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Adult man steals Justin Bieber cut-out, caught, and jailed!

Justin Bieber cut-out

Justin Bieber cut-out

In what may be the most embarrassing crime ever committed by a 23-year-old guy, a Florida man is facing a theft charge after he allegedly stole a life-size Justin Bieber cutout from a record store.

Police say that David Dowling and a friend entered an F.Y.E. store in a Bradenton mall Saturday afternoon “and selected a full size stand up cutout of Justin Bieber,” according to a Manatee County Sheriff’s Office report. The duo then “exited the store passing all point of sale without paying for the cutout.”

An example of a Bieber cutout is seen at right —>

Dowling and his crony then ran through Sears with the hot Bieber in tow (as a Sears surveillance camera recorded their attempt to flee). But, cops noted, “The Assistant Manager of F.Y.E. gave chase and caught up with them and retrieved the cutout and told them to return with her to the store.”

Dowling and his sidekick instead “both fled the area,” though they were later apprehended by mall security “hiding behind bushes on the exterior of the Mall.”

In a post-arrest statement, Dowling told cops, “We were just having fun holding Justin Bieber hostage.”

David Dowling

Pictured in the mug shot at left, Dowling was busted on a misdemeanor count for allegedly pinching the $34.99 Bieber cutout. The name of Dowling’s cohort, who was also arrested, was redacted from the sheriff’s report, likely because he/she is a minor.

Jailed in lieu of $120 bond, Dowling remained in custody this morning at the county lockup.


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  • Hope


  • bieberlover

    Wow epic fail and when i found out it was a boy………….omg my rib.

  • Natalie (Future Mrs.Bieber)

    hahah the fact that he is a boy makes it all funny. i mean come on why steal it and run away and get caught and put to jail for it? JUST PAY FOR THE FREGGIN THING !!!

  • lucy

    hahahaha thats pretty funny, i would love to know if justin knows about that haha:)

  • Wow