Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez: Santa Monica Sweeties
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez take a stroll down Santa Monica Pier on a sunny Sunday afternoon (February 6) in California.
The duo were seen smiling at each other lots before heading back to their car and heading home for the Super Bowl.
Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez: Santa Monica Sweeties
Although Justin isn’t admitting to dating Sel, he told MTV, “I think anyone would be lucky to date her. She’s a great person.”
Selena, 18, just returned from performing a concert in Argentina.

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Omg…..Justin and Selena should just admit it…and they look so cute tothether…and he was driving 🙂
Thanks Justin bieber shrine you’re like the best website ever
i know right they are like the perfect couple
naaaaa i hate selenaa gomez
but justin bieber is the bestt (: his adorableee though i would never disrespect him! so is right for him to flip off the paparatziiss becauseee they bug i guess there like a pain in the ass !
why would you hate selena gomez
eu amoo a selena ela não fez nada pra vc!
Why, would u, not like, Selena Gomez? She, acts, sings, & did some movies! Jb, He sings good songs, did some albums, with artis, made a movie, the Justin Bieber world! So that is what i have 2, say about both of them lol 🙂
well i dont really like selena gomez thought i love justin bieber<3 i think is good for him to flip off the paparra.. because they sure bug i cant imagine me being in his place! there like a pain in the budd a guess haha but either way justin bieber rules his the best so fckn hot and dammn sexy 😉
i like
i really like them together…forever even if they are old..awwwww fairytale will be awesome
i think they are perfect and that they should stay together forever even if they break up i think they should stick together and still be best friends for life (BFFL)!!!! but i hopr they never break up and stick together no matter what.
i love u bieber <3<3<3 serios like the only thing i would love to do before i die is to see u! and get to know u ! i love u ur the best ur personalitie is so nice and specialy ur smile!
hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it why is it here I hate that since I hate selena we hate selena she is ugly justin plis break up with her, you know we love you justin
I love Justin Drew Bieber you are the best
Wow my friend hates Selena Gomez because she’s dating
Justin Beber
selena i thought u were soooo hot but now ur just a sluty bitch he is like 10 years old and ur like 25 u drink beer and he drinks apple jucie i hate u now and hope everyone hates u 2 u were supposed 2 be with me and u pick him i think u just want everybody 2 hate u because ur a lil wonibe miley
HOP U READ THIS BYE WHOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
hi justen i hate salina because i am loving u u r so nice and handsome andcute i hope u will see it take care bey
please guys no fighting..i Love selena gomez R U gonna hate me..im 10 yr.old girl and i’m trying to be nice… selena gomez and justin are dating if you hate selena gomez that means you hate justin cause justin love selena …look how cute they are..and please i’m not a hater..im just a peaceful person…i love them both
i know right yeah sure i used to hate selena gomez to but i relized you know what just because selena is with justin that doesnt mean that we cant still like him but that is just my oppinion you can agree or disagree you can hate me but i dont care because i am not a hater and i never will be but its your decision not mine like i said that is just my oppinion and my advice
hey justin i used to hate selena but now i dont i relize even though you are dating her i can still like you i hope you to are perfect together and that i am your number one fan me and my best friend are your numbe rone fans i hope you get to see my reply
i love you justin and selena you are perfect together and so does my best friends
i love selena and justin together .their so cute,wish the best for them!
they so beatiful and happy together.there a wonderful cuple. they look so happy. they just make each outher happy.im a fan of both.love them both and have no problem with them being together.so ya hi
people pleaz leave selena alone shes just trying to live her like beaing happy.she belongs with justin.so stop being haters and love the fact that there together.and if you dont like stop locking at there pictures. there great together.dont worry selena just remeber that you have fan that love you.justin take care of selena and have a great life together and hope your together for a long time love you both.i wish you both the best
en selena gomez you justin bieber
I like j.b and salina
hey! justin i luv u. i wanted to meet u. hey, ustin i’am urs big fan. please come to insdia
hey! justin u r superb with salena gomez. i think u’ll always with salena gomez and i wish u’ll always luv salena and salena will also.
Hi, justin what up men i wanna frnd ship with u n i always with u i miss u and where is salena i luv her
E ai Justin e Selena… O sexo foi bom?
wow…………..sooooooooooooo sweet …….i love justine bieber and selena gomez very much……………….
i hope i get to meat justin bieber one day
I love yo Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber …..)))
ilove you selena
okay imay not be the biqqest fan of selena gomez buyt if she makes justin happy thn leave thm alone ! if yu waz a true blieber thn yu would wnt justin 2 be happy no matter who he dates ! and ijst relized tht if yu hate selena thn yur sayinq yu hate justin ! if yur a hater thn why do yu care wht thy do why do yu care who thy date ! iam a true blieber if justin is happy wif selena thn so be iyt ! yu quys can hate idnt care ! buyt if yur a true blieber yud understand tht if she makes him happy thn support thm ! well ilove yu justin hope iwill meet yu one day soon !
i love you selena gomez but i don’t really like justin you no i want youtu be my sister i coming and see you in july ok my princess
omgggg ik hou van selenaaaa en justin bieber i lovee huunnn!!!! 🙂
Where did they get their jackets from?
Hii justin
You will not bleave that my face is same your type.
Siiii jelena
Selen@ & Ju$tin u 2 r awesome caple plz plz dnt brkup again….luv u guys.???
you and justin both are so cute…………………
How you guys love break up so much
Justin Bieber hate Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber hate Selena Gomez. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
m. frm africa country kenya jstn & slina i wsh bth 0f u hppy rltionship & hppy l0ve hpe u undrstnd wt i mean by tht tnx!!!!
hii alexander plzz stp hatting””!
she is sooooooooo ugly
eppppppp she is aasssssssssssssssssssssss
I love you Justin and selena please go back together you make a perfect couple
I am Justin.selena is bed girl for me.
oooooh my Bieber!!! i love sely too.
iloooove justin bieber sooooooo muuucchh .iwant to marry him
I like you
You are a gooddddddd couple!!!!!!!!!
Justin suck and Selena rock!!!!!!!
Justin is a loser and Selena is a winer
Justin is stupid and Selena is smart
hi gys enybody who wnt 2 cll me this my nmbr +254-0727971921
byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bitches
jsem vase faninka a nevadi ze jsem od vas tak daleko ani ze ma jiný jazyk porad vas mam rada
nechce z vas nekdz udelat konzert unás včesku i kdyz vímze se s vamy nikdy osobne nesetkám a ze nedostanu autogram porad vas mam reda
hello selena gomez 🙂
I love uu… Justin bieber…… and I want to marry with uu,… pls come India……..
. I haven’t like Selena…….
every body shut up we love justin biber