Shhhhhh! This is a JBShrine exclusive. Justin’s new Christmas album is called “Under The Mistletoe” and it’s out October 31, 2011. This is not fake. This is guaranteed real.
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wasnt it “My Wish” ?
& wasnt it supposed to be out after “Believe” ?
No to the first question, and it was always supposed to be before. Believe is scheduled to be out two weeks later as far as I know.
ohh ok thanks for informing me! :DDD
nice haaaaa
hya <L3
<3 anna luna l<3ve justin bieber <3
It is strange that nobody is talking about believe any more although it should be much more important that the Christmas stuff, maybe it has really been rescheduled or something
its only cause the christmas album is coming out before believe….
Good job Daisy for creeping and finding this stuff out for us ! 😀 Im so excited now. Now I know where I’ll be on halloween 😉 At the store buying his new album.
if it comes out on october 31st why did justin tweet the other day about the album coming out in less than a month? that doesnt make sense?
the tweet i’m talking about is ”oh yeah…and i think LESS THAN A MONTH…Im gonna give you some #newmusic”
HE SAID I THINK he didnt gurrentee it.
tua mae de causinha
Believe is coming out sometime early next year. so most likely sometime in january
believe comes out november 15 this year.
This is a joke. Its not real Justin Bieber albom. someone photoshopped it , lol
its real. not photoshopped
He wouldnt call his christmass album like that. ahaha And its under rock ? What is site address ?
zune. That is zune theme colors. lol That is showing UK prices. So it may only show under the UK part of the site.
This is HMV, an English music store. I would know, I lived in London for 10 years. This other guy who’s saying it’s zune has no clue what he’s talking about, the dog listening to the record player is HMV’s logo.
Found it, thank you .
OCTOBER 31 , MY BDAY!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Haha you birthday is on Halloween!! 😀
can t will the albom hahaha
OMB! im so excitedis that release date for australian residents too??
Released on my birthday!!!!!!! <3
haha your birthday is on halloween!! 😀
What’s the website U found that? ;O I don’t believe that’s ture if u don’t give me the website –‘
wats is the site called ?
this is probably when it comes out in the uk, not the US, so it probably means that it’s coming out EVEN EARLIER in the US!!!!!!:D
It is real – I went into my local music shop today and pre-ordered it!
OMB you can actually pre-order it! What am i doing here then! Haha, how much was it?
its real. i went to a taping of a show and justin was a special guest and sang a song. happened to be this amazing one:)
What show did you go to? You actually heard one of his Christmas songs??? :O
It wasn’t a show. He waas recording it and his fans found him.
It actually gets released November 1st, 2011. You were one day off. Haha, surely you knew that as he tweeted it about 12902382935729384520359 times.
haha it comes out on Halloween 😀
are you guys blind!! it says on the picture HMV!! so thats wat website its on, DUH!!
The album comes out in the US November 1st which is November 2nd in Australia as well as the UK so it comes out in Australia November 2nd which is US November 1st 🙂 he said so on his twitter 🙂
Can’t wait I needs ta pre order it 🙂
omb omb i can not waitt whooo…. 2 more days untill the dayy 😀 soooo excited xx
i luv u and i luv this album
i like it<3
me tooooooooooooooooooo dear:)
oh i like this album bz i lve jbbb
jb your the best:)
meeeeeeeeee tooooooooooo
i love justin bieber and my friends too and my family too so yeah and my boyfriend
im from mongolia i love jusyin biebier singing my love justinbiebier
I Lovw You Justin 😀 I Love You Selena 🙂
when will BELIEVE come out ?
hey waiting deeply fr it!!!!!!
hey waiting fr it……….
i want justy to come in pakistan???????
Hey…Any one have twitter??? If ya’ have please follow @NAJMAkensihas and @BeliebrsFrvr promies they will follow back ya’ 🙂 😀 Thanx ya’
cant wait till this chritmas album heard some of the songs already seems good so keep going justin <3
weeee loveeeee you justin))..from Kazakhstan
weeee loveeeee you justin))..from Kazakhstan
When you come to kazakhstan??????pliz come pliz come. we are one of your fans.)))) with love….fans from KAZAKHSTAN.<3 <3 <3
i think justin and selena very beautiful couple….plz leave their alone…they merit be happyyyyyyyyy
oooooohhhh just dont kno it came out today and im i skooll fenne go get it somebody say hallelujah!!!!!!!LMBO!!!!!!!
i love u too JB
te amo justin biber
ily jb <3 you are special
quien de ustedes aparte de mi sabe a q hora y aa q minuto nacio el hermoso de JB y en q sala del hospital? da like si sabes
who of you besides me knows what time minutes as JB was born beautiful and that hospital room? like if you can give