On Thursday, Rolling Stone said it had made an editing error that included an incomplete quote from the teen star.
On its website, the magazine said the full quote was: “Um. Well, I think that’s really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I don’t know how that would be a reason. I guess I haven’t been in that position, so I wouldn’t be able to judge that.”
Rolling Stone reporter Vanessa Grigoriadis, who came under fire in some quarters for asking the teen about abortion in the first place, defended her line of questioning Thursday on Twitter.
“A 16 year old kid, to be 17 in a couple weeks, who has control over a large population should be asked all questions,” she tweeted.
Grigoriadis attempted to interpret Bieber’s comments in an interview with gossip site PopEater.
“I think he meant that God has a plan,” she told PopEater.
“Even for the most die-hard Christian, it’s hard to justify rape as part of God’s plan, and harder to justify rape that leads to pregnancy and abortion. I think he was wrestling with that in his answer, which I found to be solid and logical. I think it is being widely misunderstood. He did not say that rape was part of God’s plan.”
“A 16 year old who has control over a large population should be asked all questions.” Really?
This Vanessa Grigoriadis must be really bright. What kind of journalist asks a 16 year old about abortion, sex, AND politics? (Seems to me like she had planned on asking him these loaded questions on purpose.) She then publishes a misquote making the poor guy look like a retard and now all the media is reporting that Justin thinks rape is part of God’s plan and therefore a person who is raped must keep the baby. No adult celebrity wants to be questioned about abortion. Justin is 16! ARgghhh!!
Just go away already. You ain’t Barbara Walters and Justin isn’t Obama.
Speaking of Barbara Walters, look how heated the conversation got this morning on the topic.
And for the record let me say that this is one thing I don’t agree with Justin on. I think a woman should have the right to have an abortion. It doesn’t mean that you should abort and I know there are probably a few that abuse that right. But if a woman does not have the right to make decisions about her own body then we will never see a day when men and women would be seen as equals. It’s not about life or death because we can’t exactly determine that in a fetus but it’s about a woman’s human rights.
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justin bieber is cool
actually Rolling Stones fixed his quote after saying “i think everything happens for a reason” they added that they forgot to add after that he said “i dont know how that would be a reason” look it up on google!
Nice one carr. And its Rolling Stone we’re talking about. They should know that not including that last part changes the whole meaning of Justin’s statement. Shame on them for trying to make it a bigger story then it is so they can sell magazines.
Rolling Stone is dumb. I don’t really like it and iv’e never really believed them. But seriously. Don’t EVEN try to play the age thing here. Us teenagers are WAY smarter than some adults think we are. We can talk about abortion and things like that. If he had a prob with the question he would of said something, but he didnt.
who is this ?
I think abortion is really wrong unlike that lady
i dont belive he is the dad
are you Still in Australia i want to see you BackStage 2011 if you are interested could you Please come to my Birthday Party i well sent the invites i want you there you are Still my Best freind forever Love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo i love all yours Songs i already seen the Movie Never say Never it’s so amazing i love it ?
Biggest Fans: Emma Wiseman, Maddy Byrnes, Ellen Tuffley, Yazz Jansen
I think You Should All Just Leave Poor Justin Bieber Alone Hes Just A Normal Person At The End Of The Day Jus Bcos He Probly Made A mistake By Saying something Rong Dosent Mean The Worlds Gonna End You Learn From Mistakes And Theres No Need To Go And Make A Song And Dance Abt Ehh Hes Only A 17 Year Old Teenager You Dont Ask A Young Boy Abt Rape Thats Putin Him In a Awkward Position. So Can You Please Leave Him Alone. Im One Of Justin Biggest’s Fans i Love Him So So Much.
And Everything Does HAppen fOR a rEASON XX
when are you going to come to Morocco and do a concert with us plz
yeah jusstin we’re moroccan pepole waiting you.or is it true you heat us arabic peaple??
if i got raped and pregnant i would keep the baby i mean what did the poor baby do to get killed. and this is really Selena Gomez and i was never raped in my whole 19 years i have been alive. I`M PREGNANT AND I`M KEEPING THE BABY. what is your feedback
You are not Selena because i am and if you are me then what year was i born in and my b-day
Why?would u say that?
oh seriously justin cant say this & ya they should leave him alone.hes 17not 32.so pls leave him
omg i think ur so sexy i love u so much
hello jb i like your song’s i hope to be singe rlike you one day ps text back
hi justin i love you so much sexy hope to be like you one day ps text back
please text back
plaese text backxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
seriously Jennifer just leave it justin beiber can go out with who he likes and whats wrong with Selena i find shes lucky to have justin bieber if they said that aboat u u wont like it so just accept it
u were born on july 22 1992 selena and u got same middle name as me haha
hello i went to your concert
really good for you
haha cortz haha whats with the pleasssssses haha
i like ur song’s umm end my m8 cortz is singing never say never for a shcool show thingy for xmas haha
you are crazy for justin bieber
me a little bit
Hi my name and Luany and I am Brazilian.
I would love to talk to you and I have facebook and Luany roberta I hope you answer my request!
hi,,, justin bieber how are you are you feeling good , you know i really really love you ,, and im super certiefied bielieber fanx ,, i wish i cant’t see you in person ,, i lovevevevevevevevevevevveveve you sooooooooooo much
es el mejor que existe…. lo AMO
justin is so awesome and cool
justin bieber u are so hot cute i whant your adrgrafe so bad and u are hot i whant to go to one of your concerts i love u pleases tex back im bitter then selena u are bitter for me then her i i whant u to came to my birthday i cant what to see u some day im13 omost 14 and i really really whant u to come see me so bad i have bieber fever 4 ever love u u are sexy like hot so pleases tix back i ben to holey wood not good at spiling so sorry if u have a haerd time reading this not my falet and i love your music an i have your posters on my bebroom wall. to: justin bieber from shauna <3
justin bieber u are so hot cute i whant your adrgrafe so bad and u are hot i whant to go to one of your concerts i love u pleases tex back im bitter then selena u are bitter for me then her i i whant u to came to my birthday i cant what to see u some day im13 omost 14 and i really really whant u to come see me so bad i have bieber fever 4 ever love u u are sexy like hot so pleases tix back i ben to holey wood not good at spiling so sorry if u have a haerd time reading this not my falet and i love your music an i have your posters on my bebroom wall baby baby oh i love that song <3 to:justin bieber from shauna <3
justin bieber u are so hottttttttttttttttttttttttttt and your sooooooooooooo cut and i want u so bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MARRY ME JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!