Justin wore a really cool t-shirt to the MMVAs last night in Toronto under his white jacket. Had to do some research to find out who this girl was on his shirt. Her name is Tiffani Thiessen and she is known for playing Valerie Malone on Beverly Hills, 90210 (the original version of Beverly Hills 90210 in the 1990’s).
She also played a cheerleader named Kelly Kapowski on Saved By The Bell.
You can buy the shirt from Urban Outfitters for $24.
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Forgive me for laughing but I knew exactly who that was! I feel old now! I grew up watching Saved By The Bell!!!
i love jelena you guys are good together dont listen to other people its your life
i even no who that is and i didnt grow up watching saved by the bell but i do watch the show thou
Back in the day when Mario Lopez had a mullet:D
well its good t-shirt but not for the boys and its not perfect for justin cause he is dating selena right now
I know who she is too cause I also grew up watching Saved by the Bell. That was one of the most popular tv shows of the 90’s and all of the boys in my class were in love with her lol. I feel old 🙁 Zack Morris was a hottie 😉
this was so cool :DD and its not important alwayz alwayz to spend loads of money on clothes and on things >> it was totally down 2 earth and OK ! He was lookin sexy justsayin xx
Justin i love you. you are my destiny , justin. i very love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
like tht shirt but i mean i watch 90210 with my mom its kinda cool hez just bring bac some of tha dayz even tho im oooooo idk soooo younger then wat people expected LOLZ;D
I love how he’s not one of these people that are afraid to wear a shirt that costs over $60 and wear something more than once! ILY JUSTIN idc what your wearin’ ur just plin SEXYY!! <3
i mean under $60 whoops 😉
Shaniqua baby
I wer weor wepr weir to hor hi hwer to youe me my to ther thoer secetr bioiue.
love wer woer wper to ther tohre thpowh erui e poiuy rf4h6u4h23g24vg5g68.
ftb5huk t5tnh5n7ut tnmymnmyumnm7hjhji78lkk,klo89ki8999op;,75hjy8u. b5nm6ju76m,uj6jr7jth4y78mghnry6yhni66gny6k79l9,hy 656nj7jk78m yuyum. 5nmb7nm y76nm77u8kjtyujkui78kjk67788o99rt45t45nbfgdf76ikjmjkioij,lol;[p/
love wer to go dog doig fert fome htnr ytbnm yku uy6m yht u7m yut lo.jmmyu
Love wer ser5f Wer weor zsbg happy birthday JUNE18 JUSTIN
how the FUCK do you now know who Tiffani Thiessen is, much less how do you not know she is Kelly Kapowski from saved by teh bell…..you need to get out more..
my love you so must ;D
what THE F**K
what the f***k
love that saved by the bell is on netflix now