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Alfredo Flores rips off Justin Bieber’s sleeves

Alfredo rips off Justin’s sleeves. He should just rip off JB’s whole shirt don’t you think?

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  • Caroline

    haha agreed!

  • Patricia

    He is been working out 🙂

  • Kim

    mmmm we can see his butt 🙂 sexyyyyy

  • Marthe

    the video isnt working ;( the link?

  • lovebieber

    mmmmmmm,workin out muchhh 😉
    and wheree did jayden come from in the enddd?he just like jumped in?


      jutin bier colleg ars lucy kimg kiesry miamwallss

      pop steprxxx

  • Marrisa

    Omg that would be so hot if he ripped his shirt off. He definetley has gotten more muscles. The only this is you can totally see his buttcrack when he turns around. Oops he didn’t think that through

  • Annathejbluver

    Lol XD

  • Haley

    Hes a dork but cute. Can’t forget SEXY!! LOL

  • BieberFever2


  • BieberFever2

    Hoooooooooowww do people not like jb?

  • BieberFever2

    i agree!

  • he is so sexy and hot

  • JustinBieber



      jb hi

      lucy lloyd

      popstepr colleg x ars lucy kirys lol


  • justinbieber

    this was funny. i was HYPED.

    • Laura


      • justinbieber

        lol look at the link below and see what I posted please answer back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!

        • LUCY LLOYD

          jutin bier hi hi hi hi

          collrg ars t lucykimg kierys miamwassll

          yes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          bier funs bier bier bier cass

      • Anonymous

        shut or fuck off u bitch!!!!!!!!

  • They shouldve ripped off his shirt!!!!

  • Bethany Parrick

    You Are Yummmyyy JUSTIN BIEBER <—– Sexyy Boyyyyy 😉

    • justinbieber

      eat my dick!!!!!!

  • Anonymous

    holy shit thats hot where did jayden come from in the end??

  • MiSs Saya`

    I Love You`:X

    • Puberty normally orcucs in a series of five stages (Tanner stages) that typically begin within the ages of 8 and 13 for girls and 9 and 14 for boys.- Vincent Iannelli, M.D.suck it haters.


    I Love u Justin Bieber Love ….. Smiley haha 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • justinbieber

    hey laura, why don’t you give me your number and I will give you mine first?meaning I would like to meet you and possibly go OUT?

    • Anonymous

      jutin bier ok lucylloyd xxx
      m fx …. pop l 10ntim

      jutin bier 10 tim lucy lloyd colleg…… l hoem sewwimm

      colleg popster holle baby ….jutin m lucy bier l

  • Anonymous

    jutin bier ok lucylloyd