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Alfredo Flores’ reaction to seeing the “BIEBERCONDA”

Yesterday Alfredo found out about the Bieberconda and he wrote about it.


Didn’t go on twitter yesterday. Was taking care of my mom after her surgery. Get home, get on and the first thing I see is… #Ilovebieberconda

Selena Gomez’s reaction to the word “BIEBERCONDA”

okay so what’s done is done. It’s a Trending Topic. I see that. I try to ignore it but I have to click on it because the curiosity of what ya’ll are saying is killing me. So I click and the first thing I see is:

Hundreds of RT’s… I can’t.

To think more than half of you are probably 10-15 scares me… for the rest, I get it but dannggg you’re kind of talking about my little brothers… “thing”

Yeah.. sure maybe he doesn’t mine.. but imagine Pattie coming on twitter and seeing that.. I can’t even imagine what to say. We’d probably make jokes and laugh for a bit but stillll Beliebers are the funniest EVER!! Never fail to make me laugh.
I’m going to leave this topic alone and scream CODE PURRPLEEEEEEEE! That’s how I feel all over again.

I see wayyyy too much

Alfredo Flores

Dear Alfredo Flores, your little bro is a sexy beast. That’s why we’re always talking about his “thing”. Accept it 😉

Justin Bieber’s reaction when finding out about “BIEBERCONDA”

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  • Kirstie

    Who’s alfredo Flores?

    • Anonymous

      Ur not a belieber if u don’t know who he is.

    • mary

      is one of the close friend of jb and selena gomez… 🙂

    • Patricia

      Seriously??? How can you call yourself a belieber and not know who Fredo is?!?!

      • jaylyn

        Fredo !!! is the mOST SEXIEST MAN ALIVE… and yes i know justin is Sexy but he is a Boy…
        also he is Justins bestfriend\ Director he directed the Baby video and the Love me and Pray Video (: he is a Best follow him on twitter @Alfredoflores

    • Anonymous

      how do u not know its one of justin popular dancers that everyone knows lol

    • Anonymous

      wtf is wrong w u >.>

    • Anonymous

      Not a belieber if u don’t know who Alfredo is

    • Anonymous

      Justin bieber’s friend n as he sed bro

  • Ashley

    That is hilarious!! I love it 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Where did he post this ?!

  • maria

    I agree with him. I am 22 year old and I don’t think about bieber’s dick or bieberconda or whatever, why a teenage girl think on something like that? CALM DOWN YOUR HORMONES! when I was justin’s age and even less I didn’t care on sex and I still, can call me boring but this society focus even more and more on immorality, is no necessary make a mension on something that is so private on a person, it’s ok that jb is sexy but to get to that point, is too much!
    and can u say me whatever u want on not be agree but I’m sure that JB would be totally agree and not only him also the people around him like alfredo flores.

    • Patricia

      Hey Im an adult belieber too and I disagree with you. Honestly you sound like a prude to me. Theres nothing wrong about fans expressing their sexual desires for their idol. You make it seem like sexuality is this bad thing or something, when its a big part about being human. When I was Justins age, I was definatelly having sex. Theres NOTHING wrong with it, and i dislike people like you trying to make the rest of us who do enjoy having sex, feel bad and guilty about it. I may be older than the average belieber, but I still love the Bieberconda 😉 ( Especially that he’s almost 18 now )

      • Anonymous

        Can anyone say pedofile? For real? Adults should not be thinking about childrens privates. That is not good habits.

        • mary

          Children should not think about other children’s private parts…

        • Patricia

          How am I a pedofile when Justin is a month and a half away from being 18 ( a legal adult ) 17 is actually considered legal in my state. Im not usually attracted to younger guys, but Justin is just so damn gorgeous and talented, that I can’t help it. Sorry if I offened anyone.

        • Justin bieber isn’t that hot anymore

        • LOLA

          Technically he’s not a child no more lol he’s 18… A not so good habit is little 10-15 year old’s talking about guy’s private parts, Famous or not.

    • Rumaisa

      You’re absolutely true, there’s a lot other to think about than sex. I’m a belieber but i hate when beliebers talk about this.

  • Patricia

    Daisy where did you find this? Was it on Alfredo’s tumblr? I follow him on tumblr so I’ll just go check it myself. I love his posts and how honest he is with us hahaha. And yeah he’s right, Im sure that Justin doesn’t mind us talking about his Bieberconda, cause Justin used to follow DBS on his tumblr. He posted about it quite a few times.

  • Ashley

    I think Alfredo is kind of right guys …. If was him i’d probably wouldn’t like it .

  • They are sexy but he’s mine!!!! Olivia HoffloserBiebs
    I suck dicks and I go to mmfs and I’m popular in school my school is on Sidney st. And it’s a few blocks from court and around the block from packer
    I love sucking on dicks. I spend a hour on my bf his name is BEN PURVERT

  • hiy

  • Hi


  • just a fan of bieber

    What’s bieberconda?

  • sophia

    yeah what a bieberconda

    • heather michelle long

      jb’s thingy

  • Anonymous

    Alfredo is Justin’s friend

  • heather michelle long

    omb the look on her face is priceless

  • addicted

    i am over 4 years younger than justin (yes im 13) but you would not BELIEVE hoe addicted to jerry/bieberconda i am

  • I'mABelieber

    Haha. FredoBearrr never ceases to put a smile on my face. I agree and disagree with this. I agree with it because, if Justin’s mom went on twitter and click the trend, she would be…………let’s just pray she didn’t. I disagree because JustinDrewBieber is sexy and gorgeous, why wouldn’t people talk about his dick? Even if there 10-15? That’s the power of JustinDrewBieber people, he can make girls do this without saying anything. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER : @BelieberDNA

  • Jay

    Alfredo is a loser. He was the jerk that emailed and tweeted Selena some bs stuff. He is mean and probably broke them up on purpose. I don’t like that kid it shows a lot about his character and the last thing JB needs is that kind of person around. The kids needs to get moving on down the road.