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Justin Bieber’s New Canada Blackberry Bold Phone

"Oh canada I got a new bberry" - Justin Bieber

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  • kikiidnw

    kool!!! :)xx

  • gabby

    love it

  • Lena

    Nice! Wish I could have his number 😛 I got his moms number but to scared to ask her for it. Just curious, but why does he need 2 cell phones?

  • Emma

    luvvvvvv it!! im canadian!!! xoxooxo <3 u justin!

  • LeighAnna Jones

    Thought he had an iPhone 4… where are you getting these articles Daisy?

  • Emma

    omg whats his moms number??

  • jade thomson

    Omg!:L Whats his moms number? :L x

  • emily richardson

    omg it’s like my case coz it’s filled
    with gems bit mines a scull and crossbones
    with a love heart eyepatches on my
    blackberry curve. I wish I had his number
    but it would be a crazy wish coz he is a
    famous teenager (17) and I’m a not famous
    little girl (11) so it would never happen but
    wouldn’t it be random if i did have it.

  • emily richardson

    I think I know his numbers but I’d never tell
    coz he’d have random fans calling him and
    it wouldn’t be fair on justin bieber.

  • I

    Not being funny but I doubt they’d give out Pattie’s number 🙂 To be honest, I wish I did have it 😉

  • vidhi mehta

    Omg!!!does any1 have his bb pin????

  • claudia

    thats such a cool phone. 🙂