo sparked romance rumors when they were photographed at a Philadelphia International House of Pancakes, in town to perform at Q102’s annual Jingle Ball.
Gomez later told mtv.com that Bieber was “one of my best friends” and their outing together was “all innocent.”
I wasn’t sure what exactly a purity ring does so I looked it up on Wikipedia:
Purity rings (also known as chastity rings or abstinence rings) originated in the United States in the 1990s among Christian-affiliated sexual abstinence groups.[1] Wearing a purity ring is typically accompanied by a religious vow to practice abstinence until marriage.[2]
So it’s something you wear as a promise to not lose your virginity until you’re married. So if future pictures show Selena no longer wears her purity ring then does it mean she’s now ready to have sex or does it mean she already lost her virginity? How does that work?
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i love justin bieber and everyone should like him too!
I agree but … that’s not how it works! XD
She better not be pregnant if she is i am gonna go crazy!!!!!!!!!!!and what do you mean by thats not how it works
your so late she bout to be 21 she is grown she can have sex and drink if she wants its her life let her make mastakes and learn form them k
lpdrhllncnflpcyrnkzfdmdfgnkusluxnjolprh s
yeah what you say!!!
he suck
Justin Bieber’s awesome! He’s one of the BEST teenage singers in the world!
bitch dum ass hoe no he ain’t you just got a crush bitch shut up and get offline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dum ass
hoe shut yo dumb ass up ok bitch n like the other chik said i agree but its realy not how that works slutt ass selena gomez and dirty ass justin bieber.
el solo ahce sufrir alas mujeres ya selena que si tiene senpimientos reales no como justin que aparenta ser una perzona q no es la pelicula never say never para mi no es verdad es una farsa y ademas el no es una perzon de verdad no tiene sentimientos de verdad
good catharine me to the mom yd
Selena’s not capable. Even if she took it off, she probably had other reasons.
Maybe….Just maybe…
Her fingers grew and it got to be too small for her..
ya im positive that was the reason! lol!
the pictures of her hands are different hands. one picture is of her left hand and one is of her right..
no you dumb ass there both the right hand
laugh my fucking ass off !
It means she already had sex.
i hate you Justin B iber i ment Justin stouped . And date Salina
how can u say that about justin bieber thats like an insult to me and ma mate x
you suck bitch so does justin
shut up!! asshole
You clearly don’t know how to spell.
I could understand ment and B iber.
But, really? Plus the only reason why im correcting you is because you probably hate him for no apparent reason. Aha,
i no thats right
yeah i dont like justin but i love selena and how can you spell biber like that its bieber and thats not how you spell stouped its stupid!!
i cant belive u would actually say something like that!! EVERYONE loves JB amd he is amazing! why dont u just keep your opinions to yourself because u are offending ALOT of people!!!!!!!!!!!
most people hate justin! and maybe you should shut it bitch
shut up bitch justin is trash ok
just plane dum
Just so you know you spelled her name wrong and stupid wrong and all the guys who say they hate him because they want his life. Think about it hes what, 18 now and he has the money, fame, and the girl so stop being mean to him and shut the hell up cause you dont know what you are talking about.
Lol its not that we hate him for what he got ( dont get me wrong i would love to have the life he has cars house money getting to tap that sweet ass of selena when ever he want) the reason y we hate him is because he is obviously a terrible singer but girls (and some guys apparently) treat him like he is a great and better than some talented singers when in reality he cant singer for shit much less try to rap in my eyes his fashion is terrible i thinks selena is just going out with him for the publicity just like with one of the Jones
shut up your a srub oh my gosh you shonlud be ashamed of yourself you no what never mind becaues i hate justin but i would fuck the fuck out of that boy
learn how to spell moron!
justin bieber is the cutest thing i ever saw . i don’t like selena any more because ther going out
hahaha exactly
I know he is freken hot……….lol
thats just childish !! it’s not her fault that she fell in love with justin !!!
why hate selena if shes going out with justin b.? or the other way around. just think of it this way. will your friends hate you if you went out woth a guy or girl they hated? just put some thought imto that
OH GET OVER YOURSELF!!! you couldnt get justin. you stupid ass people
which means no one knows whether it was with justin or taylor or nick or any of the other guys she has gone out with or just some random guy for all we kno!!!!!!!!right?
I think so to
even if she did take it off its nun of your buisnes if she did take it off she would be breaking her promis to herself her family and god
thats what happens when your famous hunn…
That is right hahaha
xghxfksnslyunslorysmlfpslryt tmstlpdrysnlphdrns yros
jojo nuk jam ka muj me besu qe jna fejuu kta dyy no o my good jojoj nonononoo fuck selena gomeses ♥ jasemine
I’m don’t like and love Selena Gomes is uglw sorry
justin bieber is beautiful and Selena uglw.
boys are not beautiful.-
haha boys are hawtxdd not beautiful and in his eyes she not ugly what type of bieberfan are you if you dont support him great good being a bieberfan justin will love yu for bashing on his girl
you cant even spell ugly right!! every girl is beautiful and your just a jealous bitch
I luv Justin but WTF y Selena I hate him now and I always will!!!!
That’s tight… you were obviously not a belieber and so what if they’ve done it!? It’s life and (nearly) everyone does it. I love Justin and don’t like Selena but I respect her and I respect Jelena. I’m happy for Justin and Jelena are cute together
i like selena i think she is so cool and i think she looks sooooooo cute with justin bieber xxxxxx 🙂 xxx
that is ugly
thats not funny rebecca leave me alone xx 🙁
I love you
they’re so sexy together
she wasnt wearing a bra :O 😛
me to.you and me think is same.J B also cute.
finally sum1 who thinx justin and selena would make a cute cupple
i agree 😀
their perfect for each other
No they’re Not!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES totally right on that one gurrl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111i like you be my friend lol nevermind I am just creepy like that dont mind me hheheheheehehehehehehe btw Im 18
whatever ur name is ME?
regardless of alll of this i love bieber and No this isnt sending a positive message… and no everyone is going to be like omgggg… ut he is almost an adult its not right to do those things before marriage but they happen everyday so why does that have to have a different effect on them just because they are celeberities… but lets not try to sugar coat things honestly its realistic that she probably isnt a virgin..
i agree they belong 2 gether and selena, might have many other reasons why she took of the ring.
Justins amazing. It was her choice to take it off. We’re happy that he’s happy, but if she took it off then it’s her fault and she needs to go to hell and take the ring with her ta ta.
EXCACTLY but I think she is HELL in a body or vice versa like a body full of hell and deceiptfulness!!!!!!!!!!!Fuck that bitch
OHHH gurl, I totally totally TOTALLY agree with Tyra Lynn and saraandmaj’s comments. Sick beak, SO true!
dear justin bieber shrine fansite , hi my name is david conway and my comments to this issue and to miss selena gomez i do not have to love miss selena gomez , i just do,nt care just what she does any more , i just do dislike her a,lot , love david b conway
I wouldnt be surprised if they had sex, cuz their parents had sex when they were teenagers
ahahhahahahhahahah so funny watch her get preggo
Hahahaha I agree
seriously there has been rumours of her already being preggo and getting an abortion with…taylor lautner 🙁 its sad for taylor tht he had to see her dick and sad for her that she has one lol
haha fuck that waz a good one!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 <3
its clear that the ring has been photoshoped 🙁
i luv justin!!!!but i dont like that selena took the ring off now shes gonna get pregnant but i dont think justin will do it with her and she will be feeling stupid….jajaja
if Selena wants to get pregnat it iz up to her not to u. If Selena wants to do it with Justin maybe she wont feel stupid cuz it was the disission she made.>:(
People shouldnt be hating on selena gomez jst cuz she is going out with justin. The ppl who hate r jealous because justin iznt going out with them.
i mean i love justin but selena????yuk! they should be close friends only
justin is alrught looking but selina well that bitch has gotta go once and for all!!!!!!!!!!
you go yazmine your on the right track about that skank
at the end of the day….im happy if justin’s happy-u smile i smile:):):)<3
seriously? has nobody else noticed that BOTH of the pictures being used as “proof” are focused in on the ring finger of the wrong hand? Purity rings are worn on the same finger as an engagement/wedding ring, which is on the LEFT hand. They’re showing the right. and you couldn’t even argue that the pictures were flipped, because of the writing in the background. Really, people, you can’t even look at the situation enough tohave a chance to notice any errors before you start making judgements? Idiots.
Look at the latest pics out there – Justin is squeezing Selena’s ass in a very provocative way – fingers are reaching into the depths of her umm, you know what. Well, at least any normal 16 year old guy knows what I mean. No question he is pounding her every chance he gets. And why shouldn’t he?
page 2 / dear justin bieber shrine blog fansite , hi my name is david conway and my last comment just for a while is that , i just do,nt care what might happened to them just by justin bieber and to his girl friend miss selena marie gomez , just by the haters whats to do with them , im not going to supporting them any more, she acting just like the original selena that died , love david b conway
One more point: I just want to clarify that I’m not saying that she didn’t lose her virginity; I’m not saying that she did. She is the only one that could say one way r the other, and if she were to come out about it, no doubt there would be speculation either way. I’m simply pointing out when someone made a reallllllly stupid mistake in their job of reporting hollywood gossip.
First off I would like to say I <3 Justin Bieber! But I hate SELENA! I love how happy he is. Butttt y her I mean I'm descent! She is just using that wonderful boy for his FAME! Qoute Justin Bieber. "Never Say Never"!!!! Z
dear justin bieber shrine blog fan site 2011 , hi my name is david conway , and the reason why justin bieber fans can not reach just to selena gomez and the fans here as well just on the justin bieber shrine fansite blog here just because off mis selena marie gomez just turn off her tweeter last munth , love david b conway
lpstelprmclprysgpleh kids aclpftbjs catharine Nguyne
Justin Bieber its Miranda You shouldn’t believe what other people say if you wanna go out with any girl u can nobody can stop u and do what your heart tells you to do let your heart choose who u need to be with and who u love
Your Friend,
Miranda Vida Mendolla(Snickers)
i think its just another part of her plan to use justin to get publicity.
either that or she did have sex, and she broke her “promise to God.”
bad move…
bitch is so full of herself. like wth? I hope this bitch would grow up already!? I LOVE SNSD. at least they are a lot prettier than that JB slut. SHE gives Canada and its educational system a bad name!
you’re a bitch you know, you’re probably hating on her just because she has fame, and i love her and what doesn’t kill her, makes her stronger, and if she’s so much of a slut, why don’t you just go fuck her, dumb bitch ass hoe, i thought men or whatever you are fuck whores and sluts, call me when you bought a clue, got a life, and set your path straight with god, Motherfucker. P.S. I bet bitches like you are for some disase filled std and aids filled slut for you i hop you get one, bitch. (praise God.) -Kaila.
finally somebody who understands haters just dont get it,.. when you hate on somebody your lifed gets worse and theirs gets so better you cant even call it better.!
ok stop hating plese and go get a life how would yhu like it if someone called yhu a slut treat other people how yhu wanna be treated
Taylor you are right they need to forgive and forget:)
LOL you people are insane. Ever heard of forgetting?
i love justin bieber
and……………. ? i like chesse but u dont see me posting it!
nem jol nem hisemel
maybe the she lost the ring or maybe she had sex, who knew? I would be embarrassed if someone ask me if I had sex yet. I don’t get Justin Bieber’s fan. I mean, don’t fans love him for his music. Then, why do you say that Selena is no good. Do you truly love Justin as he is. You don’t even know him. You never know his true self until you be friends with him and not just as a fan. By the way, do you think you’re any better to be Justin Bieber’s girlfriend? I think not. i’m no good either. The one who truly knows you is yourself. I’m saying this cause I’m sick of all this drama and I’m bored right now XD
Don’t ever doubt yourself like that because anyone can be good enough to be Justin’s girlfriend. He’s never called a girl ugly before and he likes girls for their personalities mostly and not only looks.
i know its not anyones buisness unless they want to talk about
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3 YOU SO MUCH I HAVE THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
who cares they arent really teens anymore they are adults its there life they live it however they want it she may not be with beiber forever but she did what she wanted and she cant have it back sooo there ya go ….. I still love bieber regardless.!!!
They can do anything they want, they are basically adults. People are just mad because they really like or “love” Justin Bieber. Freak what people say.
GO SELENA !! GO SELENA !! GO SELENA !! GOOOOO!! Hope their relationship stay strong.,
everyone on her is actually Pathetic its there life they can do whatever with it so why not just leave them both alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You people are pathetic and have no lives
and mysterious number 2 agrees
buy a life get two for free bitches -.-
dear web site , hi my name is david conway and my comments here is that i do,nt have to love them both justin bieber and to miss selena gomez , i just do,nt care about there careers as well , love david b conway
u guys are fucked
i can imagine me like justin beiber but i am a girl i am a really good singer and i love rap and all that other stuff
Maybe she did just take it off… But if it is because she had sex that defeats the whole purpose of having a purity ring. She made a promise to herself, her family and to God and if she did break it, she shouldn’t have made it in the first place.
I really hope that that selena hasn’t had it with Justin because I wanted to be the first one too… with him. I want to have my first dance with too but I that’s never going to happen. But it’s so obvious that she’s already having it with him cause look at the pictures of them in the caribbean together. Since I’m a Christian out of the kindest of my heart I am going to forgive Selena even though she could be but probably IS sleeping with my man 🙁
No offense but that’s a little disturbing
LOL. You are ALL a bunch of little kiddy LOSERS!
Bieber is one big loser too, he is NOTHING special. Just a dumb ass kid who got a lucky break, that’s all. What good is he to society except for wetting little clueless girl’s fantasies. The true heroes who no one talks about are people like doctors, nurses, scientists etc. these are worthy people of the world. They should take Bieber, put him in a 100 feet deep hole and fill it with cement! Low-life loser who is no good to society like the politicians.
I luv Selena but lately it seems like she turning into another Miley Cyrus
Selena Gomez Is Such A Big Fat HORE!
I am in love with you Justin!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥xxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooxoxoxoxox i think selena forgot to put it on or had to take it off to shower and didnt get to put it back on! jeez! give the girl a break! She didnt know paparazzi were going to SWARM them and look for it! i think she 4got to put it on!! SHEESH!
Purity rings are just reminders of a promise, that’s all. I wear one, but I don’t wear it 24/7. Sometimes, like when I’m swimming, doing yard work, or camping, I just leave it at home so it doesn’t get damaged or lost. Other times, since I don’t sleep with it on, I forget to put it on when I leave the house. Doesn’t mean I abandon my promise.
wat justin beiber knws how to fuck
i don’t think anyone has the right to DECIDE weather they are GOOD together or not. let alone weather they SHOULD or DID have sex! its their life and they will live it the way they want. i don’t understand how people can dislike someone they’ve never even met! if you don’t like their faces then that’s messed up. if you don’t like the songs they sing then don’t listen to them! their images are completely different from their personalities. they never judged you so why judge them? is it cause of jealousy? face the truth! you dont have a chance with justin especially if you judge!
yu are meant to be.dont worry wat people say let them go to hell