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Did They or Didn’t They?

I’m going to keep my mouth shut and ask you guys what you think….

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  • omg goto hell he gonna ask her to be his wife im not a big Jb fan but shit

    • muskan

      oh js shut the fuck up u baster if u not a jb fan then be in hell how can u say anything abt jb !! u … f****er

      • lily holdan

        I FUCKEN NO

        • Bffghg


      • Sukiana

        Shut up mother fucker I want he’s dick in my mouth and pussey

        • Tyler

          Okay then

    • lily holdan


      • kane holdan

        hey lily holdan you are my sister and justin bieber is not yore boyfrend but selinana gomaz is my girlfrend and yore boyfrends name is seth so why do you say that justin bieber is your boyfrend. ok i think that selina gomaz is hot but i just remberd that i have a girlfrend and her name is clowie she is hotter than selina gomaz or shuld i say any girl in the world.by the way im 9 now and my birthday is on the 11 of agest.And also lily i just want to say taht my girlfrend clowie is better then yore boyfrend seth any way i also want to say ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i got the bigger room and that meens it is better than yores and yore not alowd in becouse it is my room and not yores plus only boys bolowd in. this messige is from kane holdan.

        • Anonymous

          Shut up u immature lil freak

        • julia

          u cant even spell august by the way it is how i spelled it and u a little ass girl on the internet talkin like that and tell ur sis dont hate on selena

        • Amber

          Lol ur 9 and ur dating? Thts sick. Also no one cares if u got the bigger room. Bug her about it offline… duh.

      • Cheyenne

        No. False. Immature. Irrelevant. If he wasen’t dating her, He wouldn’t date you.
        1. He doesn’t know you exist
        2. For the things you said about Selena Gomez
        3. You never supported Jelena
        4. You’re a jealous self-absorbed Fan

        • julia

          thank u thats egzactly wate i sead she haten

      • Anonymous

        girl u wish jb was ur boyfriend dont hate on selina ok i bet she better looking then ur and the girl can sing shes all over magazens and u not so jest to tell u yea umm jb wants somebody famouse like him and thats not u so sorry

      • Anonymous

        u are right

    • Anonymous

      i know he had snog,everything the frist night they where u know !!!!! im not happy

      • Anonymous

        justin such a shit, bitch, and a doshbag, baster how about that you dumass shit

        • anonymous

          selena is too good for an idiot like justin

        • face

          shut up no he is now so say what you want say and get off this website

        • Anonymous

          no he is not so u need to shut the fuck up i am a huge fan so shut you fat mouth you fat ugly ass whore or dick

  • katie

    fucking hell. what the actual fuck. just shut up. and let them have their own private life.

    • reeealy they have to let them alone! my god he hasnt privaty!

    • stuff u

      no i lovee j.b and selina gomaz took him

      • julia

        o shut up he dont know u u dont egzist to him ok

    • all of u just stop being mean to selena gomez!!!!

    • Ammarah

      exactly at least someone knows what they are chatting about. Its his life so why are you getting worked about it and some of the tweets and comments that have been sent to the couple is ridiculous just leave them alone!!! YOU DONT CONTROL THEIR BLOODY LIFE.WHAT HAS HAPPENED HAS NOTHING TO DO WI U SO SHUT IT. IF u lot CARRY ON LIKE THIS HE ISN’T GONNA CALL U A FAN IS HE SO SHUT THE HECK UP. IF IT WEREN’T FOR THEM STUPID PAPPARATZZI PEOPLE WOULDN’T BE WRITING THESE THINGS. NOSY PARKERS !!!!

  • iloveyouuuJB

    really?! theres a poll if you think they had sex or not?
    its their private life they can do what they like! just let them be! you shouldn’t be asking questions like this.

    • Ammarah

      yeah they have the right to do whatever they want i mean there isn’t a law on justin bieber and selena gomez not being able to have sex is there. just stay out of OTHER peoples buissness

      • Anonymous


  • Lil


    • Yes


  • they are half naked kissing at the beach .. what do u thunk they do when they are in a room together alone ?????

    Of course they had sex .. Da

    • Caitlin

      well of course they’re half naked they’re at the beach (nothing out of the ordinary) and they’re a couple so of course they’re gonna kiss

    • Stephen

      Play scrabble…

    • kenel

      that is so true i do not see how he kiss her i do not like selena any more because of what she did to justin she kissed him aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh nasty

    • ya fucking bitch fuckin all up in j.b life back the fuck up

    • julia

      u dont egzactly know that so shut up

  • zzzzzzzz

    they totally did! πŸ˜‰ get some biebs!!

    • mihailov violeta

      klas super selena gomez and justin bieber sin o pereche minunata

  • zzzzzzzz

    Ofcourse they did Look at that, its obvious…

  • Alex

    Omg. leave them alone its their privet life so what if they did it or not , there both above the legal age so they can do what they want, as long as shes not pregnet I’m.fine with it.xxxxx

    • Anonymous

      actually they’re not! you have tp be 18 in the states and i recall justin being 17!
      technically he could accuse selena of rape if he wanted – like when she breaks his little heart!

  • n3g

    teenfrenzy πŸ˜€ arent they goin fast…

  • Caitlin

    i do agree it’s their private life but how long does everyone think they’ll last???

    • Anonymous

      for every

      • hayden

        All y’all dumb asses need to quit with all that he don’t know you exist and you never supported jelena and etc why because no one gives a fuck; and like all y’all are so damn immture Julia, anonymous , and the etc of the rest of the people like damnn leave it alone!

  • Hanady

    WTF ??? i love both but seriously ??

  • Hanady

    hahah ok ! they love each other and they kissed …… but …… wowww πŸ˜› im a huge justin bieber fan !! so yeah and i love selena ( #JELENA) but seriously ?

  • Sascha

    Pattie should ground him

    • bieberbabes

      why ? justin’s happy so why should his mom ground him ?

      • I love Justin

        She should ground him because he is with an older girl and it’s not right!!! Even though I love Justin he should lay off a bit and concentrate on his music and when the time is right then they should do it……. I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • i love justin and selena they are so grate to gether i hope they get married and have a baby boy or girl ……………………………………………

    • Anonymous

      me to

    • 2002jb

      me t hope it’s a girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Ammarah


  • ashley

    it is a publicity stunt look at the other pictures they know that the cameras r there so they do it for show
    and jelena is setup by managers and there fake relationship is all staged out u can tell

    • lauren

      obviously not. or they wouldn’t be hiding jt. they never admit it in public and Justin is not like that.

      • Anonymous

        how do y’know what justin’s like? as much as i LOVE him.. how do you know what he’s like behind closed doors?

  • Randomgirl

    To All the little girls who think theyre not sleeping together, they are. There late high school/college aged young adults who are clearly head over heels for eachother and possibly most importantly- they have the perfect oppertunitiea (hello expensive, remote vacations with hotel time). So to end my rant, not that i even care, the young man and his lAdy friend are having sex. End of discussion. No “virgin” couple acts like that

  • Okay u can tell that these pictures look posed… It looks like something u’d see of a couple on a beach in a magazine or something so I think that it’s just to gain more publicity.. But who knows..

    • ashley

      i agree with u

    • Lerosha Lee

      BieberFan i know am Lerosha

    • ????

      guys if u gonna say shit stuff about them say it to there faces ok

  • Randomgirl

    And just to add because i see this being tossed around alot… This isnt a publicity stunt! There like 17 years old!!! Pulease. That would be so unhealthy for their emotional development and i doubt their “management” would force that upon a MINOR. Because lets remember that jb is a CHILD. One who has alot of growing up to do and i hope he doesnt turn out like all the rest. But “jelena” is not for publicity. Publicity for what? Both do fine on their own. If anything, the relationship brought rage. Even if their meeting was kind of set up, the relationship is not. I dont care for selenas work aka im not a 16 year old girl, but she seems like a decent person. And jb, nah. Their relaionship is real and cute. And their exploring “possibly” (you never know) their first sexual experiences together and that is a beautiful thing. So stop analyzing them. If it was a publicity stunt thy would be Talking about it. I think the relationship means alot to them so they Are trying to keep it private to protect it.

    • Sarah

      I totally agree with you. if it was a public stunt they would’ve given details about their relationship in the media.

      • tiara

        selena has

    • 2002jb

      i so agree with you i think that they are so in a real relationship and i am so happy for them : – }

    • Anonymous

      Stfu u dum bitch

  • n3g

    those pics do look like staged and set up…! its like in every picture they are makin out woa they need to calm their hormones! seriously…alot of 10-11and older girls and boys look up to them…and selena ‘s new album is comin up…um so?!…

    • Biagio

      Oh all of you guys are being so dumb

  • Sarah

    that’s none of your effing business!!

  • Para [Find me in teh chatz]

    oh yes they did!

    5/19/13 EXPECT US

  • niki

    i thnk they did it watch his pants are quite down, as for you know call me [EMAIL ERASED]@alblome.com

  • niki

    niki(underline)james@ alblove(dot)com

  • niki

    it was my email cuz i’m his brother( Justin bieber) brother my name is nick

  • niki

    the underline mak lkike this _( _ ) ok

  • luuuuuu

    ya creo q si lo hizieron pero no se…igual hacen una linda pareja…obio q a mi me gustaria ser su novia si esq lo puediera ver…jajaja vivoo n arg y el en eeuu ya se q nunca lo voy a ver y mucho menos ser su novia..

    • bieber fever 101

      stop speaking spanish no one here can read it!

      • Ammarah


  • niki

    i sopport you speach Randomgirl he is tired of paparzzi but he is not concerned about that i mean pictures and he loves comments..JB@KG (brothers) see you you got my email



  • this is just scary!!

  • Carolyn

    theyre totally in love! im happy for them!

  • ali vankurin

    I really hope they didnt, i deffinatly think she changed him into a totally different person. I mean i still love him and always will be one of his biggest fans and ill still have my obsession. But i deffinatly think hes loosing alot of fans. And im sure shes lost like alot too. Im happy for him though. But ofcourse i want them to break up so bad. Im sur every girl in the world does. Doesnt she have a new album coming out? She needs to calm herself. Alls im gonna say.

    • bieberbabes

      but when they break up ? what do you think justin will feel ? he really loves her but when she leaves him ithink jb is going to have a HEARTACHE. he’s too young to have that. i mean all the beliebers are concerned to him, right ?

      • kaylynn


        • kaylynn


  • Amber Pace

    im sorry to say but i really hope they break up & Ali i totally agree with you
    his so different i think they both changed eachother bc i remember when Justin bieber use2 be all sweet like a normal boy now he acts like his the shit & Selena just turned into a complete bitch i will always love him..But for me 2 find out they had sex..bc 1 of his posers told me…thts a problem..They both need 2 calm there selfs down b4 they loose all there fans.It doesnt even seem like Justin bieber cares about us(his fans] anymore.we have been there 4 him SOO much more than she has.Now tht he has “selena gomez” as a gf he thinks he can just drop his fans like that..no.Selena is gonna end up like Miley Cyrus & im sorry 2 say but Justin bieber is 2…There gonna become unpopular.Idgaf about selena gomez but i feel bad for Bieber.

    • Jeslyn :]

      Don’t talk about miley like that becuase she’s richer then selena and more popular and she might not be a better role model but Miley isn’t pretending to have sex at the beach look at the first pic {grossed out face} soo stfu and mileys succesful more then selena thats for sure million aire at 18 WOW MILES πŸ™‚
      And as for Justin I used to like him A LOT noow I think he’s okay
      Gawd is he mean to his fans now same with selena shes always been a bitch though …. AT LEAST MILEY’S NICE TO HER FANS πŸ™‚

    • tiara

      dont talk about miley from seeing these selena is worse than her

      • lesly E.

        hey selena gomez and justin bieber look cute togehter !!kindove?

  • j.b.

    fu who da hell do u think u bitches are huh fu all u bitches especially if u had sex omg

    • justin bieber


    • bieber fever 101

      shut up!! they had SEX!!!!!!! πŸ™‚


  • so what if they had sex its their life their realashinship just leave them alone

  • yeah but im mad justin never even paid attention to sex and now hes different i mean carring selena and kissing her like that he looks desperate and if they did have sex well hes going to lose alot of fans and her too

  • Lena16

    Im going N U T S about this. Im not a crazy fan of Justin’s. But I still care for him. I was hoping he would be different form all thee other famous stars. I do believe he has changed. But nto his personalitie. But the way he’s with Selena. She is 19, and he is 17. Make a difference?
    What im trying to say is that he’s still a kid, and she’s a GROWN WOMAN!!
    She is more…Suffisticated than Justin. When he’s not around her, he’s all fun and games. When shes around, Its holding hands, Kissing. Then rumors start like this. I beleive soon that she’s gonna do something that B O T H will regret later. And just saying to the person who said “Their trying to explor eachother.” Thats all Bull to me!
    Selena Gomez needs to get over Justin now!! I know I dont care for age. but I care for perosnalitie. And they both have differnt ones. Justin just started being famous, And cause of this crap he’s being pulled to the bottom. Selena can live being at the bottom. But Justin just came. And thats what makes me so pesst. Dont wanna be a hater but when this crap pops up, naa Ima attack. Just leave kids alone Selena. I mean, Even you said Justin was a kid -.-

    • ummmm honey sel’s 18 and there only like two years apart, that’s not soooo bad. hes 17, shes 18. shes not a rapist and so what if they fuck each other, thats what a lot of teenagers do ans since he’s famous of course he;s gonna be getting a lot of hoes

  • I think they are perfect for eachother but I also think he change a little bit since he started dating Selena. I have no hate toward Selena or Justin, I love them both and they’re taking their time with their relationship. Justin has a purity ring and he wouldn’t break that promise he made when he put that ring on his finger till he is married to his one true love. And if that just happens to be Selena then who really gives a damn, let them be happy. If you truly love Justin you wouldn’t care who he’s dating or marrying or whatever, you should just be happy that he’s happy and that he’s actually found someone who he loves as a person, or maybe more. He’s 17 years old for God’s sake, let the kid experience what it’s like to have a girlfriend who cares for him and not his money or fame! I just think that if you want him to be happy don’t talk smack on his family or friends or better yet Selena, because she’s in the same position here. Who cares if she’s turning 19 soon, props to Justin for dating an older woman, I mean helllllo, if you had the chance to date an older person wouldn’t you? I’m just saying what I personally feel inside and needed to get that out of my system so I can live the weekend up and stop hearing about all this Jelena bullcrap. They’re happy and young, LET THEM BE! End of story, thanks for actually reading this and if I sounded rude, I’m sorry. I wasn’t at all trying to be a jerk, i just had to get it off my chest before i exploded on my loved ones. So once again thank you, i love you all. πŸ™‚ β™₯

    • You’re absolutely right! I mean if we love Justin we should be happy for him! And Respect Jelena!

      • Thank you! Yeah if we truly love him and want the best for him, then we wouldn’t hate his girlfriend. I mean hello, uhm she’s gorgeous, talented and she’s very sweet. Who gives a rats butthole if she’s older than him! This is the kind of stuff that gets me worked up!

  • Bieber's Baby

    I am ok with the kiss but the legs seriously! Didnt need to see that! Get a room PLEASE!!!!!

  • bieber fever 101

    i think that everyone should just leave them alone. there just a normal teenage couple who are in love and so what if they had sex thats what most teenage couples are doing anyway. i think that we should just leave them alone and give them just a little bit of privacy for once in their lifes!

  • bieber girl

    selena u r a hoe nasty little girl and justin u make me want to through away my never say never movie because u kissed that stupit selena hoe

    • Emilie

      “u kissed that stupit selena hoe’
      You actually just called her stupit? I think you meant stupid. And through, is actually spelt throw, in your case. ‘U’ and ‘R’ are actually spelt YOU and ARE. Never Say Never is a noun, so it should be capitalized. You’re also so grammatically incorrect throughout your whole ‘statement’ (if it could even be called that), I want to rewrite it for you, I feel so bad. I wont though, because that, as well as your comment, is a complete waste of time and space.
      Practice what you preach, little one. Don’t call someone stupid when there’s obvious evidence that you’re not that bright yourself. Atleast Selena can spell, HAHA.

  • bieber girl

    i hate u selena

  • biebers girl

    if they had sex so be it! they can do what they want. there are so many people out there that are under 15 and they’re having sex so why is it so big for jelena?

  • Aniestin


    • Lolnah

      This comment shows your age very clearly.. They are old enough, legally and morally. 17-18 is a prime sexual age. To anyone who thinks they are not sleeping together is naive.

      • tiara

        what do yall sound like your really not suppose to have sex until your

        • tiara


  • Patricia

    Im sorry but selena is a whore and Jelena is for publicity.

    • tiara

      thank you

      • Tyra Lynn

        It is true I had an exclusive interview with both of them and i swore not to tell but they did NOT have any sex at all and ALL the pictures taken these days of the two are setups, but selena admitted on her individual interview that she thinks she is actually falling for the biebs.He said different. Justin is currently dating a girl named michelle and he says to have known her for a very long time. No evidence has been brought to this michelle case but hopefully soon we see some pics. I am in Hawaii today and just had our interview three hours ago with JELENA (so they call them) And justin is a very super sweet guy, I got an autograph and a KISS on the cheek. eeeeep Dude I’m only an eighteen year old journalist and I already got a hit from the biebs lol but I never was a fan and now DAMN hes sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        JELENA is fake and you don’t have to worry anymore.
        selena is still single but justin is already mingling with michelle.
        good luck to selena and her new album coming up and also to justin with michelle.

        • Tyra Lynn

          oh and Tyra Lynn is not my real name for security reasons

        • a little hard on the beiber

          U r so full of shit…y would they tell any reporter their relationship is fake…u sound like a stalker…I bet your real name is michelle.

    • Sloane Klinefelter

      So very sorry, Patricia, but i have to disagree with u. Selena is NOT a whore or a slut or a bitch or any other skanky name u weaker folk want to call her! She just happens to be disney Channel’s newest sweetheart. She took the place of skanky Miiley Cyrus. Oh! But I bet u want justin to throw a way his virginity on a little twat like her! Justin we love u! Seleena we love u! Dont let little motherfuckers like thiss Patricia chick tell u any more of this shit!
      Forever Bielieber!

  • mrs.bieber

    this freaked me put but srsly
    I really don’t think they had sex
    and ppl
    why can’t u just leave these 2 alone
    who cares if they had sex, is it even ur business?

    • lesly love

      hey mrs. bieber dont u no jb dosn’t like you he’s with selena shit face

  • nechteje bΓ½t dit je to uplnΔ› jedno oni se majΓ­ rΓ‘di a ty skurvenΓ½ novinÑíři je nenechajΓ­ na pokoji tak at je nechajΓ­ blbci

  • Aniestin

    they did have sex..WITH A CONDOM haha im just kidding
    i dont think they would..not at this age yet. when they get older they will πŸ™‚

  • n3g

    guys do u remember there was like a quick interview at the airport when justin was 15 the guy asked him if he is gonna stay virgin and justin said he is gonna wait untill marriage and the guy said come on man ur a superstar now or s.th like that and justin said that he was serious … people change and grow up

  • Um we shouldn’t really interfere this much in their relationship, ut i’m glad they’re like, public now! πŸ˜‰ But I don’t think they have…. Or i don’t know, maybe I’m being naive. But they are both christians and I dont think they would do it if they’re not sure it’s with someone they love….. Jelena forever!

  • sam

    wasn’t Justin’s mom supposed to be there to chaperone them?! i’m not jealous of Selena or anything but how can Pattie tolerate this? and isn’t it kinda ironic that Justin got a tattoo meaning “Jesus” and he’s doing all this? πŸ™

    don’t get me wrong, I’m a belieber. I’m just saying what’s on my mind.

    • Sloane Klinefelter

      There are lots of people that would agree on the controversy, Sam. but I m jus t saying that you do have a point.I do not know how pattie can tolerate this. Howeveer this doees not mean they are having sex.

  • teya

    grrr wow now thats gross um yea they have done it no doubt

  • lora

    sa les regarde si ils l’on fait ou pas !

    • justin bieber lover6

      what ???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????

      • Mandy

        they said: “looks at its them if they one makes or not.” I don’t get it.(they were talking in french.)


      WTF R U ON

      • lily holdan



          wtf what douse santa hav to do with j.b and S.G

    • lily holdan


      • lily holdan

        marry me j.b

      • Mandy


    • lily holdan

      hi my name is lily holdan j.b is so hot i want to kiss him ya mannn

    • courtza

      wead ple

    • lily holdan

      ma ma mea this is gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stuffffff youuuu silina gomaz!!!!!!!!

      • dear web site , hi my name is david conway and my comments to here is that i know how much you pepole here whats me to supporting them both but the question is that i am not supporting them or to be there fan,s as well im not a hater off them stating my opinion that,s all , love david b conway

        • lily holdan

          stuf u david conway why did u say dear web site yore stupid and dum and a idiet.

        • Anonymous

          WTF??!!? Either you’re to young to know how to spell correctly or JUST (Not ust) to stupid! Reading your other comments I think your just stupid. :B

        • im sorry to say that about dear web site , i should say dear justin bieber shrine blog 2011 , im so sorry i will do better next time ,,,,, love david b conway

    • erykajb

      All this comments are so funny

  • anonymous

    they did what? πŸ˜‰

    • Anonymous

      Have sex lol πŸ™‚

      • Anonymous

        Look at the way he’s holding her????? Duh, of corse they did



    • wtf did they do it thats my boo bac off selena his mine

      • Carla

        You’re such a stupid girl , leave them alone it’s not that I love justin O hate him but it’s not if he isn’t with Selena than he’ll kiss you and be with he doesb’r even know that you exist so go get a life and stop telling ‘ hate Selena he’s mine ‘ IT’S RIDICULOUS YOUR SOO STUPID GIRL

  • Ky_Kaih

    i think what eva they did is perfectly fine. they seem like mature …. whatever they are and they can make those … whatever they are desitions. besides fun is just fun riiiight :p

    • Anonymous

      they are having sex how is that mature for teenagers





  • kiiirstenn

    they better not have!!!!

    • justin bieber lover6

      i agreee!!!!!!!


      let them do wat they wont to do if they hav a baby and let there job go down the tolet we dont need to wore i think that justin bieber was weing a cogdom

  • Meera

    omg baby coiming for selena?

    • meera

      WHATTTT????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDONT UNDERSTAND

      • justin bieber lover6

        have sex



    • Mandy

      NO THEY DIDN’T.Well…..MABYE they did,but Selena would have made him wear a condom.

  • shiane taylor

    justin is the most sexy mother fucker out there, i think he should come to scone in Australia <3 <3 ,3 πŸ™‚

  • Anonymous

    ily Justin Bieber

  • kira shae

    justin drew bieber <3 love you

  • justin bieber lover6

    oh no she did’nt!! hes mine not yours.iiiiiiiiiiiiii hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee bbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeebbbbbbeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr fffffffffiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!! plz come to cresco ia 52136 please!!!!!!! hes sooo sexy. now i want to have sex with him:p lol πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    • lexi garcia

      Hell no bitch he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not urs he doesnt even no u exist so u can back the hell off & 4 all u haters out there get over it cause im pretty sure he doesnt even know u all exist who cares if they did it or not they r both mature & in love who died & made u all the boss of him to b with a specific girl selena gomez is a beautiful young and mature young woman so STOP hatin on her ass i love u justin bieber good luck with the purposal next month.

      • MaNdDiEe

        Thank you!!!! I’m not a big J.B fan but I’m a huge fan of Selena…I personally think their the best couple out there!!!!! I love J.B +S.G.

        And to all u obsessed girls out there…..Justin doesn’t care about you he loves Selena!!! Get off his dick and stfu!!!! It’s their lives not yours….you can say all you want and it won’t make a difference…..go find a real guy and stop Fantasizing about f***ing Justin…thats just pathetic

      • dont hate it is the FUCKEN truth

        bitch watch out now cuz he knows me mother fucker so get a life an stop buggin him beeyyyyyyotch oh an you guys all know you wont have him NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!cuz he dose not date FANS only celebrity’s AND GESSSS WHAT YOU ANT A FUCKIN CLEB BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • justin bieber lover6

    do not go there with him hes the sexyest mother fucker out there your…..:( eeeeeeewwwww.

  • justin bieber lover6

    i loooooooove your hair cut!!<3 everyine else doesn't

  • Anonymous

    well i recon he should come to Scone in Aus to see me and my friends like Shiane said :p

  • Anonymous

    He is sooo Gorgeous <3

  • Anonymous


  • uhh just break up i <3 you justin bieber boooo selena gomez!!!!!!!

    • yea boo selena gomes she sucks y does he pick her

      • Anon

        Because you girls are all too busy fangirling on this website. Selena is beautiful anyway. You all just hate on her because you think she “stole your man”
        Which honestly, he never was.
        Oh, and I’m pretty sure they had sex.

    • Anonymous

      I love Selena Gomez and HATE Justin Beiber but I don’t care weather they did it or not I keep my opinion to myself and I think you fat butt hole should shut up!!!!!! You should think about getting a life!!!!!! Oh and anyways if they did it or not it’s none of your bees wax!!!!!!!So shut the hell up freak!!!!!!

  • ily JB 4ever

    i hate selena gomez shesuglybut i love Justin Bieber <3333

    • Anonymous

      Selena is more beautiful than u soo stfu!!!!

  • Kaley

    LMFAO 69% of people say that they did it. Coincidence? πŸ˜€

    • Steph


  • Amy

    Get in there babe!!!!!!!!!!!!! fock her brains out!!!! love you bieber



  • sammyrietta

    that made me jiizz :O yumm. me and my boyfriend did that too! but were 13 :S

    • Anon

  • lolo

    jb is sexy

    • Anonymous

      no he’s not you need to get some tast girl

  • oh no this picture is bad infflunce to children under age how love sooo jb ge it

    • courtza

      im 11 and i dont think it wead or inuprpet to look at it no there fout thaat they were at the beach when poparrse wwere ther. give them a brack and f**k off

  • not pare ha!!! arg hmmm!!! dont post this again

  • im chill wit that picture yuck

  • this pictuce is suck yucks stinks do go whit her she fucker mother im ever seen eawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous

    let me find out that are havin u no wat

  • Anonymous

    if u havin sex want her u are not cute no more ok her really that is reallyreally uh and i do not like u no more u just lost youer best fun in the world ok ok

  • FU






  • lexi gaarcia

    News for u courtza raainbow he dont want u

  • Katie

    OMG. Inlove Justin and I also like Selena. They are both very smart. If they did ITξ„‘I know that they would be great parents and have a cute kid.ξ”šbut if it is not to late justin and Selena… DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! U will regret it later.

  • whatever they did i hope they know what there getting into. and i also hope there happy with there desion. but it is really sad to think there going to give up there carrer for a kid. it pretty devistating but as long as there happy with there selves then i guessni will try to be happy too.
    I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER AND SELENA GOMEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    okay,lexi garcia i luv ur comment you rock gurrrllll

  • Justin, I am a true Belieber, and I love you in every way. But I hope and pray you make the right decisions. Please, baby, you’re only 17 and youve got your whole life ahead of you. Im not hating on Selena, but seriously. Think of how you’ll feel 10 years from now when she may be doing drugs or cheating. I’m not saying this is what is in the future, all I am saying is think before you leap, because one false move could ruin everything. Love you, Justin. <3

  • tazjia morgan

    Like all of u gurlz, i luv Justin. But if ur a true fan u will support his relationship with Selena.

  • sssssssssssssssttttttttttttttoooooooooooooopppppppppppppppppppppppp
    justin i love u sssooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

  • Anonymous

    some of you people are fricken crazy. they’re a typical normal couple, leave them alone. jeeeeeezus!

    • how can you say that just about them they are normal they are not normal just because they choice to be a disney star actress and justin bieber choice to be a pop star singer that doesn,t mean they are normal kids and teenanager,s and just with selena gomez what,s to be a hollywood actress that,s not normal life pepole ,,,,, love david b conway

  • seana

    justin bieber if u are looking at this, i need some adivce my friends aren’t fans of yours,but i am should i tell them i am one of your beliebers or still keep it a secert.

  • WendyfullsV3

    Uhmm…i couldn’t understand half the comments on here and i actually are having a find it pretty weird that people are having a conniption over this. They’re just like every other teen, and they want the same thing as every other his is teen. The only reason people are going crazy over this is because he’s a hot guy. I bet if it was some other guy who was just as cute you people would act the same way. It’s weird and to think that years from now you’re going to look back at this and think to yourself “What the heck was i thinking?” Honestly.

  • Anonymous

    I dont think biebz has the guts to have sex x

    1 eww yhu r gross y did yhu pop a boner on stage????
    2 yhur not cute any more cuz ur wit selena gomez n SHE IZ A WHORE!!! WHO want justin’s leftovers:/
    3 eww yhu buy condom’s who lets yhu do dat?????
    4 Gross bet ur mom dont love u any more cuz u had safety sex
    5 ur dumbalicious n dats wat u r!!!!!!!!

  • I hate u jus kiddin i fuckin hate yhu
    sex boaner.

  • Eww who would want 2 have sex wit justin bieber wen he had safety sex wit selena GOMEZ!!!!!!! fuck all yyhu JB loverz i fuck’n hate justin belieber all yhu girlz do itz talk a bunch of bullshyt n learn how 2 spell n do me a favor n get a life. And while im on here fuck all yhu fuck’n bitchs yhu fuck’n BBbbbIIIIIAAAAAAATTTTTTTCCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous

    you use to be my role model selena but now your not becuase your dating justin binweeler

  • Anonymous

    there not havin sex there just kissing. just becuase her leg are around him does not mean there havin sex.stupid ppl

  • Meera

    I think Selena is a great singer and I look forward to hearing her music!

  • welll i honestly think they didnt doo it because i dont think justin would do that to his fanns but they r in love soo i dont knoww??? x <3

  • Amitoj

    justin bieber is not that stupid i love him so much and he knows whats best for him so i say they didnt

    • gabriella hernandez

      look amitoj they did they did and he not stupid and he loves her and i love both of them and so shut the fuck up :p

      • Alli

        Bieber fuck that girl. She makes him so horny. they do 69 πŸ˜›

    • Anonymous

      It’s a possibility you know…..

  • lilly

    omg did justin have that thing with selena EWWWWWWWW 0_0

    • hello kitty

      i know rite ewwwwww nasty

  • lilly


    ps they did not

  • leyla

    they so did.
    its not a bad thing tho.
    id rather him do it with someone nice like her instead of some easy slut πŸ™‚

  • Cortney

    If they did it or didnt do it…it’s their business. And they deserve to have a private life

    • Anonymous

      good call

  • melissa

    i dont think we can say they did or not U dont no and its not ovi thye did or not……………………..

  • Anon.

    Oh, they SO did.
    And I think it’s great LOL. Go JB! Go Selena! They’re both gorgeous!

    • chlovelygurl

      omg yur sooooooo right ……except its not great at all its gross

  • omg

    they did ! soo obvious they cant keep their hands off each other!

  • Cocodutch

    Wow I’m so pissed at this site now! Were supposed to be SUPPORTIVE of Justin, and what now were claiming he is having sex just because of pictures? Justin is religious and hes even told people he is not going to “do it” until he is married!! Were supposed to have faith in him not get mad because we think hes in love. Gosh what kind of beliebers are on this site???? Geez…. I still believe in him and Selena and if they are happy I am. I dont think this site should have opinions only FACTS.

    • Ruby

      its not a fact people break promises all the time yeah they probly got into a relationship to the point where they both feel comfortable to do the physical act of which and anyway a guy says one thing doesnt mean its true and by the way all boys lie thats a FACT because they say oh i havent had sex when they have

      • Ruby

        and the fact boys say all this flattery rubbish to actually get in your knickers or underwear so yes thats all i got from other peoples ive never been in a relationship myself but still i suspect they have and whats a big deal because sex isnt great without love etc and i havent met any boys who actually care all they want is that or am i missing something here

        • Ruby

          and usually they dont because thats what ive got from my friends ex boyfriends all they do is have sex with one girl and cling on the other untill i find a boy who has “Real” feelings for me then yes maybe then ill get into a relationship untill then No!

    • chlovelygurl

      really i never new that nice to know but still suspicous

  • Megan

    Justin has said that he isnt waiting for marriage he is waiting for love. If he loves her and she loves him then it is possible that they have had sex. It is also possible that one or both of them are not ready for sex whether or not they are in love. I was with the same boy for 3 years in high school but was unprepared for sex and waited until I was in love in college. It all depends on the person. I think they have not had sex yet, although they are probably doing everything else.

    • Sloane Klinefelter

      I totally agree with u. I read over your comment and I am so glad someone finally has the same opinion as I do. It is nice to see thant for a change. You should not have sex withsomeone onless they are devoted to you and love u and u feel the same way! Love ya Megan!

      • *LoVe*

        Exactly! πŸ™‚

    • chasedaboy

      megan, i totally agree with you. i also like the way you have a nice personality

  • Sloane Klinefelter


  • hi

    does it matter? why should we care? theyre just two teens, let them be! x

  • justin we love you … πŸ™‚

  • i think they did not do it

    • Anonymous

      i agree with you we should stop judging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • hello kitty

    i love u so fucken much justin. if u fucked dat stupied ho then u have problems im srry butt ya but u always have me to be with

  • I agree with you Megan!!! Ur the best!!! Don’t give up your virginity unless you find your true love!!!

  • Sammie rose

    wait wouldnt that be illgal?? shes 19 and he 17

  • Anonymous

    hi justin drew bieber u need to dump her u r giving up ur fans and iI am one of them we all love u alot and we want u fo mbe famous agian please dont u ever give up on us iI am 11 years old fiI had a tumor removsed do u know what that is

    • dasia

      Your right he should dump her cause he is losing us and he doesnt want that to happen right justin=(

  • hi justin drew bieber u need to dump her u r giving up ur fans and iI am one of them we all love u alot and we want u fo mbe famous agian please dont u ever give up on us iI am 11 years old fiI had a tumor removsed do u know what that is thumbs up if u agree

  • queen of jelena lovers

    just think of cours they having sex she is 19 and he is 17 but they dont ganna say that and i think that they are a very cute couple sow fuck of jelena haters

  • chasedaboy

    watch as selena gets smacked by her ‘love life’. its hella funny. hahahaha

  • well justin bieber said u should only have sex with someone unless ulove them and selena gomez and justin bieber have said i love you to eachother so a part of me thinks they have had sex but selena gomez says she is going to keep her promise to stay pure until marrige to herself her family and god so who really knows for sure?!?!?

  • but nomad wat i am a selena gomez fan and a justin bieber fan

  • i admire both of them

  • Laika

    They behave like they did.

  • Mystery

    Sex is awesome 4 them they should do it everyday

  • Seriously how come everyone likes this kid so much. So i will admit he’s a good singer there’s no denying that. But as a human being he is a complete and total ass. He has no respect for anyone, the way he treats people is crazy. His mom needs to grow a set of balls and beat his ass i can’t believe the way he talks to her. Any time someone says or does something he doesn’t like he throws a fit. And when i say fit i mean he has some fuckin attitude. He screams gets physical (punching a cake WTF) and locks his staff in closets. GROW THE FUCK UP BIEBER. Regardless what you and your crazy little army of brain washed fans think the world does not revolve around you. You are just a phase and hopefully mariah really is your baby mamma so everyone can know what a sadistik little liar you are. Oh and PS Justin you can stop grabbing your junk all the time. You have millions of young fans that idolize you what kind of message are you sending. DUMB ASS.

    • Anonymous

      okay you are the dumb ass. haters like you make him more popular,. and he donates BILLIONS to charity and he visits sick and dying fans in hospitals. and if u hate him sooo much, nobody told you to visit this site… but u probably came here bc u have too much spare time. also, how could you hate someone you never met? he acts so perfect all the time and always tries to play nice– give him a break and he is human he is ALLOWED to make mistakes. the paparazzi is up his ass all the time, wouldnt that make you angry enough to punch a cake? and he treats his mother with the most respect EVER. what you said was false. and also, if u hate him so much why do you know so much about him? you stalk people you hate? mental… you have too much spare time dude. go get a life and THEN come talk about Justiin. you are the dumbest little fuck in the world if you don’t realize what he does for others. are u with him every time he throws a fit? how do you know that? right, you don’t. and he never said he thought the world revolved around him? now ur just making stuff up… and he isnt a complete and total ass? total asses donate billions to charity? total asses visit dying children? total asses help build school? no… the only total ass is you, hating on a kid who is living his dreams. well total ass haters like you are the people who helped him get where he is.

  • im a fan of justin and selina
    gosh live selina and justin alone ppl,if they wnt 2 date let thm.
    as if u hvnt dated someone in yr lif

  • im a fan of j.b and s.g
    gosh ppl let j.b and s.g date. its lik u hvnt dated someone.LIVE THEM ALONE PPL

  • amyyyy

    face it…they had it there teenagers they get the urge duhhh they had sex!, as much as i dont wanna be selena but i wanna be in her position…we just have to face that they had sex and they will continue unless they break-up which wil happen soon so dont say they’ll last for ever…cause looking at brittany spears and justin timberlake, put it like this stars are over-rated

  • Great they had sex not get some babies!!!!!!


  • dasia

    Noooooooo they ok gosh people

  • seriously?? Justin.B aint even that cute. Selena can.do way better

  • The fuckingg critics are so fucking nosy!

  • His swim shorts are pulled down

  • OMGi hate jb.he kiss girls a lot i mean he is so un cool HE IS NOT HOT AT ALL




    • lesly love

      hey selena gomez you love having sex with j.b. don’t you wat about david henrie hahahahhahahaha!:0

  • jazmine

    selena is a nice girl she desrvs a boy who cares abaut her

  • jazmine

    selena is a nice girl she desrvs a boy who cares abaut her insted of the camra and attiten.

  • lolla

    hei kule greier:)

  • parnuuna olsen

    hi you are so beautiful to me!<3

  • parnuuna olsen

    i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

  • lms

    its there biss stay the hell out of it dammm.

  • lms

    if they keep puting things up like this nobody is going to know the truth.Like there is a saying if dont got nothing nice to say dont say nothing.Well some of u should do just that and dont say nothing

  • wuz up

    hey peeps its just the stinken fucken truth if you dont like it watever deal about it!

  • hey

    hey justin biver and seilna gomez do you no james maslow from btr he’s hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  • olivia

    i hope selina and justen get married and have sex on butt,boobs,lips,and wee wee

  • wasil

    i think that they had sex

  • jessica

    i want to fuck

  • destiny belieber

    I cant really tell I mean people kiss like that all the time now a days so yeah I cant tell!

  • girlthatudontknow

    U rock selena!!

  • girlthatudontknow

    They totally did! I hate jb but im happy for selena

  • salman

    hay yani salam lotfan dar rabete ba ishon bishtar tahghigh konid

  • jb

    they are both porn and child of porn……………..mom fuckers…

  • saghar

    oooooooooooooooooooh ************ my gud . good pickter

  • emili

    Did you know Sheena, Gomez Justin biker is guy.

  • emili

    Kiss my pass Justin biber you are a lucky birch I ever meet.

  • a little hard on the beiber

    Of course they fucked…probably tons of times…I bet he is fucking her in the ass as we speak.

  • Horny

    This just made me feel horny, and my bf’s coming over in 10.

  • anna

    I just finished fucking half an hour ago and I think I need to do it again