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Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun arguing over a toy helicopter

So cute!! Love you Biebs <3

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  • AG

    LOL! Fly it in someones face πŸ™‚ Im suprised no one at the airport noticed Justin Bieber πŸ˜› I luv u Justin and The Justin Bieber Shrine.com xo

    • Anonymous

      i noe right no one notice him!!!!!!!!!! i luv jb misss the old biebs

      • belb

        inooo i miss him! but hes still the same and ill luv him however much he changes <3

        • Anonymous

          I love your pic

        • faz

          al of us lov jb but i lov him de most!!! xxxx10000….

    • NEliza

      Justin pwns. Like Lebron James. And Chuck Norris. BUT BETTER <3

  • ahoj justin bek ne fotku

  • jessi

    hahahahahah this kiidd is hilariiouus . “he’s being a di– gypsy .” lmaaaooo .

    • Anonymous

      this kid????? well, ” this kid ” has a name! And its JUSTIN BIEBER ok?

      • Anonymous

        what the hell ? ? they weren’t trying to be offensive

  • Moriah

    I’m kind of offended he said that thing about gypsies, like they aren’t even supposed to be called that its “romany” but any ways I love Justin haha “where else can I get it?!” Scooter: “It’s the Sharper Image! Every mall!”

  • courtney bieber

    wow i was watching this the day it appeared on TMZ.com ahaha **Memories** πŸ™‚ <3

  • hj

    looooooool ‘he’s being a di-gypsy’


    lol cute

  • lol

    this is really old just saying

  • Anonymous

    i miss this justin :'(

  • i miss his hair like that lol he is so funny i love u justin bieber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Natasha

    By that time Justin could walk around without being noticed and without security and everythinng he wanted was a TOY HELICOPTER! Now he just want diamonds, fancy trips, expensive stuff…world turns ppl change, even Justin Bieber!!!

    • Adult Belieber

      People GROWS up. Or do you still long for barbies? it’s Completely normal that he wants different stuff, and more if he has the money to afford it.

  • i love this video its so funny and justin is so cutue

  • Anonymous

    cute! this is the justin i miss. i miss his cuteness, charm and happiness. i miss him sooooooooo much !! now he is obsessed with looking good and being cool πŸ™

    • i don’t agree. He’s still cute and charming and he’s still the same boy he was back then he just grew up but he didn’t change!

  • Natalie (Future Mrs.Bieber)

    Awww i miss the old JB but the new one is cool too. And hotter. Lol. Hahah he sure wants that toy helicopter.And i wouldnt trust him by giving him the helicopter in the airport either. πŸ˜€ hehe!!

  • jazmin

    He Is So..CuTe…^__^

  • tankergirl

    This is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Bunnies sniffing tiny flowers cute. I wish that Bieber could be frozen in time forever.

  • this is my last comment i will making on this web site , and i just do,nt care just if no one is not reading this comment or to reply to it , i just what to state that i do,nt care at all just if selena marie gomez her self and her boy friennd justin bieber is trying to comvice there fan,s just to a couble in love , but with me i am not playing that game i am augist them to be datting just to beinging with ,, love david b conway

  • Anonymous

    i miss the old Justin sooo much. He used to be funny and care free — now he worries about his looks and what people think of him. He needs to write more songs too πŸ˜›

  • Christina

    I was the first to tweet that video to Justin. Look at my twitter account @tina0003

  • Delfina

    heeey put something neew

  • no ofens but we al lov but mor SELENA GOMEZ his tru lov!!!!

  • no ofens but we al lov him but mor SELENA GOMEZ his tru lov!!!!

  • 4ever

  • courtney bieber

    OMFG! stop saying hess changed!! plz its not true am i the only one who knows this!!!??? #truebelieber

  • i love justin…i think it’s cute they were fighting over a helicopter …he will do anything to get what he wants (he isnt a snob or spolied) he has bounderies..lol love ya

  • taylor

    omg i lovee you so much you are my favorite person in the world you make my world goo round everyday there isnt a day that goes by that i dont think about youu .. i really wish i could meet youu because i have alot of questions to ask yyouu but i dont got all that money too see you πŸ™ but if i did i would pay to talk to you for likee 3 minutes that would make me the happiest person in the world you are the best singer youu make every person no that anything could happen and your dream can come true πŸ™‚ i loveeyouu justin keep making people smile you are my idol

  • fgfgfg

  • ok so me nd mi frndz go 2 a catholic skewl and we ALL singg thiz cuz thz da bomb

  • Anonymous

    people keep saying that justin change cuz he iz datin selena he haznt just he looks thatz all he iz still the old justin but different hair cut and different style tatz all nothin haz change his voice change but thatz all nothin eles

  • richard wiles

    I love ya justin.