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justin bieber middle finger paparazzi selena gomez

Justin Bieber flips middle finger at the paparazzi in London

These damn paparazzi got him again! This time it was in London yesterday when Justin arrived at Mr Chow’s for dinner.

And this is the thing, the paps want him to flip the middle finger because the picture is worth lots of money. So they act like asses hoping that Justin would get mad and react and if they can get a picture of that reaction then they make more money. So annoying how they work. These guys should leave him alone already.

Justin Bieber flips middle finger to paparazzi in London, England

Read: Both Justin and Selena flip middle fingers at the paparazzi

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  • Patricia

    Omg I can’t stop laughing loooooooool. This is fucking hilarious! Where is he anyway? In a car? Im dead.

    • Kirstie

      LOl this is funny. But like come on Justin you’re 17 soon to be 18 I think it’s time you start being more mature and simply just enor them. Like it says they want him to give the finger. He should stop giving them what they want.

    • Anonymous

      ..hahahahaha your dead?

  • Anonymous

    I’m not gonna lie this is funny lol go justin.

  • céline dion

    no no no no no no no crazy justin

    • Anonymous

      ..yes yes crazy

  • Anon.

    I feel bad for him. 🙁 He can’t do ANYTHING without the paps.. It’s not really fair to him.


      Bitch thats wut comes with being famouse and he chose do be famouse i mean dont get me wrong hes still cool and hot and i fell bad forhim but he shouldnt be doing that to popz do u know wut i mean?

      • ^ AMEN.

      • Krystal

        1) LOL NICE NAME.

        2) You don’t have to curse at someone for having an opinion, okay? 🙂

  • céline dion

    yes anon

  • Hiba

    okay the paps needa back off…but Justin shouldn’t do that. he is giving them what they want. ughhh…..a price that comes with fame.

  • Anon.

    He maybe shouldn’t do it, but how often is even rude to the paps? Almost never. Alfredo’s Twitter said that Justin kept him up all night watching movies, so I’m assuming Justin is exhausted and probably irritated. He has every right to flip them off, considering they get IN his face.

    • anonamous

      i totally agree with you, that is a perfect point to make

  • Anonymous


    • Shae

      lmao ! hannah montana ! =(

  • Shae

    I dont blame him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D

  • Anonymous

    Hes a f*ckin celebrity, what do u expect? Of course they r gonna follow him around dumb asses

  • Chelsie Bieber

    the 1st picture he is like you can you see this!??! ans the 2nd picture if like i guess you didnt see the first one did you so doube fuch off!!!!!! ahaha lol i love you justin!!!!!!!

  • Bella

    i dont care if he does that but he has to remember he has young fans too, but i mean i know 10 year olds that flip off actually younger, hes a human being

  • Crazyy beachh

    wow so inappropriate he is really changing but we all have our days but I mean you have younger fans who look up to you get it together

    • arianna


      • Crazyy beachh

        Honey don’t get an attitude cause I am expressing my opinion so take your ass on somewhere okay cause did I ask for you opinion… hmm.. no so take your ass on kay (: thanks

      • Crazyy beachh

        and all I was saying is that for the fact that there are little kids looking up to him that he needs to be more careful about throwing up the middle one no one said he wanted to be a role model but does that matter umm… no.

      • Patricia

        To Arianna….. you said everything I wanted to say. Why is Justin considered a role model or any celebrity? Parents are supposed to be their kids role models, NOT celebs. This doesn’t bother me cause I don’t see him as a role model….. to me he’s just a hot, talented guy who has a right to get angry like all of us do.

        • Crazyy beachh

          Just like I said he may not want to be a role model but to all those younger kids he is so we all have our opinions that’s just mine

      • Michelle

        Actually that’s not true. He DID say more than once, that he wanna be a good role model and try to do his best because he knows kids look up to him… And celebrities ARE and HAVE ALWAYS been role models to kids… That’s just the way things are… DEAL WITH IT

        • crazyy beachh

          To Michelle couldn’t have said it better myself

        • ellybell

          i so agree! we are teens. we can admire celebs AND parents. nothing says a celeb cant be a rolemodel. and aren’t we all entitled to a bad day every now and then???

  • lol

    again? -_-

  • herpderp

    he used to never do that b4 selena even when the paps went all up in his face… he’d just smile or make a funny face and since its not what they wanted, they’d go away

    • annon

      have you noticed how she doesnt react this way? Is the pressure getting to be too much?

    • Michelle

      Why do you guys always have to blame it on Selena? Maybe it’s not because of her, he’s getting an attitude. Maybe it’s because he’s just growing up. Most kids just smile and make a funny face… As you get older it’s naturally to react differently. Stop blaming Selena

  • annon

    i am thinking this really is not a good judgement call. He is under the spotlight in negative ways already. He also has one AWESOME new album out. It is ver much so a double standard. “I thank God for everything”… so here is the f u sign not once , not twice, but three times now caught on camera. I love the Biebs but when one is under the spotlight as much as he is the negative can outshine the good that is going on. It has already flooded the internet. They are not going to let him alone but Justin Kill em with kindness and dont give them bad bait.

    • beliebz

      Everybody gets p*ssed off, he’s only human, and as you said hes always under the spotlight, of course he’s not going to be 100% sunshine and rainbows all the time

  • Well I know that the paps can get annoying but Justin is the one who chose this life of fame he should know that the paps come with it so he shouldn’t complain about them & he has younger fans who look up to him so I say that he shouldn’t flip off at them. He’s also just giving the paps more scandalous pictures to sell for a lot of money. This really disappointed me.

  • asdfjkl;gh

    YOU TELL ‘EM BOY. guys he’s 17… stop freaking out about it.

  • ?

    OR Justin could simply keep his cool and not flip the middle finger at all and not give them the reaction they want. He knows he’s gonna have to deal with these guys the rest of his life so he might as well learn how to show no reaction to them.


    WOW!!!!!!!! y in da world would he do this ever since ha has been going out with selena gomez he hahd really changed and i am very disapointed in him and he has younger fans that look up to him i no how it feels i use to be uppsesed wid him and now that he changed i am kinda getting over him i mean i steel love him but hes really changing y would he do this to popz they r just going to sell it and make him look bad he use to pose for the popz and now hes flipping them off WUT THE HELL justin please dont change anymore

  • Anonymous

    This is not a matter of anyone changing him. It is a matter of bad choices! Flipping people off and the cursing are all signs of disrespect. I still love his music and all but I am starting to view things a whole lot differently. HE cusses alot flips people off now hiding in bowls and from the crowds. I dont know if this is a front but it is tasteless and as a parent I dont like to endorse those that are seen using this kind of behavior.

  • kennedi

    i love him to death! but, he knew what he was getting himself into when he wanted to become a singer! Maturity-1.The state, fact, or period of being mature…… he needs more maturity! i love him though, dont get me wrong i just dont think that was the right thing to do. anyways, if anyone disagrees with me, dont take the time to reply cause i wont reply back. thanks, god bless! [:

  • Crazyy beachh

    I love him!!! But he really does need to watch it and be a little more careful

  • ?

    Yeah, I love the guy too. But he knew what he was doing. He knew what would happen. Can’t blame paparazzi for this. EVERYONE chooses their actions.

    I could quite honestly care less if he flips people off or cusses up a storm. He’s a 17 year old boy. It’s pretty normal, and I’m not against cussing or flipping people off. I do it too. But I just don’t think it’s right to say this is the paparazzi’s fault or that the paparazzi made him do this – they didn’t.

  • taylor

    i love justin bieber but he should have known this was comming so idk why hes giving the finger

  • Paty Mitchell

    Whats happening to the sweet Justin we used to know and the mom that would usually tear him up for stuff like this….

  • samantha

    Hahahah!! Atta Boy <3 Becoming a gee

  • bieber BABE

    jeeez justin
    justin justin justin
    what r we gonna do with u

  • MoreBiebs

    ATTA BOY! He had every right to be pissed and I don’t blame him for flipping them off!! I still have all the respect in the world for this boy <3

  • Michelle

    I don’t see the big deal? It’s a natural reaction… A lot of celebs flip the finger to the paps… But bc Justin Bieber does it’s suddenly a big deal? lol

  • Katarina

    I can’t belive it!!!
    GO JB!!

  • justin, what’s Wrong with you?????? All you people on here, you keep saying, “it’s cute”, “its Sooo funny”, you go justin”, all You are doing is telling him to keep acting like a jerk, & keep flippin people off, when the point is, he needs to start Being respectful, then he’ll get Respect from the paps; i don’t like the way sum of those paps act, but, justin KNEW what fame & fortune was gonna be like, & he KNEW he would have to put up with that!!! don’t label me a “hater’, i Luvv justin, Luvv his music,& i Luvvvvvv his Beautiful sweet smile; But baby, you need to quit flipping people off, cursing them, whatever, jus be ABOVE all that!!!!!!!!!! XXXXOOOO

  • Leslie

    My children look up to him as a role model so when he does stuff like this he is setting an example that this is okay and I don’t want my children following his footsteps of freely letting the middle one go up… So he needs to set a better example

  • fuck antifans. LOVE Bieber so much

  • Go go gogogogogogogogogogogogogogoogogogogogogogogogogo

  • cookieface

    ha ha lol i was laugh’n look’n at this but that just a load of crap how they act annoying it’s not the money they just want thier tail wooped by justin to the bieba( i say beva) and they want the world to know justin bieber wooped thier but aka a** i tell’n the truth no need to lie just how i fell about it justin you should’nt flip the pap or wip thier tail etha

  • cookieface

    let me translate

    justin is say’n
    hey pap flip you i don’t give a flip and if ya didn’t see me flip you the first time here it is again flip you and i still don’t give a flip

  • BelieberDude

    Way to go, Justin!! Lol, I’d flip them off if they deserve it!

  • JBlover

    i dont blame him

  • anonimo

    me despciono bastante