Ok I don’t know for sure if they were trick or tweeting in the mall cuz Halloween isn’t even til tomorrow but knowing these guys and their pranks I wouldn’t doubt that they went into some stores and asked for candy in their matching superhero costumes to trip the people from the stores out.
Not sure about the rest of the world but here in Canada everyone trick-or-treats in the malls on Halloween so I’m sure the idea would be on JB’s mind at the time.
That’s Justin, Jaden, Selena, and that guy that plays Rico on Hanna Montanna in their matching superhero costumes.
I’m wrong. That’s not Selena. It’s Stella Hudgens. Vanessa Hudgen’s younger sister. Thanks Jasmine.
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thats not selena, selena is on tour and dosn’t have long hair
Larissa is correct. Selena is in Montreal and doesn’t have long hair.
what mall is this?
really? im don’t believe this :/
hey, she is selena! , why you sayin this?
ooow, justin se ve re lindo♥
Thats Stell Hudgens not Selena and it Justin isn’t in this picture from Left-Right its Moises Arias, Jaden Smith, Mateo Arias & Stell Hudgens 🙂
i agread
Not Justin it’s Mateo
I agree
what mall?
That’s Christian Beadles . Not Justin
It’s Mateo
Thats willow!!!
Hmm that’s not Justin that’s Mateo Moise’s brother
yeh that is so not justin
justin hair is alot lighter than that
thats mateo
sorry daisy but i think you got that one wrong… but don’t worry we will all forgive you no body is perfect
It’s not Justin it’s Moises Arias brother , his name is Mateo Arias
thats stella hudgens not selena
jaden what kind of custume is that jaden. Jaden i love you.xoxoxo
my name is marissa am 11 like your sister willow i born in the same mounth like you sister
Am your favourite biggest fan. my favourite colour is purple ,blue, orange, green. like you and your sister willow smith.
that’s not them
It’s Moises Arias, Jaden Smith, Mateo Arias & Stella Hudgens!
ow! you have the reason !! ,they aaare
what de hell wrong with you people all nague
Not Justin , not Selena , not Willow , its Mosis , Jaden , Mateo and Stella and this pic was from like September or August
jadn smith funny
he is cute and hot he is sezy
he is soo hot and cute
che schifoo
that was not selena That was Moises,Matao,Stella hudgens,and Jaden
im so g
that’s not justin. it’s Mateo Arias. Moise’s ( Rico ) younger brother.
So in order it’s Moises , Jaden , Mateo , & Stella.
I love you