Justin Bieber is determined not to disappoint his fans in Australia as he insisted to go on stage despite back pains that have been killing him since he touched down in Brisbane.
Justin Bieber determined to show up in concerts despite back pains In one of the night’s most anticipated performances, Justin Bieber and Usher joined forces to sing “OMG.”
The 17-year old teen sensation has a show in Sydney Wednesday evening for his sold-out concert Thursday evening at Acer Arena.
The teen singer had reportedly sought for medical treatment as soon as he got off the plane Wednesday afternoon for his sore back in preparations for Thursday show.
“He’s all about his fans and was saying he didn’t care what anyone was telling him to do,” a source was quoted as saying by The Daily Telegraph.
A spokeswoman for Frontier Touring according to The Daily Telegraph, said that are waiting for Bieber’s management team to give them the word if the teen sensation will show up in his Sydney concert for two consecutive days.
But chances are Bieber would again defy his doctor’s advice.
He was first told not to go on stage for his Brisbane show but went to perform for his fans anyway.The singer even received rave reviews both from 12,000 fans and his critics.
Justin touched down 90 minutes before the Brisbane show Tuesday night after some plane trouble during his trip from Indonesia before heading to Australia.
“Crazy 24 hours of travel … back is messed up … but we are smiling. We finally made it. AUSTRALIA we are here,” Justin tweeted as soon as his plane landed in Brisbane.
Before the show started, the singer was reportedly examined by a doctor and a chiropractor – – and both advised him not to perform – – but the “Never Say Never” hitmaker pushed himself to the delight of his screaming fans.
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God bless him, he’s a saint! But seriously – no other artist would push themselves to perform like he does. Love him!
That concert WAS amazing! Best night ever <3
Awh hope he gets better love the way he never wants to disappoint his fans <3 Love Ya Biebss 😉
awww poor Justin. I feel bad for him. Its not good for him to go against his doctors orders, cause he might hurt his back even more. But I appreciate everything that he does for us fans. He must truly love us if he’s willing to go through a painfull performance for us. I love him <3
See, people are ALWAYS saying: “Ohhh him being with selena is changeing him” “OMG sel sucks because of her he’s acting different” “Grr Justin’s Not the same anymore he “used” to Lov his fans but not anymore :(.” Well I only have one thing to say to that SHUT UP, but seriously THINK A LITTLE if he actually did change would he be preforming for his fans when his back was thrown out?! The answer: NO he is still the same loyal person and I don’t know about you but…. I don’t think he’s going anywhere, OR changing.
what the hek? Your comment made NO sense hahahaha!
Is he sick? His first Melbourne concert and his voice sounded awful!
Yeah he’s apparently got a sore back which the chiropractors advised him against performing, coupled with the fact with his voice now breaking with the onset of puberty and our autotune equipment not being up to par by American standards which could possibly be a more viable explanation behind his cancelled promo performance here a few months ago.
ilove Justinn so much ! 🙂 ihave bieber fever my dream is to meet him <3 iloveyouu Justin bieber :]
dude, im pretty sure every beliebers dream is to meet him…
justin bieber i wish that i can see you in personal and have some fun with me………………………….i love you BIEBER…………………………..
idk when justins next consert is not in 2011 but whens hes next consert in aus
i love u sosoososoos much justin bieber i want to marry with u
Love you so much BIEBER please come back to Perth. That is what I have been wishing for ever since I heard the rumor that you were coming back to perth in november. Please you would make so many girls speechless. Well not really. Look I know that you probably won’t read this but if you do that would Mack my life.
Love from yours always
Aussie girl 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 ) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙁
Make my day
Are you coming back to Melbourne this Year?
back pains hurt like crap so tht waz awzome tht he did tht for his fans and sooo sweet of him awwwww
hi justin beiber i just want to know when your next concert is in sydney is
He seemed fine when he was on stage? He is so brave, excuses are for the week (; . Just kidding, he’s a good guy and an amazing singer! Thanks Justin for the best and first concert in Sydney<3
i love jb soo much i am begging my dad to take me to his concert but he wont let me, not fair i have never been to 1 concert in my life, and i want this to be my first:(
I love Justin Bieber, forget the haters. Believe in your fans, because we love you and we know you love us too! Your wonderful in everything you do, the show must go on! Would any other artist push themselves like this? H*ll No! Justin Bieber is amazing, <3 I have BieberFever!
heyt justin im like one of ur biggest fans/friend and can u come to sydney so i could see u please xoxoxo luv ya
Omg when is Justin bieber having other concert in Sydney I love him so much and want to go to his concert <3
hi babe your so cut and when are u going to stretton sate high and Marsden high everyone loves u there
Do you go to Marsden High????
amm amm laku am love mi ar yu numer 1 fan an ay lakiu amm for mexiko amm espik españils