Justin Bieber may confidently entertain sold-out crowds all over the world and earn the adoration of female fans – but the singer wasn’t always such a Don Juan.
Talking about his first kiss in an interview with ET Canada, Bieber, 16, recalls, “It was kinda awkward … I was, like, 11 or 12. And I was on a snowhill and it was late and we were all cold and I was, like, with this girl and we were together and then I kissed her. It was really awkward.”
Though they obviously didn’t make a lasting romantic connection – Bieber says they’re no longer in touch – he has apparently found friendship (or something more) with Selena Gomez with whom he’s been spotted getting cozy, even kissing, recently.
“She’s, like, one of my best friends,” Bieber recently told Ryan Seacrest of Gomez.
Source: Peoples Magazine
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i think jb should be allowed to have a girl friend and to be in love with people ! he has a life as well you now ! just let him get a gf and be happy and let him sing your songs . you can still be his fan if he has a girlfriend you now !x
sometimes it makes girls mad because he found love and it wasn’t them like me!
ok? that kinda jumb like u ever had a chance
c,dmmdam advndjvn ugsi
waht do you care damey
yes your so right\
heck no hes mine
you now u love jb
i love justin and im so sad.help me plz i want talk to jb
I love jb
I love jb to
six patience
jinethekalekid 2010 movie review
chisbrownftjustin blebernexttoyou
der jb we love you
omg justin bieber is the hootest guy in the whole world i just want to kiss him
you hit him i love him
hi can we meet at bargo public school and can we kiss for a long time
neck no i kiss him right now
i love justin bieber so much………………. bcoz he is so very cute and his voice so very charming
I love zou justin biber
I love you justin biber
hey you spealed justin bieber wrong smart one u love him and you dont even know how to soell hiz name ….
yevi loves jb
justin bieber vc e um gato
i loveyou
ti amo jutimn
i love him he is so cut
justin kızım senin büyük hayranın lütfen türkiye gelmeni diliyoruz
hi justin
justin gosto + de vc do que da selena mais mesmo assin quero que sejen felizes pr senpre
cool pictuers send more
my neam is amy.kephart and I what you to be with me and I what you to kiss me and you and me to marry me and I what you to go to the coast with us to the coast and go to the class room do sex………………………………………………………….. from amy.kephart
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ooooooooooooooo
Love J B
i love justin bieber? yes or no
yes i love you alexis meet me in cains love jb
justin fans are yours
we wish you much success
love you ………….
I love you justin
your like me hes so hot i love you jb
some times i juat wish i was jb hes so hot i love you hottttie
Justinbieber. Love. You. Lasondra. No. Mo. Ok. Up. You. No. Yes. As. For your mom. Love. You. Love. You. To. Come will
justin biber love love love love you
i love u more
how are you
hi i am a new f riend
how r u
goodbye for now i have to go talk to u maby saturday
……….. Wowz